winbase.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
- Application Installation and Servicing
- Application Recovery and Restart
- Backup
- Data Access and Storage
- Data Exchange
- Developer Notes
- eventlogprov
- Hardware Counter Profiling
- Internationalization for Windows Applications
- Menus and Other Resources
- Operation Recorder
- Remote Desktop Services
- Security and Identity
- System Services
- Window Stations and Desktops
- Windows and Messages
winbase.h contains the following programming interfaces:
_lclose The _lclose function closes the specified file so that it is no longer available for reading or writing. This function is provided for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows. Win32-based applications should use the CloseHandle function. |
_lcreat Creates or opens the specified file. |
_llseek Repositions the file pointer for the specified file. |
_lopen The _lopen function opens an existing file and sets the file pointer to the beginning of the file. This function is provided for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows. Win32-based applications should use the CreateFile function. |
_lread The _lread function reads data from the specified file. This function is provided for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows. Win32-based applications should use the ReadFile function. |
_lwrite Writes data to the specified file. |
AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. (AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA) |
AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmA Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. (AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmA) |
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmA Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. (AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmA) |
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleA The AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client that the calling thread is impersonating. |
ActivateActCtx The ActivateActCtx function activates the specified activation context. |
AddAtomA Adds a character string to the local atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (ANSI) |
AddAtomW Adds a character string to the local atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (Unicode) |
AddConditionalAce Adds a conditional access control entry (ACE) to the specified access control list (ACL). |
AddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor Adds a new required security identifier (SID) to the specified boundary descriptor. |
AddRefActCtx The AddRefActCtx function increments the reference count of the specified activation context. |
AddSecureMemoryCacheCallback Registers a callback function to be called when a secured memory range is freed or its protections are changed. |
ApplicationRecoveryFinished Indicates that the calling application has completed its data recovery. |
ApplicationRecoveryInProgress Indicates that the calling application is continuing to recover data. |
BackupEventLogA Saves the specified event log to a backup file. (ANSI) |
BackupEventLogW Saves the specified event log to a backup file. (Unicode) |
BackupRead Back up a file or directory, including the security information. |
BackupSeek Seeks forward in a data stream initially accessed by using the BackupRead or BackupWrite function. |
BackupWrite Restore a file or directory that was backed up using BackupRead. |
BeginUpdateResourceA Retrieves a handle that can be used by the UpdateResource function to add, delete, or replace resources in a binary module. (ANSI) |
BeginUpdateResourceW Retrieves a handle that can be used by the UpdateResource function to add, delete, or replace resources in a binary module. (Unicode) |
BindIoCompletionCallback Associates the I/O completion port owned by the thread pool with the specified file handle. On completion of an I/O request involving this file, a non-I/O worker thread will execute the specified callback function. |
BuildCommDCBA Fills a specified DCB structure with values specified in a device-control string. (ANSI) |
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA Translates a device-definition string into appropriate device-control block codes and places them into a device control block. (ANSI) |
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW Translates a device-definition string into appropriate device-control block codes and places them into a device control block. (Unicode) |
BuildCommDCBW Fills a specified DCB structure with values specified in a device-control string. (Unicode) |
CallNamedPipeA Connects to a message-type pipe (and waits if an instance of the pipe is not available), writes to and reads from the pipe, and then closes the pipe. (CallNamedPipeA) |
CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3A Determines whether the specified name can be used to create a file on a FAT file system. (ANSI) |
CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3W Determines whether the specified name can be used to create a file on a FAT file system. (Unicode) |
ClearCommBreak Restores character transmission for a specified communications device and places the transmission line in a nonbreak state. |
ClearCommError Retrieves information about a communications error and reports the current status of a communications device. |
ClearEventLogA Clears the specified event log, and optionally saves the current copy of the log to a backup file. (ANSI) |
ClearEventLogW Clears the specified event log, and optionally saves the current copy of the log to a backup file. (Unicode) |
CloseEncryptedFileRaw Closes an encrypted file after a backup or restore operation, and frees associated system resources. |
CloseEventLog Closes the specified event log. (CloseEventLog) |
CommConfigDialogA Displays a driver-supplied configuration dialog box. (ANSI) |
CommConfigDialogW Displays a driver-supplied configuration dialog box. (Unicode) |
ConvertFiberToThread Converts the current fiber into a thread. |
ConvertThreadToFiber Converts the current thread into a fiber. You must convert a thread into a fiber before you can schedule other fibers. (ConvertThreadToFiber) |
ConvertThreadToFiberEx Converts the current thread into a fiber. You must convert a thread into a fiber before you can schedule other fibers. (ConvertThreadToFiberEx) |
CopyContext Copies a source context structure (including any XState) onto an initialized destination context structure. |
CopyFile The CopyFile function (winbase.h) copies an existing file to a new file. |
CopyFile2 Copies an existing file to a new file, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (CopyFile2) |
CopyFileA Copies an existing file to a new file. (CopyFileA) |
CopyFileExA Copies an existing file to a new file, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (CopyFileExA) |
CopyFileExW Copies an existing file to a new file, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (CopyFileExW) |
CopyFileTransactedA Copies an existing file to a new file as a transacted operation, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (ANSI) |
CopyFileTransactedW Copies an existing file to a new file as a transacted operation, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (Unicode) |
CopyFileW The CopyFileW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) copies an existing file to a new file. |
CreateActCtxA The CreateActCtx function creates an activation context. (ANSI) |
CreateActCtxW The CreateActCtx function creates an activation context. (Unicode) |
CreateBoundaryDescriptorA The CreateBoundaryDescriptorA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) creates a boundary descriptor. |
CreateDirectory The CreateDirectory function (winbase.h) creates a new directory. |
CreateDirectoryExA Creates a new directory with the attributes of a specified template directory. (ANSI) |
