Issues with creating VM

Billy Demarco 0 Puntos de reputación

Error ********

Cannot create a VM of size 'Standard_D2s_v3' because this VM size only supports a CPU Architecture of 'x64', but an image or disk with CPU Architecture 'Arm64' was given. Please check that the CPU Architecture of the image or disk is compatible with that of the VM size.

I am having some difficulties creating VMs, I am getting the error message above. I would really appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you

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  1. Luis Arias 7,941 Puntos de reputación

    Hi Billy, There are some specific image that support ARM64( so if you want to use that size with ARM architecture you need to choose a VM with that support. Otherwise you could choose x64 in the VM creation wizard:User's image

    Let me know if this solve your issue. Luis

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