rakeshm's VM Management Blog
Managing a virtualized environment
One of the challenges of virtualization management is the sheer number of new configuration settings...
Date: 10/15/2009
Told you it was coming soon :-) You can get the eval bits here. Additional information: System...
Date: 08/24/2009
I just wanted to clarify (incorrect) rumors/speculation about the release date for SCVMM 2008 R2....
Date: 07/13/2009
Over the course of the next few months, I’m going to “repurpose” this blog a little bit. We’re going...
Date: 06/29/2009
We just pushed out the RC for SCVMM 2008 R2 and you can get the bits at...
Date: 06/08/2009
Since the R2 beta was released, we've been at work incorporating some feedback from beta customers...
Date: 05/11/2009
This QFE includes several fixes including one with VMware resource pools discussed in a previous...
Date: 04/15/2009
Here we go again! Since shipping VMM 2008 in October, we’ve been busy working on an update that...
Date: 03/16/2009
It has come to my attention that some of our competitors are making various claims about SCVMM 2008...
Date: 03/09/2009
We have just released an updated management pack for SCVMM 2008. This release includes updated...
Date: 01/28/2009
Happy New Year everyone! A few months into the release of SCVMM, we’ve heard lots of great feedback...
Date: 01/14/2009
Well, SCVMM VNext of course.....the team is already hard at work on the next release to align with...
Date: 10/28/2008
Well, if you’re wondering why this blog has gone “dark” for the past few weeks, now you know. We’ve...
Date: 10/21/2008
In case you hadn't heard, we're having a huge virtualization launch today in Bellevue, WA. You'll be...
Date: 09/08/2008
Today I've got a guest poster from my team - Alan Goodman. Alan is the program manager responsible...
Date: 08/22/2008
Aside from overall performance, stability and reliability (things you might expect to improve from...
Date: 08/15/2008
In case you missed it, we recently announced a more precise date for the final release of SCVMM 2008...
Date: 07/31/2008
A popular question that seems to be floating on various blogs and message boards is related to why...
Date: 07/28/2008
While SCVMM 2007 had good integration with Ops Manager, SCVMM 2008 has gone to the next level with...
Date: 07/08/2008
Big day for us today as Hyper-V hits the (virtual) shelves! Just a quick note about Hyper-V RTM and...
Date: 06/26/2008
Many of you probably are already aware of this but in case you missed it, you can get the SCVMM...
Date: 06/13/2008
The Hyper-V team has released RC1 of our virtualization platform (you can ready more about it here)....
Date: 05/20/2008
In case you missed the announcement last week at the Microsoft Management Summit in Las Vegas, the...
Date: 05/05/2008
Not necessarily a glamorous topic I know, but absolutely essential as part of any deployment....
Date: 03/24/2008
There is never a shortage of feature requests and ideas hitting my inbox. Like most technology...
Date: 03/10/2008
Sorry for the large gap between posts here folks but as you might imagine, we've been pretty heads...
Date: 02/27/2008
Since we announced a few months back that our next release of VMM (VNext) would manage VMware, I've...
Date: 01/11/2008
I've been getting lots of questions about SCVMM and the recently announced Hyper-V beta (more info...
Date: 12/18/2007
One of the things we heard fairly early on while planning VMM was that offline storage of VHDs was...
Date: 12/17/2007
Sorry for the gap between posts. I was on the east cost for the thanksgiving holiday and then stayed...
Date: 12/05/2007
Even though I'm writing a lot about V1, the engineering team here in Redmond is hard at work on the...
Date: 11/12/2007
Sorry for the delayed post....I was visiting my family in Canada and didn't get a chance to post...
Date: 10/30/2007
Kind of a long post but helpful I hope.... When we started working on this product, we tried to wrap...
Date: 10/17/2007