CreateDirectoryExW Creates a new directory with the attributes of a specified template directory. (Unicode) |
CreateDirectoryTransactedA Creates a new directory as a transacted operation, with the attributes of a specified template directory. (ANSI) |
CreateDirectoryTransactedW Creates a new directory as a transacted operation, with the attributes of a specified template directory. (Unicode) |
CreateFiber Allocates a fiber object, assigns it a stack, and sets up execution to begin at the specified start address, typically the fiber function. This function does not schedule the fiber. (CreateFiber) |
CreateFiberEx Allocates a fiber object, assigns it a stack, and sets up execution to begin at the specified start address, typically the fiber function. This function does not schedule the fiber. (CreateFiberEx) |
CreateFileMappingA Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file. (CreateFileMappingA) |
CreateFileMappingNumaA Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file and specifies the NUMA node for the physical memory. (CreateFileMappingNumaA) |
CreateFileTransactedA Creates or opens a file, file stream, or directory as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
CreateFileTransactedW Creates or opens a file, file stream, or directory as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
CreateHardLinkA Establishes a hard link between an existing file and a new file. (ANSI) |
CreateHardLinkTransactedA Establishes a hard link between an existing file and a new file as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
CreateHardLinkTransactedW Establishes a hard link between an existing file and a new file as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
CreateHardLinkW Establishes a hard link between an existing file and a new file. (Unicode) |
CreateJobObjectA Creates or opens a job object. (CreateJobObjectA) |
CreateMailslotA Creates a mailslot with the specified name and returns a handle that a mailslot server can use to perform operations on the mailslot. (ANSI) |
CreateMailslotW Creates a mailslot with the specified name and returns a handle that a mailslot server can use to perform operations on the mailslot. (Unicode) |
CreateNamedPipeA The CreateNamedPipeA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) creates an instance of a named pipe and returns a handle for subsequent pipe operations. |
CreatePrivateNamespaceA The CreatePrivateNamespaceA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) creates a private namespace. |
CreateProcessWithLogonW Creates a new process and its primary thread. Then the new process runs the specified executable file in the security context of the specified credentials (user, domain, and password). It can optionally load the user profile for a specified user. |
CreateProcessWithTokenW Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the security context of the specified token. It can optionally load the user profile for the specified user. |
CreateSemaphoreA Creates or opens a named or unnamed semaphore object. (CreateSemaphoreA) |
CreateSemaphoreExA Creates or opens a named or unnamed semaphore object and returns a handle to the object. (CreateSemaphoreExA) |
CreateSymbolicLinkA Creates a symbolic link. (ANSI) |
CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedA Creates a symbolic link as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedW Creates a symbolic link as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
CreateSymbolicLinkW Creates a symbolic link. (Unicode) |
CreateTapePartition Reformats a tape. |
CreateUmsCompletionList Creates a user-mode scheduling (UMS) completion list. |
CreateUmsThreadContext Creates a user-mode scheduling (UMS) thread context to represent a UMS worker thread. |
DeactivateActCtx The DeactivateActCtx function deactivates the activation context corresponding to the specified cookie. |
DebugBreakProcess Causes a breakpoint exception to occur in the specified process. This allows the calling thread to signal the debugger to handle the exception. |
DebugSetProcessKillOnExit Sets the action to be performed when the calling thread exits. |
DecryptFileA Decrypts an encrypted file or directory. (ANSI) |
DecryptFileW Decrypts an encrypted file or directory. (Unicode) |
DefineDosDeviceA Defines, redefines, or deletes MS-DOS device names. (DefineDosDeviceA) |
DeleteAtom Decrements the reference count of a local string atom. If the atom's reference count is reduced to zero, DeleteAtom removes the string associated with the atom from the local atom table. |
DeleteFiber Deletes an existing fiber. |
DeleteFile The DeleteFile function (winbase.h) deletes an existing file. |
DeleteFileTransactedA Deletes an existing file as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
DeleteFileTransactedW Deletes an existing file as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
DeleteUmsCompletionList Deletes the specified user-mode scheduling (UMS) completion list. The list must be empty. |
DeleteUmsThreadContext Deletes the specified user-mode scheduling (UMS) thread context. The thread must be terminated. |
DeleteVolumeMountPointA Deletes a drive letter or mounted folder. (DeleteVolumeMountPointA) |
DequeueUmsCompletionListItems Retrieves user-mode scheduling (UMS) worker threads from the specified UMS completion list. |
DeregisterEventSource Closes the specified event log. (DeregisterEventSource) |
DestroyThreadpoolEnvironment Deletes the specified callback environment. Call this function when the callback environment is no longer needed for creating new thread pool objects. (DestroyThreadpoolEnvironment) |
DisableThreadProfiling Disables thread profiling. |
DnsHostnameToComputerNameA Converts a DNS-style host name to a NetBIOS-style computer name. (ANSI) |
DnsHostnameToComputerNameW Converts a DNS-style host name to a NetBIOS-style computer name. (Unicode) |
DosDateTimeToFileTime Converts MS-DOS date and time values to a file time. |
EnableProcessOptionalXStateFeatures The EnableProcessOptionalXStateFeatures function enables a set of optional XState features for the current process. |
EnableThreadProfiling Enables thread profiling on the specified thread. |
EncryptFileA Encrypts a file or directory. (ANSI) |
EncryptFileW Encrypts a file or directory. (Unicode) |
EndUpdateResourceA Commits or discards changes made prior to a call to UpdateResource. (ANSI) |
EndUpdateResourceW Commits or discards changes made prior to a call to UpdateResource. (Unicode) |
EnterUmsSchedulingMode Converts the calling thread into a user-mode scheduling (UMS) scheduler thread. |
EnumResourceLanguagesA Enumerates language-specific resources, of the specified type and name, associated with a binary module. (ANSI) |
EnumResourceLanguagesW Enumerates language-specific resources, of the specified type and name, associated with a binary module. (Unicode) |
EnumResourceTypesA Enumerates resource types within a binary module. (ANSI) |
EnumResourceTypesW Enumerates resource types within a binary module. (Unicode) |
EraseTape Erases all or part of a tape. |
EscapeCommFunction Directs the specified communications device to perform an extended function. |
ExecuteUmsThread Runs the specified UMS worker thread. |
FatalExit Transfers execution control to the debugger. The behavior of the debugger thereafter is specific to the type of debugger used. |
FileEncryptionStatusA Retrieves the encryption status of the specified file. (ANSI) |
FileEncryptionStatusW Retrieves the encryption status of the specified file. (Unicode) |
FileTimeToDosDateTime Converts a file time to MS-DOS date and time values. |
FindActCtxSectionGuid The FindActCtxSectionGuid function retrieves information on a specific GUID in the current activation context and returns a ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA structure. |
