Client-Side Design

Script in server-side HTML pages communicates with the Online Print Ordering Wizard client in which it is hosted. This communication is accomplished through methods and properties accessed by the window.external object.

The following topics are covered in this document.

Methods and Properties

The following methods and properties are available through the window.external object.

The server-side page's script calls these methods to notify the client of events during the publishing procedure. Let's look at FinalBack as an example. When the wizard displays the first server-side HTML page, it does so armed with knowledge of the handles for the wizard pages preceding and following the hosted HTML pages. At this point in our example, the user, sitting at that first HTML page, clicks the Back button. The wizard sends a notification of this event to the server. On receipt of this message, the server-side script refers to its OnBack handler for this event, which, as this is the first HTML page, calls the FinalBack method. This causes the wizard to navigate to the wizard page displayed before entering the server-side UI.

For a complete discussion of these methods and properties, see the documentation for the WebWizardHost and NewWDEvents objects.

Design Considerations

HTML making up each server-side page is displayed normally in the wizard pane. When designing these pages, bear in mind that a wizard window cannot be resized. Pages should therefore be constructed and sized so that scroll bars are avoided whenever possible to provide the user with smooth navigation through the wizard.

Each HTML page must also provide a handler for OnBack, OnNext, and OnCancel events. The OnNext handler will also handle the Finish event. A page that does not implement an OnBack function is considered invalid and will cause an error page to be displayed.



Server-Side Design