It sounds like you're dealing with a significant issue where all files in the MSSCVMMLibrary share are missing.
Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this problem:
- Check Permissions: Ensure that the SCVMM service account has the necessary permissions to access and write to the MSSCVMMLibrary share. Verify this by navigating to the share path (e.g.,
) and checking the permissions.
- Verify Library Share: Use SCVMM PowerShell cmdlets to check the status of the library share:
Get-SCLibraryShare -Name "MSSCVMMLibrary"
This command will provide details about the library share and help identify any issues.
- Refresh the Library: Sometimes, a manual refresh of the library can help. You can do this from the SCVMM console or using PowerShell:
Refresh-SCLibraryShare -Name "MSSCVMMLibrary"
This will force SCVMM to re-index the files in the library share.
- Check SCVMM Logs: Review the SCVMM logs for any errors related to the library share. This can provide more insights into what might be causing the issue.
- Re-add Library Share: If the library share is not recognized, you can re-add it using the
Add-SCLibraryShare -Name "MSSCVMMLibrary" -Path "\\YourServerName\MSSCVMMLibrary"
Make sure the path is correct and accessible.
Let me know if you need more help or if there's anything specific, you'd like to focus on!