FindActCtxSectionStringA The FindActCtxSectionString function retrieves information on a specific string in the current activation context and returns a ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA structure. (ANSI) |
FindActCtxSectionStringW The FindActCtxSectionString function retrieves information on a specific string in the current activation context and returns a ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA structure. (Unicode) |
FindAtomA Searches the local atom table for the specified character string and retrieves the atom associated with that string. (ANSI) |
FindAtomW Searches the local atom table for the specified character string and retrieves the atom associated with that string. (Unicode) |
FindFirstFileNameTransactedW Creates an enumeration of all the hard links to the specified file as a transacted operation. The function returns a handle to the enumeration that can be used on subsequent calls to the FindNextFileNameW function. |
FindFirstFileTransactedA Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name that matches a specific name as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
FindFirstFileTransactedW Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name that matches a specific name as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
FindFirstStreamTransactedW Enumerates the first stream in the specified file or directory as a transacted operation. |
FindFirstVolumeA Retrieves the name of a volume on a computer. (FindFirstVolumeA) |
FindFirstVolumeMountPointA Retrieves the name of a mounted folder on the specified volume. (ANSI) |
FindFirstVolumeMountPointW Retrieves the name of a mounted folder on the specified volume. (Unicode) |
FindNextVolumeA Continues a volume search started by a call to the FindFirstVolume function. (FindNextVolumeA) |
FindNextVolumeMountPointA Continues a mounted folder search started by a call to the FindFirstVolumeMountPoint function. (ANSI) |
FindNextVolumeMountPointW Continues a mounted folder search started by a call to the FindFirstVolumeMountPoint function. (Unicode) |
FindResourceA Determines the location of a resource with the specified type and name in the specified module. (FindResourceA) |
FindResourceExA Determines the location of the resource with the specified type, name, and language in the specified module. (FindResourceExA) |
FindVolumeMountPointClose Closes the specified mounted folder search handle. |
FormatMessage The FormatMessage function (winbase.h) formats a message string. |
FormatMessageA Formats a message string. (FormatMessageA) |
FormatMessageW The FormatMessageW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) formats a message string. |
GetActiveProcessorCount Returns the number of active processors in a processor group or in the system. |
GetActiveProcessorGroupCount Returns the number of active processor groups in the system. |
GetApplicationRecoveryCallback Retrieves a pointer to the callback routine registered for the specified process. The address returned is in the virtual address space of the process. |
GetApplicationRestartSettings Retrieves the restart information registered for the specified process. |
GetAtomNameA Retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the specified local atom. (ANSI) |
GetAtomNameW Retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the specified local atom. (Unicode) |
GetBinaryTypeA Determines whether a file is an executable (.exe) file, and if so, which subsystem runs the executable file. (ANSI) |
GetBinaryTypeW Determines whether a file is an executable (.exe) file, and if so, which subsystem runs the executable file. (Unicode) |
GetCommConfig Retrieves the current configuration of a communications device. |
GetCommMask Retrieves the value of the event mask for a specified communications device. |
GetCommModemStatus Retrieves the modem control-register values. |
GetCommPorts Gets an array that contains the well-formed COM ports. |
GetCommProperties Retrieves information about the communications properties for a specified communications device. |
GetCommState Retrieves the current control settings for a specified communications device. |
GetCommTimeouts Retrieves the time-out parameters for all read and write operations on a specified communications device. |
GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedA Retrieves the actual number of bytes of disk storage used to store a specified file as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedW Retrieves the actual number of bytes of disk storage used to store a specified file as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
GetComputerNameA Retrieves the NetBIOS name of the local computer. This name is established at system startup, when the system reads it from the registry. (ANSI) |
GetComputerNameW Retrieves the NetBIOS name of the local computer. This name is established at system startup, when the system reads it from the registry. (Unicode) |
GetCurrentActCtx The GetCurrentActCtx function returns the handle to the active activation context of the calling thread. |
GetCurrentDirectory Retrieves the current directory for the current process. |
GetCurrentHwProfileA Retrieves information about the current hardware profile for the local computer. (ANSI) |
GetCurrentHwProfileW Retrieves information about the current hardware profile for the local computer. (Unicode) |
GetCurrentUmsThread Returns the user-mode scheduling (UMS) thread context of the calling UMS thread. |
GetDefaultCommConfigA Retrieves the default configuration for the specified communications device. (ANSI) |
GetDefaultCommConfigW Retrieves the default configuration for the specified communications device. (Unicode) |
GetDevicePowerState Retrieves the current power state of the specified device. |
GetDllDirectoryA Retrieves the application-specific portion of the search path used to locate DLLs for the application. (ANSI) |
GetDllDirectoryW Retrieves the application-specific portion of the search path used to locate DLLs for the application. (Unicode) |
GetEnabledXStateFeatures Gets a mask of enabled XState features on x86 or x64 processors. |
GetEnvironmentVariable The GetEnvironmentVariable function (winbase.h) retrieves the contents of the specified variable from the environment block of the calling process. |
GetEventLogInformation Retrieves information about the specified event log. |
GetFileAttributesTransactedA Retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
GetFileAttributesTransactedW Retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
GetFileBandwidthReservation Retrieves the bandwidth reservation properties of the volume on which the specified file resides. |
GetFileInformationByHandleEx Retrieves file information for the specified file. (GetFileInformationByHandleEx) |
GetFileInformationByName Queries information about a file or directory, given the path to the file. |
GetFileSecurityA Obtains specified information about the security of a file or directory. The information obtained is constrained by the caller's access rights and privileges. (GetFileSecurityA) |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA Retrieves the value of the specified firmware environment variable. (ANSI) |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA Retrieves the value of the specified firmware environment variable and its attributes. (ANSI) |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW Retrieves the value of the specified firmware environment variable and its attributes. (Unicode) |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW Retrieves the value of the specified firmware environment variable. (Unicode) |
GetFirmwareType Retrieves the firmware type of the local computer. |
GetFullPathNameTransactedA Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
GetFullPathNameTransactedW Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
GetLogicalDriveStringsA Fills a buffer with strings that specify valid drives in the system. (GetLogicalDriveStringsA) |
