CMFCColorButton Class
The CMFCColorButton
and CMFCColorBar Class classes are used together to implement a color picker control.
class CMFCColorButton : public CMFCButton
Name | Description |
CMFCColorButton::CMFCColorButton | Constructs a new CMFCColorButton object. |
Name | Description |
CMFCColorButton::EnableAutomaticButton | Enables and disables an "automatic" button that is positioned above the regular color buttons. (The standard system automatic button is labeled Automatic.) |
CMFCColorButton::EnableOtherButton | Enables and disables an "other" button that is positioned below the regular color buttons. (The standard system "other" button is labeled More Colors.) |
CMFCColorButton::GetAutomaticColor | Retrieves the current automatic color. |
CMFCColorButton::GetColor | Retrieves a button's color. |
CMFCColorButton::SetColor | Sets a button's color. |
CMFCColorButton::SetColorName | Sets a color name. |
CMFCColorButton::SetColumnsNumber | Sets the number of columns on the color picker dialog box. |
CMFCColorButton::SetDocumentColors | Specifies a list of document-specific colors that are displayed on the color picker dialog box. |
CMFCColorButton::SetPalette | Specifies a palette of standard display colors. |
CMFCColorButton::SizeToContent | Changes the size of the button control, depending on its text and image size. |
Name | Description |
CMFCColorButton::IsDrawXPTheme | Indicates whether the current color button is displayed in the visual style of Windows XP. |
CMFCColorButton::OnDraw | Called by the framework to display an image of the button. |
CMFCColorButton::OnDrawBorder | Called by the framework to display the button's border. |
CMFCColorButton::OnDrawFocusRect | Called by the framework to display a focus rectangle when the button has a focus. |
CMFCColorButton::OnShowColorPopup | Called by the framework when the color picker dialog box is about to be displayed. |
CMFCColorButton::RebuildPalette | Initializes the m_pPalette protected data member to the specified palette or the default system palette. |
CMFCColorButton::UpdateColor | Called by the framework when the user selects a color from the palette of the color picker dialog box. |
Name | Description |
m_bAltColorDlg |
A Boolean. If TRUE, the framework displays the CMFCColorDialog color dialog box when the other button is clicked, or if FALSE, the system color dialog box. The default value is TRUE. For more information, see CMFCColorButton::EnableOtherButton. |
m_bAutoSetFocus |
A Boolean. If TRUE, the framework sets the focus on the color menu when the menu is displayed, or if FALSE, does not change the focus. The default value is TRUE. |
CMFCColorButton::m_bEnabledInCustomizeMode | Indicates whether customization mode is enabled for the color button. |
m_Color |
A COLORREF value. Contains the currently selected color. |
m_ColorAutomatic |
A COLORREF value. Contains the currently selected default color. |
m_Colors |
A CArray of COLORREF values. Contains the currently available colors. |
m_lstDocColors |
A CList of COLORREF values. Contains the current document colors. |
m_nColumns |
An integer. Contains the number of columns to display in the grid of colors in a color selection menu. |
m_pPalette |
A pointer to a CPalette. Contains the colors that are available in the current color selection menu. |
m_pPopup |
A pointer to a CMFCColorPopupMenu Class object. The color selection menu that is displayed when you click the color button. |
m_strAutoColorText |
A string. The label of the "automatic" button in a color selection menu. |
m_strDocColorsText |
A string. The label of the button in a color selection menu that displays the document colors. |
m_strOtherText |
A string. The label of the "other" button in a color selection menu. |
By default, the CMFCColorButton
class behaves as a push button that opens a color picker dialog box. The color picker dialog box contains an array of small color buttons and an "other" button that displays a custom color picker. (The standard system "other" button is labeled More Colors.) When a user selects a new color, the CMFCColorButton
object reflects the change and displays the selected color.
Create a color button control either directly in your code, or by using the ClassWizard tool and a dialog box template. If you create a color button control directly, add a CMFCColorButton
variable to your application, and then call the constructor and Create
methods of the CMFCColorButton
object. If you use the ClassWizard, add a CButton
variable to your application, and then change the type of the variable from CButton
to CMFCColorButton
The color picker dialog box ( CMFCColorBar Class) is displayed by the CMFCColorButton::OnShowColorPopup method when the framework calls the OnLButtonDown
event handler. The CMFCColorButton::OnShowColorPopup method can be overridden to support custom color selection.
The CMFCColorButton
object notifies its parent that a color is changing by sending it a WM_COMMAND | BN_CLICKED notification. The parent uses the CMFCColorButton::GetColor method to retrieve the current color.
The following example demonstrates how to configure a color button by using various methods in the CMFCColorButton
class. The methods set the color of the color button and its number of columns, and enable the automatic and the other buttons. This example is part of the Status Bar Demo sample.
