Microsoft Monetize - View the SMW grid for Advertisers

The SMW grid for the Advertisers shows you the settings and essential metrics for a specific advertiser, provides visualizations of the advertiser's performance, and offers quick access to the advertiser's child objects.

Locate the Advertiser Screen

To access the Advertisers screen:

  • Navigate to Advertisers >Advertisers from the left pane
  • Select an Advertiser whose details you want to view.
  • The SMW grid for the Advertisers details will be displayed.
  • The screen contains the following sections:
    • Settings: It provides basic information about the Advertiser such as basic setup, billing, associated fees, and reporting labels. See View Advertiser Settings for more information.
    • Edit: It helps you edit an Advertiser.
    • Insertion Orders: It provides a list of Insertion orders currently associated with the Advertiser.
    • Associated Objects: It provides a list of associated objects with the Advertiser. See View Child Object Details for more information.

View advertiser settings

The settings that display here can be edited by clicking Edit at the top of the Advertisers screen. For more information, see Create an Advertiser.

Basic setup

Setting Description
Time Zone Specifies the advertiser's time zone.
Time Format Specifies the advertiser's time format (12-hour or 24-hour).
Currency Specifies the currency for the advertiser.
Political Advertising Specifies whether this advertiser is releasing advertisements related to an election, ballot initiative, or political candidate in the United States.

Associated fees

Displays partner fees or broker fees associated with this advertiser. For more information, see Partner Fees.

Associated universal pixel

Displays the Universal Pixel that has been associated to the advertiser, which can be used on multiple webpages simultaneously. For more information, see The Universal Pixel.


Displays the teams that has been associated with the advertiser.

Reporting labels

Indicates whether a Salesperson, Account Manager, or Advertiser Type has been associated with the advertiser. If so, these labels can be used when running reports. For example, if a salesperson is associated with the advertiser, the report will be grouped by salesperson across advertisers.

Billing information

Displays the billing address for the advertiser. This helps you maintain all of your advertiser information in one system. Microsoft Advertising does not bill advertisers for you, and billing information is not included in reporting.

Frequency & recency

Displays frequency and recency caps applied to the advertiser. For more information, see Frequency and Recency Caps.

Associated Insertion orders

Displays insertion orders associated with the advertiser.

View child object details

To view child object details:

  1. Click the Associated Objects menu on the right of the Settings pane.
  2. Select the appropriate object category such as Creatives, Segments or Inventory Lists.