GetLongPathNameTransactedA Converts the specified path to its long form as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
GetLongPathNameTransactedW Converts the specified path to its long form as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
GetMailslotInfo Retrieves information about the specified mailslot. |
GetMaximumProcessorCount Returns the maximum number of logical processors that a processor group or the system can have. |
GetMaximumProcessorGroupCount Returns the maximum number of processor groups that the system can have. |
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameA The GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) retrieves the client computer name for the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeClientProcessId Retrieves the client process identifier for the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeClientSessionId Retrieves the client session identifier for the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeHandleStateA The GetNamedPipeHandleStateA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) retrieves information about a specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeServerProcessId Retrieves the server process identifier for the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeServerSessionId Retrieves the server session identifier for the specified named pipe. |
GetNextUmsListItem Returns the next user-mode scheduling (UMS) thread context in a list of thread contexts. |
GetNumaAvailableMemoryNode Retrieves the amount of memory available in the specified node. |
GetNumaAvailableMemoryNodeEx Retrieves the amount of memory that is available in a node specified as a USHORT value. |
GetNumaNodeNumberFromHandle Retrieves the NUMA node associated with the file or I/O device represented by the specified file handle. |
GetNumaNodeProcessorMask Retrieves the processor mask for the specified node. |
GetNumaProcessorNode Retrieves the node number for the specified processor. |
GetNumaProcessorNodeEx Retrieves the node number as a USHORT value for the specified logical processor. |
GetNumaProximityNode Retrieves the NUMA node number that corresponds to the specified proximity domain identifier. |
GetNumberOfEventLogRecords Retrieves the number of records in the specified event log. |
GetOldestEventLogRecord Retrieves the absolute record number of the oldest record in the specified event log. |
GetPrivateProfileInt The GetPrivateProfileInt function (winbase.h) retrieves an integer associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileIntA Retrieves an integer associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileIntA) |
GetPrivateProfileIntW The GetPrivateProfileIntW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves an integer associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileSection The GetPrivateProfileSection function (winbase.h) retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileSectionA Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileSectionA) |
GetPrivateProfileSectionNames The GetPrivateProfileSectionNames function (winbase.h) retrieves the names of all sections in an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA Retrieves the names of all sections in an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA) |
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW The GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves the names of all sections in an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileSectionW The GetPrivateProfileSectionW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileString The GetPrivateProfileString function (winbase.h) retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileStringA Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileStringA) |
GetPrivateProfileStringW The GetPrivateProfileStringW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileStruct The GetPrivateProfileStruct function (winbase.h) retrieves the data associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileStructA Retrieves the data associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileStructA) |
GetPrivateProfileStructW The GetPrivateProfileStructW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves the data associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetProcessAffinityMask Retrieves the process affinity mask for the specified process and the system affinity mask for the system. |
GetProcessDEPPolicy Gets the data execution prevention (DEP) and DEP-ATL thunk emulation settings for the specified 32-bit process.Windows XP with SP3: Gets the DEP and DEP-ATL thunk emulation settings for the current process. |
GetProcessIoCounters Retrieves accounting information for all I/O operations performed by the specified process. |
GetProfileIntA Retrieves an integer from a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file. (ANSI) |
GetProfileIntW Retrieves an integer from a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file. (Unicode) |
GetProfileSectionA Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of the Win.ini file. (ANSI) |
GetProfileSectionW Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of the Win.ini file. (Unicode) |
GetProfileStringA Retrieves the string associated with a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file. (ANSI) |
GetProfileStringW Retrieves the string associated with a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file. (Unicode) |
GetShortPathNameA Retrieves the short path form of the specified path. (GetShortPathNameA) |
GetSystemDEPPolicy Gets the data execution prevention (DEP) policy setting for the system. |
GetSystemPowerStatus Retrieves the power status of the system. The status indicates whether the system is running on AC or DC power, whether the battery is currently charging, how much battery life remains, and if battery saver is on or off. |
GetSystemRegistryQuota Retrieves the current size of the registry and the maximum size that the registry is allowed to attain on the system. |
GetTapeParameters Retrieves information that describes the tape or the tape drive. |
GetTapePosition Retrieves the current address of the tape, in logical or absolute blocks. |
GetTapeStatus Determines whether the tape device is ready to process tape commands. |
GetTempFileName The GetTempFileName function (winbase.h) creates a name for a temporary file. If a unique file name is generated, an empty file is created and the handle to it is released; otherwise, only a file name is generated. |
GetThreadEnabledXStateFeatures The GetThreadEnabledXStateFeatures function returns the set of XState features that are currently enabled for the current thread. |
GetThreadSelectorEntry Retrieves a descriptor table entry for the specified selector and thread. |
GetUmsCompletionListEvent Retrieves a handle to the event associated with the specified user-mode scheduling (UMS) completion list. |
GetUmsSystemThreadInformation Queries whether the specified thread is a UMS scheduler thread, a UMS worker thread, or a non-UMS thread. |
GetUserNameA Retrieves the name of the user associated with the current thread. (ANSI) |
GetUserNameW Retrieves the name of the user associated with the current thread. (Unicode) |
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA Retrieves a volume GUID path for the volume that is associated with the specified volume mount point ( drive letter, volume GUID path, or mounted folder). (GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA) |
GetVolumePathNameA Retrieves the volume mount point where the specified path is mounted. (GetVolumePathNameA) |
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA Retrieves a list of drive letters and mounted folder paths for the specified volume. (GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA) |
