msinkaut.h header
This header is used by Tablet PC. For more information, see:
msinkaut.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IInkCollector . (IInkCollector) |
IInkCursor Represents general information about the tablet cursor. |
IInkCursorButton Represents general information about a button on a tablet pointing and selecting device. |
IInkCursorButtons Represents a collection of IInkCursorButton objects for an IInkCursor interface. |
IInkCursors Represents a collection of IInkCursor objects. |
IInkCustomStrokes Contains a collection of user-defined InkStrokes collections. |
IInkDisp . (IInkDisp) |
IInkDrawingAttributes . (IInkDrawingAttributes) |
IInkExtendedProperties Represents a collection of IInkExtendedProperty objects that contain application-defined data. |
IInkExtendedProperty Represents the ability to add your own data to a variety of objects within the Tablet PC object model. |
IInkGesture Represents the ability to query particular properties of a gesture returned from a gesture recognition. |
IInkLineInfo The IInkLineInfo interface provides access to the display properties and recognition result list of a text ink object (tInk). |
IInkOverlay . (IInkOverlay) |
IInkPicture . (IInkPicture) |
IInkRecognitionAlternate Represents the possible word matches for segments of ink that are compared to a recognizers dictionary. |
IInkRecognitionAlternates Contains the IInkRecognitionAlternate objects that represent possible word matches for segments of ink. |
IInkRecognitionResult Represents the result of the recognition. The results of recognizing handwritten ink are returned in an IInkRecognitionResult object. |
IInkRecognizer Represents the ability to process ink, or handwriting, and translate the stroke into text or gesture. The recognizer creates an InkRecognizerContext object, which is used to perform the actual handwriting recognition. |
IInkRecognizer2 Adds members to the IInkWordList2 Interface. |
IInkRecognizerContext . (IInkRecognizerContext) |
IInkRecognizerContext2 Adds members to the InkRecognizerContext Class. |
IInkRecognizerGuide . (IInkRecognizerGuide) |
IInkRecognizers . (IInkRecognizers) |
IInkRectangle . (IInkRectangle) |
IInkRenderer . (IInkRenderer) |
IInkStrokeDisp Represents a single ink stroke.A stroke is a set of properties and point data that the digitizer captures that represent the coordinates and properties of a known ink mark. |
IInkStrokes . (IInkStrokes) |
IInkTablet Represents the digitizer device of Tablet PC that receives tablet device messages or events. |
IInkTablet2 Extends the IInkTablet interface. |
IInkTablet3 Enables multitouch querying for input. |
IInkTablets . (IInkTablets) |
IInkTransform . (IInkTransform) |
IInkWordList . (IInkWordList) |
IInkWordList2 Adds members to the InkWordList Class. |
INKMETRIC Specifies display properties for a text ink object (tInk). |
InkRecoGuide Deprecated. Represents information about the recognition guide. Use the WritingBox Property, DrawnBox Property, Rows Property, Columns Property, and Midline Property [InkRecognizerGuide Class] properties instead. |
InkApplicationGesture Defines values that set the interest in a set of application-specific gesture.Application gestures are gestures that you can choose to have your application support. |
InkBoundingBoxMode Specifies which characteristics of a stroke, such as drawing attributes, are used to calculate the bounding box of the ink.The bounding box is the smallest rectangle that includes all points in the InkDisp object. |
InkClipboardFormats Specifies the format of ink that is stored on the Clipboard. |
InkClipboardModes Specifies the copy options of the Clipboard. |
InkCollectionMode Defines values that determine whether ink, gestures, or ink and gestures are recognized as the user writes. |
InkCollectorEventInterest Defines values that are used to specify whether an event occurred on an ink collector and, if so, which event fired. |
InkCursorButtonState Defines values that specify the state of a cursor button. |
InkExtractFlags Determines how a stroke is removed from an InkDisp object. |
InkMouseButton Specifies which mouse button was pressed. (InkMouseButton) |
InkMousePointer Specifies the type of mouse pointer to appear. |
InkOverlayAttachMode Specifies where to attach the new InkOverlay object, behind or in front of the active layer. |
InkOverlayEditingMode Specifies the behavior mode of the InkOverlay object and the InkPicture control. |
InkOverlayEraserMode Specifies the way in which ink is erased from the InkOverlay object and the InkPicture control.This mode is used when the InkOverlayEditingMode is set to Delete. |
InkPenTip Specifies the pen-tip shape. |
InkPersistenceCompressionMode Defines values for the compression modes that are used to save the InkDisp object to a serialized format. |
InkPersistenceFormat Specifies how ink is persisted. |
InkPictureSizeMode Specifies how the picture behaves inside the InkPicture control. |
InkRasterOperation Defines values for performing raster operations on drawn ink. |
InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection Not implemented. (InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection) |
InkRecognitionConfidence Indicates the level of confidence that the recognizer has in the recognition result. |
InkRecognitionModes Specifies how the recognizer interprets the ink and determines the result string. |
InkRecognitionStatus Specifies whether an error occurred during recognition and, if so, which error occurred. |
InkRecognizerCapabilities Specifies the attributes of a recognizer. You also use this enumeration to determine which attributes to use when you search for an installed recognizer. |
InkRecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode Specifies types of character input modes. |
InkSelectionConstants Specifies whether the first element or all elements within a group of points or packet values are used. |
InkShiftKeyModifierFlags Specifies which modifier key was pressed. |
InkSystemGesture Specifies the interest in a set of operating system-specific gestures. |
SelectionHitResult Specifies which part of a selection, if any, was hit during a hit test. |
TabletHardwareCapabilities Specifies the hardware capabilities of the Tablet PC. |
TabletPropertyMetricUnit Indicates the unit of measurement of a property. |