NtOpenThread function
[This function may be changed or removed from Windows without further notice. Use the OpenThread function instead.]
Opens a handle to a thread object with the access specified.
NTSTATUS NtOpenThread(
_Out_ PHANDLE ThreadHandle,
_In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
_In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
_In_ PCLIENT_ID ClientId
ThreadHandle [out]
A pointer to a variable that receives the thread object handle.
DesiredAccess [in]
An ACCESS_MASK data type that provides the desired types of access for the thread object.
ObjectAttributes [in]
A pointer to an OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure. The ObjectName member of this structure must be NULL.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: The ObjectName member of this structure can point to an object name. If ObjectName is not NULL, the ClientId parameter must be NULL.
ClientId [in]
A pointer to a CLIENT_ID structure that identifies the thread whose thread is to be opened.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: A pointer to a CLIENT_ID structure that identifies the thread whose thread is to be opened. This parameter can be NULL. If this parameter is not NULL, the ObjectName member of the structure pointed to by the ObjectAttributes parameter must be NULL.
Return value
Returns an NTSTATUS or error code.
The forms and significance of NTSTATUS error codes are listed in the Ntstatus.h header file available in the WDK, and are described in the WDK documentation.
This function has no associated header file. The associated import library, Ntdll.lib is available in the WDK. You can also use the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions to dynamically link to Ntdll.dll.
Requirement | Value |