GetXStateFeaturesMask Returns the mask of XState features set within a CONTEXT structure. |
GlobalAddAtomA Adds a character string to the global atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (GlobalAddAtomA) |
GlobalAddAtomExA Adds a character string to the global atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (GlobalAddAtomExA) |
GlobalAddAtomExW Adds a character string to the global atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (GlobalAddAtomExW) |
GlobalAddAtomW Adds a character string to the global atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (GlobalAddAtomW) |
GlobalAlloc Allocates the specified number of bytes from the heap. (GlobalAlloc) |
GlobalDeleteAtom Decrements the reference count of a global string atom. If the atom's reference count reaches zero, GlobalDeleteAtom removes the string associated with the atom from the global atom table. |
GlobalDiscard Discards the specified global memory block. |
GlobalFindAtomA Searches the global atom table for the specified character string and retrieves the global atom associated with that string. (ANSI) |
GlobalFindAtomW Searches the global atom table for the specified character string and retrieves the global atom associated with that string. (Unicode) |
GlobalFlags Retrieves information about the specified global memory object. |
GlobalFree Frees the specified global memory object and invalidates its handle. |
GlobalGetAtomNameA Retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the specified global atom. (ANSI) |
GlobalGetAtomNameW Retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the specified global atom. (Unicode) |
GlobalHandle Retrieves the handle associated with the specified pointer to a global memory block. |
GlobalLock Locks a global memory object and returns a pointer to the first byte of the object's memory block. |
GlobalMemoryStatus Retrieves information about the system's current usage of both physical and virtual memory. (GlobalMemoryStatus) |
GlobalReAlloc Changes the size or attributes of a specified global memory object. The size can increase or decrease. |
GlobalSize Retrieves the current size of the specified global memory object, in bytes. |
GlobalUnlock Decrements the lock count associated with a memory object that was allocated with GMEM_MOVEABLE. |
HasOverlappedIoCompleted Provides a high performance test operation that can be used to poll for the completion of an outstanding I/O operation. |
InitAtomTable Initializes the local atom table and sets the number of hash buckets to the specified size. |
InitializeContext Initializes a CONTEXT structure inside a buffer with the necessary size and alignment. |
InitializeContext2 Initializes a CONTEXT structure inside a buffer with the necessary size and alignment, with the option to specify an XSTATE compaction mask. |
InitializeThreadpoolEnvironment Initializes a callback environment. |
InterlockedExchangeSubtract Performs an atomic subtraction of two values. |
IsBadCodePtr Determines whether the calling process has read access to the memory at the specified address. |
IsBadReadPtr Verifies that the calling process has read access to the specified range of memory. (IsBadReadPtr) |
IsBadStringPtrA Verifies that the calling process has read access to the specified range of memory. (IsBadStringPtrA) |
IsBadStringPtrW Verifies that the calling process has read access to the specified range of memory. (IsBadStringPtrW) |
IsBadWritePtr Verifies that the calling process has write access to the specified range of memory. |
IsNativeVhdBoot Indicates if the OS was booted from a VHD container. |
IsSystemResumeAutomatic Determines the current state of the computer. |
IsTextUnicode Determines if a buffer is likely to contain a form of Unicode text. |
LoadModule Loads and executes an application or creates a new instance of an existing application. |
LoadPackagedLibrary Loads the specified packaged module and its dependencies into the address space of the calling process. |
LocalAlloc Allocates the specified number of bytes from the heap. (LocalAlloc) |
LocalFlags Retrieves information about the specified local memory object. |
LocalFree Frees the specified local memory object and invalidates its handle. |
LocalHandle Retrieves the handle associated with the specified pointer to a local memory object. |
LocalLock Locks a local memory object and returns a pointer to the first byte of the object's memory block. |
LocalReAlloc Changes the size or the attributes of a specified local memory object. The size can increase or decrease. |
LocalSize Retrieves the current size of the specified local memory object, in bytes. |
LocalUnlock Decrements the lock count associated with a memory object that was allocated with LMEM_MOVEABLE. |
LocateXStateFeature Retrieves a pointer to the processor state for an XState feature within a CONTEXT structure. |
LogonUserA The Win32 LogonUser function attempts to log a user on to the local computer. LogonUser returns a handle to a user token that you can use to impersonate user. (ANSI) |
LogonUserExA The LogonUserEx function attempts to log a user on to the local computer. (ANSI) |
LogonUserExW The LogonUserEx function attempts to log a user on to the local computer. (Unicode) |
LogonUserW The Win32 LogonUser function attempts to log a user on to the local computer. LogonUser returns a handle to a user token that you can use to impersonate user. (Unicode) |
LookupAccountNameA Accepts the name of a system and an account as input. It retrieves a security identifier (SID) for the account and the name of the domain on which the account was found. (ANSI) |
LookupAccountNameW Accepts the name of a system and an account as input. It retrieves a security identifier (SID) for the account and the name of the domain on which the account was found. (Unicode) |
LookupAccountSidA Accepts a security identifier (SID) as input. It retrieves the name of the account for this SID and the name of the first domain on which this SID is found. (ANSI) |
LookupAccountSidLocalA Retrieves the name of the account for the specified SID on the local machine. (ANSI) |
LookupAccountSidLocalW Retrieves the name of the account for the specified SID on the local machine. (Unicode) |
LookupAccountSidW Accepts a security identifier (SID) as input. It retrieves the name of the account for this SID and the name of the first domain on which this SID is found. (Unicode) |
LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameA Retrieves the display name that represents a specified privilege. (ANSI) |
LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameW Retrieves the display name that represents a specified privilege. (Unicode) |
LookupPrivilegeNameA Retrieves the name that corresponds to the privilege represented on a specific system by a specified locally unique identifier (LUID). (ANSI) |
LookupPrivilegeNameW Retrieves the name that corresponds to the privilege represented on a specific system by a specified locally unique identifier (LUID). (Unicode) |
LookupPrivilegeValueA Retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID) used on a specified system to locally represent the specified privilege name. (ANSI) |
LookupPrivilegeValueW Retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID) used on a specified system to locally represent the specified privilege name. (Unicode) |
lstrcatA Appends one string to another.Warning Do not use. (ANSI) |
lstrcatW Appends one string to another.Warning Do not use. (Unicode) |
lstrcmpA Compares two character strings. The comparison is case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
lstrcmpiA Compares two character strings. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
lstrcmpiW Compares two character strings. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
lstrcmpW Compares two character strings. The comparison is case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
