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Adventure Works theme overview

This article gives an overview of the Adventure Works theme and describes how to apply it to site pages in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Dynamics 365 Commerce has a theme for e-commerce that is named Adventure Works. The Adventure Works theme showcases sports and recreational products, and is optimized for a rich and enhanced storytelling experience. It provides a modern appearance, new layouts, and animation effects to create an immersive, engaging online shopping experience for e-commerce customers.

Trial environments in Commerce

To see what the Adventure Works theme looks like when it's deployed for business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) sites, visit the following trial sites:

Theme capabilities

The Adventure Works theme provides the following new capabilities:

  • The video player module now supports heading, paragraph, and link functionality for additional storytelling.
  • There are better transitions of content through animation.
  • The "add to cart" action invokes the mini cart instead of providing a notification.
  • The quick view module is a pane that slides in on both desktop and mobile viewports.
  • There are new layouts for the site pages.
  • Marketing content can be configured for the cart and mini cart when they are empty.
  • The mini cart can show promotional messages, such as "Free shipping on orders over $50."
  • Description cards are rendered on search and category pages.

The Adventure Works theme now includes the following storytelling modules in the Commerce module library:

The Adventure Works theme is fully responsive and provides an optimized experience for desktop, mobile, and tablet viewports.


The Adventure Works theme and the new modules are available as of the Dynamics 365 Commerce version 10.0.20 release.

The following illustration shows an example of a home page that uses the Adventure Works theme.

Example of a home page that uses the Adventure Works theme

The following illustration shows an example of a list page that uses the Adventure Works theme.

Example of a list page that uses the Adventure Works theme

The following illustration shows an example of a product details page (PDP) that uses the Adventure Works theme.

Example of a product details page (PDP) that uses the Adventure Works theme

Use the Adventure Works theme for B2B sites

The Adventure Works theme is also a reference theme for business-to-business (B2B) sites. All B2B modules and workflows are showcased in the Adventure Works theme. For information about how to set up a B2B site, see B2B site setup.

The following illustration shows an example of a B2B home page that uses the Adventure Works theme.

Example of a B2B home page that uses the Adventure Works theme

Theme extensions

The Adventure Works theme includes several theme extensions, such as the View extensions and Module definition extensions. The Adventure Works theme can be used as a reference theme to build similar extensions. For example, the list page in the Adventure Works theme is implemented as a view extension that has a horizontal refiner. (By contrast, a left pane refiner is used in the Fabrikam theme.)

Likewise, other modules include module definition extensions. For example, the cart icon module includes two additional Empty Cart and Promotional Content slots that are implemented by using module definition extensions. Additionally, a new Mobile Logo property has been added to the header module to support a logo on mobile viewports. This property is implemented as a header module definition extension.

For more information about theme extensions, see Theme extensions.

Install the Adventure Works theme

For information about how to install the Adventure Works theme, see Install the Adventure Works theme.

Additional resources

Module library overview

Tile list module

Interactive feature module

Active image module

Subscribe module

Image list module

Theme extensions

Cart icon module

Set up a B2B e-commerce site