sys.external_streaming_jobs (Transact-SQL)
Azure SQL Edge will be retired on September 30, 2025. For more information and migration options, see the Retirement notice.
Azure SQL Edge no longer supports the ARM64 platform.
Returns a row for each external streaming job created within the scope of the database.
Column name | Data type | Description |
name | sysname | Name of the stream. Is unique within the database. |
object_id | int | object identification number for the stream object. Is unique within the database. |
principal_id | int | ID of the principal that owns this assembly |
schema_id | int | ID of the schema that contains the object. |
parent_object_id | id | object identification number for the parent object for this stream. In the current implementation, this value is always null. |
type | char(2) | Object type. For stream objects, the type is always EJ . |
type_desc | nvarchar(60) | Description of the object type. For stream objects, the type is always EXTERNAL_STREAMING_JOB . |
create_date | datetime | Date the object was created. |
modify_date | datetime | In the current implementation, this value is the same as the create_date for the stream object. |
is_ms_shipped | bit | Object created by an internal component. |
is_published | bit | Object is published. |
is_schema_published | bit | Only the schema of the object is published. |
uses_ansi_nulls | bit | Stream object was created with the SET ANSI_NULLS database option ON . |
statement | nvarchar(max) | The stream analytics query text for the streaming job. For more information, see sp_create_streaming_job. |
status | int | The current status of the streaming job. The possible values are Created = 0. The streaming job was created, but hasn't yet been started. Starting = 1. The streaming job is in the starting phase. Failed = 6. The streaming job failed. This is generally an indication of a fatal error during processing. Stopped = 4. The streaming job has been stopped. Idle = 7. The streaming job is running, however there's no input to process. Processing = 8. The streaming job is running, and is processing inputs. This state indicates a healthy state for the streaming job. Degraded = 9. The streaming job is running, however there were some nonfatal input/output serialization/de-serialization errors during input processing. The input job continues to run, but drops inputs that encounter errors. |
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