lstrcpyA Copies a string to a buffer. (ANSI) |
lstrcpynA Copies a specified number of characters from a source string into a buffer.Warning Do not use. (ANSI) |
lstrcpynW Copies a specified number of characters from a source string into a buffer.Warning Do not use. (Unicode) |
lstrcpyW Copies a string to a buffer. (Unicode) |
lstrlenA Determines the length of the specified string (not including the terminating null character). (ANSI) |
lstrlenW Determines the length of the specified string (not including the terminating null character). (Unicode) |
MAKEINTATOM Converts the specified atom into a string, so it can be passed to functions which accept either atoms or strings. |
MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter Maps previously allocated physical memory pages at a specified address in an Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) region. (MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter) |
MapViewOfFileExNuma Maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of a calling process and specifies the NUMA node for the physical memory. |
MoveFile The MoveFile function (winbase.h) moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. |
MoveFileA Moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. (MoveFileA) |
MoveFileExA Moves an existing file or directory, including its children, with various move options. (ANSI) |
MoveFileExW Moves an existing file or directory, including its children, with various move options. (Unicode) |
MoveFileTransactedA Moves an existing file or a directory, including its children, as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
MoveFileTransactedW Moves an existing file or a directory, including its children, as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
MoveFileW The MoveFileW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. |
MoveFileWithProgressA Moves a file or directory, including its children. You can provide a callback function that receives progress notifications. (ANSI) |
MoveFileWithProgressW Moves a file or directory, including its children. You can provide a callback function that receives progress notifications. (Unicode) |
MulDiv Multiplies two 32-bit values and then divides the 64-bit result by a third 32-bit value. |
NotifyChangeEventLog Enables an application to receive notification when an event is written to the specified event log. |
ObjectCloseAuditAlarmA Generates an audit message in the security event log when a handle to a private object is deleted. (ObjectCloseAuditAlarmA) |
ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmA The ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) generates audit messages when an object is deleted. |
ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA Generates audit messages when a client application attempts to gain access to an object or to create a new one. (ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA) |
ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmA Generates an audit message in the security event log. (ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmA) |
OpenBackupEventLogA Opens a handle to a backup event log created by the BackupEventLog function. (ANSI) |
OpenBackupEventLogW Opens a handle to a backup event log created by the BackupEventLog function. (Unicode) |
OpenCommPort Attempts to open a communication device. |
OpenEncryptedFileRawA Opens an encrypted file in order to backup (export) or restore (import) the file. (ANSI) |
OpenEncryptedFileRawW Opens an encrypted file in order to backup (export) or restore (import) the file. (Unicode) |
OpenEventLogA Opens a handle to the specified event log. (ANSI) |
OpenEventLogW Opens a handle to the specified event log. (Unicode) |
OpenFile Creates, opens, reopens, or deletes a file. |
OpenFileById Opens the file that matches the specified identifier. |
OpenFileMappingA Opens a named file mapping object. (OpenFileMappingA) |
OpenJobObjectA Opens an existing job object. (OpenJobObjectA) |
OpenPrivateNamespaceA The OpenPrivateNamespaceA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) opens a private namespace. |
OperationEnd Notifies the system that the application is about to end an operation. |
OperationStart Notifies the system that the application is about to start an operation. |
PowerClearRequest Decrements the count of power requests of the specified type for a power request object. |
PowerCreateRequest Creates a new power request object. |
PowerSetRequest Increments the count of power requests of the specified type for a power request object. |
PrepareTape Prepares the tape to be accessed or removed. |
PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA Generates an audit message in the security event log. (PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA) |
PulseEvent Sets the specified event object to the signaled state and then resets it to the nonsignaled state after releasing the appropriate number of waiting threads. |
PurgeComm Discards all characters from the output or input buffer of a specified communications resource. It can also terminate pending read or write operations on the resource. |
QueryActCtxSettingsW The QueryActCtxSettingsW function specifies the activation context, and the namespace and name of the attribute that is to be queried. |
QueryActCtxW The QueryActCtxW function queries the activation context. |
QueryDosDeviceA Retrieves information about MS-DOS device names. (QueryDosDeviceA) |
QueryFullProcessImageNameA Retrieves the full name of the executable image for the specified process. (ANSI) |
QueryFullProcessImageNameW Retrieves the full name of the executable image for the specified process. (Unicode) |
QueryThreadProfiling Determines whether thread profiling is enabled for the specified thread. |
QueryUmsThreadInformation Retrieves information about the specified user-mode scheduling (UMS) worker thread. |
ReadDirectoryChangesExW Retrieves information that describes the changes within the specified directory, which can include extended information if that information type is specified. |
ReadDirectoryChangesW Retrieves information that describes the changes within the specified directory. |
ReadEncryptedFileRaw Backs up (export) encrypted files. |
ReadEventLogA Reads the specified number of entries from the specified event log. (ANSI) |
ReadEventLogW Reads the specified number of entries from the specified event log. (Unicode) |
ReadThreadProfilingData Reads the specified profiling data associated with the thread. |
RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback Registers the active instance of an application for recovery. |
RegisterApplicationRestart Registers the active instance of an application for restart. |
RegisterEventSourceA Retrieves a registered handle to the specified event log. (ANSI) |
RegisterEventSourceW Retrieves a registered handle to the specified event log. (Unicode) |
RegisterWaitForSingleObject Directs a wait thread in the thread pool to wait on the object. |
ReleaseActCtx The ReleaseActCtx function decrements the reference count of the specified activation context. |
RemoveDirectoryTransactedA Deletes an existing empty directory as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
RemoveDirectoryTransactedW Deletes an existing empty directory as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
RemoveSecureMemoryCacheCallback Unregisters a callback function that was previously registered with the AddSecureMemoryCacheCallback function. |
ReOpenFile Reopens the specified file system object with different access rights, sharing mode, and flags. |
ReplaceFileA Replaces one file with another file, with the option of creating a backup copy of the original file. (ANSI) |
ReplaceFileW Replaces one file with another file, with the option of creating a backup copy of the original file. (Unicode) |
ReportEventA Writes an entry at the end of the specified event log. (ANSI) |
