Windows Defender Structures

Structures used by apps when calling to request scans, signature updates, or information from Windows Defender.

Structure Description
MPCALLBACK_DATA Data passed to the callback function.
MPCLEAN_DATA Notification data passed to clean callback function.
MPCLEAN_PRECHECK_DATA Notification data passed to clean precheck callback function.
MPCOMPONENT_STATUS Component status information.
MPCOMPONENT_VERSION Version and update time for an individual component.
MPCONFIGURATION_DATA Contains data about configuration changes, including the old and new values.
MPENDOFLIFE_DATA "End of life" notification data.
MPEXPIRATION_DATA Product expiration status notification.
MPFASTPATH_DATA FastPath update notification.
MPHEALTH_DATA Health notification data.
MPMALWARETOAST_DATA Malware toast notification data.
MPNIS_PRIVATE_DATA Private NIS notifications.
MPRESERVED_DATA Reserved notification data.
MPRESOURCE_INFO Resource information structure.
MPRESOURCE_STATS Resource-related statistics.
MPSAMPLE_DATA Notification data passed to the sample submission callback function.
MPSCAN_DATA Scan data passed to the callback.
MPSCAN_RESOURCES Resource information passed during a scan operation.
MPSCAN_RESULT The results of a scan.
MPSIGUPDATE_DATA Notification data passed to the signature update callback function.
MPSTATUS_DATA Contains data about the current status of a component of the product.
MPSTATUS_DATAEX_UNUSED Dummy structure for non-SRP.
MPSTATUS_INFO Status information for the malware protection manager.
MPTHREAT_DATA Notification data passed due to threat detection or modification.
MPTHREAT_INFO Contains information about a threat.
MPTHREAT_INFOEX_BEHAVIOR Contains behavior modification-specific information.
MPTHREAT_INFOEX_NIS Contains NIS-specific information.
MPTHREAT_INFOEX_UNUSED Dummy structure for non-behavior modification type threats.
MPTHREAT_LOCALIZED_INFO Localized information for a threat.
MPTHREAT_STATS Threat-related statistics.
MPTHREAT_STATS_DATA Additional threat statistics data.
MPVERSION_INFO Version information for the malware protection manager's components.