CMFCColorButton m_wndTextColor;
m_wndTextColor.EnableAutomaticButton(_T("Default"), afxGlobalData.clrBtnText);
m_wndTextColor.SetColorName((COLORREF)-1, "Default Color");
Header: afxcolorbutton.h
Constructs a new CMFCColorButton
Enable or disable the "automatic" button of a color picker control and set the automatic (default) color.
void EnableAutomaticButton(
LPCTSTR lpszLabel,
COLORREF colorAutomatic,
BOOL bEnable=TRUE);
[in] Specifies the automatic button's text.
[in] An RGB value that specifies the automatic button's default color.
[in] Specifies whether the automatic button is enabled or disabled.
Enable or disable the "other" button, which appears below regular color buttons.
void EnableOtherButton(
LPCTSTR lpszLabel,
BOOL bAltColorDlg=TRUE,
BOOL bEnable=TRUE);
[in] Specifies the button's text.
[in] Specifies whether the CMFCColorDialog dialog box or the system color dialog box is opened when the user clicks the button.
[in] Specifies whether the "other" button is enabled or disabled.
Click the "other" button to display a color dialog box. If the bAltColorDlg parameter is TRUE, the CMFCColorDialog Class is displayed; otherwise, the system color dialog box is displayed.
Retrieves the current automatic (default) color.
COLORREF GetAutomaticColor() const;
An RGB value representing the current automatic color.
The current automatic color is set by the CMFCColorButton::EnableAutomaticButton method.
Retrieves the currently selected color.
COLORREF GetColor() const;
An RGB value.
Indicates whether the current color button is displayed in the visual style of Windows XP.
BOOL IsDrawXPTheme() const;
TRUE if visual styles are supported and the current color button is displayed in the visual style of Windows XP; otherwise, FALSE.
Sets a color button to customization mode.
BOOL m_bEnabledInCustomizeMode;
If you need to add a color button to a customization dialog's page (or allow the user to make another color selection during customization), enable the button by setting the m_bEnabledInCustomizeMode
member to TRUE. By default, this member is set to FALSE.
Called by the framework to render an image of the button.
virtual void OnDraw(
const CRect& rect,
UINT uiState);
[in] Points to the device context that is used to render the image of the button.
[in] A rectangle that bounds the button.
[in] Specifies the visual state of the button.
Override this method to customize the rendering process.
Called by the framework to display the border of the button.
virtual void OnDrawBorder(
CRect& rectClient,
UINT uiState);
[in] Points to the device context used to draw the border.
[in] A rectangle in the device context that is specified by the pDC parameter that defines the boundaries of the button to be drawn.
[in] Specifies the visual state of the button.
Override this function to customize the color button's border appearance.
Called by the framework to display a focus rectangle when the button has focus.
virtual void OnDrawFocusRect(
const CRect& rectClient);
[in] Points to the device context used to draw the focus rectangle.
[in] A rectangle in the device context specified by the pDC parameter that defines the boundaries of the button.
Override this method to customize appearance of the focus rectangle.
Called before the popup color bar is displayed.
virtual void OnShowColorPopup();
Initializes the m_pPalette
protected data member to the specified palette or the default system palette.
void RebuildPalette(CPalette* pPal);
[in] A pointer to a logical palette or NULL. If NULL, the default system palette is used.
Specifies the color of the button.
void SetColor(COLORREF color);
[in] An RGB value.
Specifies the name of a color.
static void SetColorName(
const CString& strName);
[in] The color's RGB value.
[in] The color's name.
The list of color names is global per application. Consequently, this method transfers its parameters to CMFCColorBar::SetColorName.
Defines the number of columns that are displayed in the table of colors that is presented to the user during the user's color selection process.
void SetColumnsNumber(int nColumns);
[in] Specifies the number of columns.
The user can select a color from a popup color bar that displays a table of predefined colors. Use this method to define the number of columns in the table.
Specifies a set of colors and the set's name. The set of colors is displayed using a CMFCColorBar Class object.
void SetDocumentColors(
LPCTSTR lpszLabel,
[in] Specifies the label to be displayed with the set of document colors.
[in] A reference to a list of RGB values.
A CMFCColorButton
object maintains a list of RGB values that are transferred to a CMFCColorBar Class object. When the color bar is displayed, these colors are shown in a special section whose label is specified by the lpszLabel parameter.
Specifies the standard colors to display on the popup color bar.
void SetPalette(CPalette* pPalette);
[in] A pointer to a color palette.
Resizes the button control to fit its text and image.
virtual CSize SizeToContent(BOOL bCalcOnly=FALSE);
[in] If nonzero, the new size of the button control is calculated but the actual size is not changed.
A CSize
object that specifies a new button control size.
Called by the framework when the user selects a color from the color bar that displays when the user clicks the color button.
virtual void UpdateColor(COLORREF color);
[in] A color selected by the user.
The UpdateColor
function changes the currently selected button's color and notifies its parent by sending a WM_COMMAND message with a BN_CLICKED standard notification. Use the CMFCColorButton::GetColor method to retrieve the selected color.
Hierarchy Chart
CMFCButton Class
CMFCColorBar Class
CPalette Class
CArray Class
CList Class