ReportEventW Writes an entry at the end of the specified event log. (Unicode) |
RequestWakeupLatency Has no effect and returns STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED. This function is provided only for compatibility with earlier versions of Windows.Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: Has no effect and always returns success. |
SetCommBreak Suspends character transmission for a specified communications device and places the transmission line in a break state until the ClearCommBreak function is called. |
SetCommConfig Sets the current configuration of a communications device. |
SetCommMask Specifies a set of events to be monitored for a communications device. |
SetCommState Configures a communications device according to the specifications in a device-control block (a DCB structure). The function reinitializes all hardware and control settings, but it does not empty output or input queues. |
SetCommTimeouts Sets the time-out parameters for all read and write operations on a specified communications device. |
SetCurrentDirectory Changes the current directory for the current process. |
SetDefaultCommConfigA Sets the default configuration for a communications device. (ANSI) |
SetDefaultCommConfigW Sets the default configuration for a communications device. (Unicode) |
SetDllDirectoryA Adds a directory to the search path used to locate DLLs for the application. (ANSI) |
SetDllDirectoryW Adds a directory to the search path used to locate DLLs for the application. (Unicode) |
SetEnvironmentVariable The SetEnvironmentVariable function (winbase.h) sets the contents of the specified environment variable for the current process. |
SetFileAttributesTransactedA Sets the attributes for a file or directory as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
SetFileAttributesTransactedW Sets the attributes for a file or directory as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
SetFileBandwidthReservation Requests that bandwidth for the specified file stream be reserved. The reservation is specified as a number of bytes in a period of milliseconds for I/O requests on the specified file handle. |
SetFileCompletionNotificationModes Sets the notification modes for a file handle, allowing you to specify how completion notifications work for the specified file. |
SetFileSecurityA The SetFileSecurityA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) sets the security of a file or directory object. |
SetFileShortNameA A function that sets the short name for the specified file. The file must be on an NTFS file system volume. (ANSI) |
SetFileShortNameW Sets the short name for the specified file. The file must be on an NTFS file system volume. (Unicode) |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA Sets the value of the specified firmware environment variable. (ANSI) |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA Sets the value of the specified firmware environment variable as the attributes that indicate how this variable is stored and maintained. |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW Sets the value of the specified firmware environment variable and the attributes that indicate how this variable is stored and maintained. |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW Sets the value of the specified firmware environment variable. (Unicode) |
SetHandleCount The SetHandleCount function changes the number of file handles available to a process. |
SetMailslotInfo Sets the time-out value used by the specified mailslot for a read operation. |
SetProcessAffinityMask Sets a processor affinity mask for the threads of the specified process. |
SetProcessDEPPolicy Changes data execution prevention (DEP) and DEP-ATL thunk emulation settings for a 32-bit process. |
SetSearchPathMode Sets the per-process mode that the SearchPath function uses when locating files. |
SetSystemPowerState Suspends the system by shutting power down. Depending on the ForceFlag parameter, the function either suspends operation immediately or requests permission from all applications and device drivers before doing so. |
SetTapeParameters Specifies the block size of a tape or configures the tape device. |
SetTapePosition Sets the tape position on the specified device. |
SetThreadAffinityMask Sets a processor affinity mask for the specified thread. |
SetThreadExecutionState Enables an application to inform the system that it is in use, thereby preventing the system from entering sleep or turning off the display while the application is running. |
SetThreadpoolCallbackCleanupGroup Associates the specified cleanup group with the specified callback environment. (SetThreadpoolCallbackCleanupGroup) |
SetThreadpoolCallbackLibrary Ensures that the specified DLL remains loaded as long as there are outstanding callbacks. (SetThreadpoolCallbackLibrary) |
SetThreadpoolCallbackPersistent Specifies that the callback should run on a persistent thread. (SetThreadpoolCallbackPersistent) |
SetThreadpoolCallbackPool Sets the thread pool to be used when generating callbacks. |
SetThreadpoolCallbackPriority Specifies the priority of a callback function relative to other work items in the same thread pool. (SetThreadpoolCallbackPriority) |
SetThreadpoolCallbackRunsLong Indicates that callbacks associated with this callback environment may not return quickly. (SetThreadpoolCallbackRunsLong) |
SetUmsThreadInformation Sets application-specific context information for the specified user-mode scheduling (UMS) worker thread. |
SetupComm Initializes the communications parameters for a specified communications device. |
SetVolumeLabelA Sets the label of a file system volume. (ANSI) |
SetVolumeLabelW Sets the label of a file system volume. (Unicode) |
SetVolumeMountPointA Associates a volume with a drive letter or a directory on another volume. (ANSI) |
SetVolumeMountPointW Associates a volume with a drive letter or a directory on another volume. (Unicode) |
SetXStateFeaturesMask Sets the mask of XState features set within a CONTEXT structure. |
SwitchToFiber Schedules a fiber. The function must be called on a fiber. |
TransmitCommChar Transmits a specified character ahead of any pending data in the output buffer of the specified communications device. |
UmsThreadYield Yields control to the user-mode scheduling (UMS) scheduler thread on which the calling UMS worker thread is running. |
UnregisterApplicationRecoveryCallback Removes the active instance of an application from the recovery list. |
UnregisterApplicationRestart Removes the active instance of an application from the restart list. |
UnregisterWait Cancels a registered wait operation issued by the RegisterWaitForSingleObject function. (UnregisterWait) |
UpdateResourceA Adds, deletes, or replaces a resource in a portable executable (PE) file. (ANSI) |
UpdateResourceW Adds, deletes, or replaces a resource in a portable executable (PE) file. (Unicode) |
VerifyVersionInfoA Compares a set of operating system version requirements to the corresponding values for the currently running version of the system. (ANSI) |
VerifyVersionInfoW Compares a set of operating system version requirements to the corresponding values for the currently running version of the system. (Unicode) |
WaitCommEvent Waits for an event to occur for a specified communications device. The set of events that are monitored by this function is contained in the event mask associated with the device handle. |
WaitNamedPipeA The WaitNamedPipeA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) waits until either a time-out interval elapses or an instance of the specified named pipe is available for connection (that is, the pipe's server process has a pending ConnectNamedPipe operation on the pipe). |
WinExec Runs the specified application. |
WinMain The user-provided entry point for a graphical Windows-based application. |
Wow64GetThreadSelectorEntry Retrieves a descriptor table entry for the specified selector and WOW64 thread. |
WriteEncryptedFileRaw Restores (import) encrypted files. |
WritePrivateProfileSectionA Replaces the keys and values for the specified section in an initialization file. (ANSI) |
WritePrivateProfileSectionW Replaces the keys and values for the specified section in an initialization file. (Unicode) |
WritePrivateProfileStringA Copies a string into the specified section of an initialization file. (ANSI) |
WritePrivateProfileStringW Copies a string into the specified section of an initialization file. (Unicode) |
WritePrivateProfileStructA Copies data into a key in the specified section of an initialization file. As it copies the data, the function calculates a checksum and appends it to the end of the data. (ANSI) |
WritePrivateProfileStructW Copies data into a key in the specified section of an initialization file. As it copies the data, the function calculates a checksum and appends it to the end of the data. (Unicode) |
WriteProfileSectionA Replaces the contents of the specified section in the Win.ini file with specified keys and values. (ANSI) |
WriteProfileSectionW Replaces the contents of the specified section in the Win.ini file with specified keys and values. (Unicode) |
WriteProfileStringA Copies a string into the specified section of the Win.ini file. (ANSI) |
WriteProfileStringW Copies a string into the specified section of the Win.ini file. (Unicode) |
WriteTapemark Writes a specified number of filemarks, setmarks, short filemarks, or long filemarks to a tape device. |
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId Retrieves the session identifier of the console session. |
ZombifyActCtx The ZombifyActCtx function deactivates the specified activation context, but does not deallocate it. |
Callback functions
LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE An application-defined callback function used with the CopyFileEx, MoveFileTransacted, and MoveFileWithProgress functions. |
PCOPYFILE2_PROGRESS_ROUTINE An application-defined callback function used with the CopyFile2 function. |
PFE_EXPORT_FUNC An application-defined callback function used with ReadEncryptedFileRaw. |
PFE_IMPORT_FUNC An application-defined callback function used with WriteEncryptedFileRaw. The system calls ImportCallback one or more times, each time to retrieve a portion of a backup file's data. |
PFIBER_START_ROUTINE An application-defined function used with the CreateFiber function. It serves as the starting address for a fiber. |
ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA The ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA structure is used by the FindActCtxSectionString and FindActCtxSectionGuid functions to return the activation context information along with either the GUID or 32-bit integer-tagged activation context section. |
ACTCTXA The ACTCTX structure is used by the CreateActCtx function to create the activation context. (ANSI) |
ACTCTXW The ACTCTX structure is used by the CreateActCtx function to create the activation context. (Unicode) |
COMMCONFIG Contains information about the configuration state of a communications device. |
COMMPROP Contains information about a communications driver. |
COMMTIMEOUTS Contains the time-out parameters for a communications device. |
COMSTAT Contains information about a communications device. |
COPYFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS Contains extended parameters for the CopyFile2 function. |
COPYFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS_V2 Contains updated, additional functionality beyond the COPYFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS structure for the CopyFile2 function |
COPYFILE2_MESSAGE Passed to the CopyFile2ProgressRoutine callback function with information about a pending copy operation. |
DCB Defines the control setting for a serial communications device. |
EVENTLOG_FULL_INFORMATION Indicates whether the event log is full. |
FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFO Contains alignment information for a file. |
FILE_ALLOCATION_INFO Contains the total number of bytes that should be allocated for a file. |
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFO Receives the requested file attribute information. Used for any handles. |
FILE_BASIC_INFO Contains the basic information for a file. Used for file handles. |
FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO Receives file compression information. |
FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO Indicates whether a file should be deleted. Used for any handles. |
FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO Contains the specified value to which the end of the file should be set. |
FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO Contains directory information for a file. (FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO) |
FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO Contains information about files in the specified directory. |
FILE_ID_DESCRIPTOR Specifies the type of ID that is being used. |
FILE_ID_EXTD_DIR_INFO Contains identification information for a file. (FILE_ID_EXTD_DIR_INFO) |
FILE_ID_INFO Contains identification information for a file. (FILE_ID_INFO) |
FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO Specifies the priority hint for a file I/O operation. |
FILE_NAME_INFO Receives the file name. |
FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFO Contains file remote protocol information. |
FILE_RENAME_INFO Contains the name to which the file should be renamed. |
FILE_STANDARD_INFO Receives extended information for the file. |
FILE_STORAGE_INFO Contains directory information for a file. (FILE_STORAGE_INFO) |
FILE_STREAM_INFO Receives file stream information for the specified file. |
HW_PROFILE_INFOA Contains information about a hardware profile. (ANSI) |
HW_PROFILE_INFOW Contains information about a hardware profile. (Unicode) |
MEMORYSTATUS Contains information about the current state of both physical and virtual memory. |
OFSTRUCT Contains information about a file that the OpenFile function opened or attempted to open. |
OPERATION_END_PARAMETERS This structure is used by the OperationEnd function. |
OPERATION_START_PARAMETERS This structure is used by the OperationStart function. |
STARTUPINFOEXA Specifies the window station, desktop, standard handles, and attributes for a new process. It is used with the CreateProcess and CreateProcessAsUser functions. (ANSI) |
STARTUPINFOEXW Specifies the window station, desktop, standard handles, and attributes for a new process. It is used with the CreateProcess and CreateProcessAsUser functions. (Unicode) |
SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS Contains information about the power status of the system. |
UMS_SCHEDULER_STARTUP_INFO Specifies attributes for a user-mode scheduling (UMS) scheduler thread. |
UMS_SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION Specifies a UMS scheduler thread, UMS worker thread, or non-UMS thread. The GetUmsSystemThreadInformation function uses this structure. |
WIN32_STREAM_ID Contains stream data. |
COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE Indicates the phase of a copy at the time of an error. |
COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION Returned by the CopyFile2ProgressRoutine callback function to indicate what action should be taken for the pending copy operation. |
COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE Indicates the type of message passed in the COPYFILE2_MESSAGE structure to the CopyFile2ProgressRoutine callback function. |
FILE_ID_TYPE Discriminator for the union in the FILE_ID_DESCRIPTOR structure. |
PRIORITY_HINT Defines values that are used with the FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO structure to specify the priority hint for a file I/O operation. |