API ref for AI Text Recognition (OCR) in the Windows App SDK


Available in the latest experimental channel release of the Windows App SDK.

The Windows App SDK experimental channel includes APIs and features in early stages of development. All APIs in the experimental channel are subject to extensive revisions and breaking changes and may be removed from subsequent releases at any time. Experimental features are not supported for use in production environments and apps that use them cannot be published to the Microsoft Store.

  • Self-contained apps are not supported.

Learn about the Windows App SDK APIs, backed by artificial intelligence (AI), that can detect and extract text (characters, words, lines, polygonal text boundaries, and confidence levels for each match) within images and convert it into machine readable character streams.

For more details, see Get Started with Text Recognition (OCR) in the Windows App SDK.


Provide feedback on these APIs and their functionality by creating a new Issue in the Windows App SDK GitHub repo (include OCR in the title) or by responding to an existing issue.

Microsoft.Windows.Vision namespace

Provides APIs for machine learning models that analyze the textual content of images.

BoundingBox struct

public struct BoundingBox

A polygon with 4 points used for the boundary of recognized words and lines of text.



The bottom left corner of the bounding box.


The bottom right corner of the bounding box.


The top left point of the bounding box.


The top right point of the bounding box.


When returned as a boundary for a word or line, the TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, and BottomLeft points are relative to the rotation and skew of the recognized text in the image. The following diagram shows the point layout for different text rotations where 0 is TopLeft, 1 is TopRight, 2 is BottomRight, and 3 is BottomLeft, all relative to the text.

Diagram of three bounding box examples showing how corner points are identified based on text rotation.

DetectedLineStyle enum

public enum DetectedLineStyle

Specifies the line styles that can be recognized.


Handwritten: 0

The line of text is hand written.

Other: 1

The line of text is not hand written.

OrientationDetectionOptions enum

public enum OrientationDetectionOptions

Specifies the text orientations that can be recognized.


None: 0

Orientation is not recognized.

DetectOrientation: 1

Orientation is recognized.

RecognizedLine class

public sealed class RecognizedLine

Represents a single line of recognized text.

RecognizedLine.BoundingBox property

public Microsoft.Windows.Vision.RecognizedLine.BoundingBox BoundingBox { get; }

Gets the bounding box of the recognized line.

Property value

The bounding box of the recognized line.


RecognizedLine.Style property

public Microsoft.Windows.Vision.RecognizedLineStyle Style { get; }

Gets the recognized line style.

Property value

The recognized line style.


Includes whether the line of text was handwritten or not and the level of recognition confidence.

RecognizedLine.Text property

public string Text { get; }

Gets the text of the recognized line.

Property value

The text of the recognized line.


All words concatenated with spaces.

RecognizedLine.Words property

public Microsoft.Windows.Vision.RecognizedWord[] Words { get; }

The words in the recognized line.

Property value

The words in the recognized line.

RecognizedLineStyle struct

public struct RecognizedLineStyle

Represents the style of the recognized line.



The confidence level of the line style recognition.


The line style name.

RecognizedText class

public sealed class RecognizedText

Represents the result of an image-to-text recognition operation.

RecognizedText.ImageAngle property

public float ImageAngle { get; }

Gets the clockwise rotational angle of the recognized text in degrees.

Property value

The clockwise rotational angle of the recognized text in degrees.

RecognizedText.Lines property

public Microsoft.Windows.Vision.RecognizedLine[] Lines { get; }

Gets the collection of recognized lines.

Property value

The collection of recognized lines.

RecognizedWord class

public sealed class RecognizedWord

Represents a single recognized word.

RecognizedWord.BoundingBox property

public Microsoft.Windows.Vision.BoundingBox BoundingBox { get; }

Gets the quadrilateral boundary of the recognized word.

Property value

The quadrilateral boundary of the recognized word. TopLeft is relative to the word's rotation.

RecognizedWord.Confidence property

public float Confidence { get; }

Gets how likely this word was recognized correctly.

Property value

Wow likely this word was recognized correctly. Value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.

RecognizedWord.Text property

public string Text { get; }

Gets the text of the recognized word.

Property value

The text of the recognized word.

TextRecognizer class

public sealed class TextRecognizer : System.IDisposable

Recognizes words and lines, and their quadrilateral boundaries, in a source image.

TextRecognizer.Close method

Disposes of the object and associated resources.


Not implemented in C#.

TextRecognizer.CreateAsync method

public static Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<Microsoft.Windows.Vision.TextRecognizer> CreateAsync ();

Asynchronously creates a new instance of the TextRecognizer class.


A new instance of the TextRecognizer class.

This will return an error if GetModelReadyStatus is not Ready.

TextRecognizer.IsAvailable method

public static bool IsAvailable ();

Retrieves whether the underlying language model is installed.


True if the underlying language model is installed. Otherwise, false.

TextRecognizer.MakeAvailableAsync method

public static Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperationWithProgress<Microsoft.Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageDeploymentResult, 
Microsoft.Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageDeploymentProgress> MakeAvailableAsync ();

Ensures the underlying language model is installed and available for use.


An asynchronous action with progress that returns a PackageDeploymentResult on completion.

TextRecognizer.RecognizeTextFromImage(Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.ImageBuffer, Microsoft.Windows.Vision.TextRecognizerOptions) method

public Microsoft.Windows.Vision.RecognizedText RecognizeTextFromImage (Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.ImageBuffer imageBuffer, 
Microsoft.Windows.Vision.TextRecognizerOptions options);

Recognize text in the provided image.


An uncompressed bitmap.


Options for configuring the text recognition model for the TextRecognizer.


The recognized text.

TextRecognizer.RecognizeTextFromImage(Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.ImageBuffer, Microsoft.Windows.Vision.TextRecognizerOptions, Microsoft.Windows.Workloads.WorkloadPriority) method

public Microsoft.Windows.Vision.RecognizedText RecognizeTextFromImage (Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.ImageBuffer imageBuffer, 
Microsoft.Windows.Vision.TextRecognizerOptions options, Microsoft.Windows.Workloads.WorkloadPriority priority);

Recognize text in the provided image.


An uncompressed bitmap.


Options for configuring the text recognition model for the TextRecognizer.


The recognized text.

TextRecognizer.RecognizeTextFromImageAsync(Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.ImageBuffer, Microsoft.Windows.Vision.TextRecognizerOptions) method

public Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<Microsoft.Windows.Vision.RecognizedText> RecognizeTextFromImageAsync (Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.ImageBuffer imageBuffer, 
Microsoft.Windows.Vision.TextRecognizerOptions options);

Asynchronously recognize text in the provided image.


An uncompressed bitmap.


Options for configuring the text recognition model for the TextRecognizer.


The recognized text.

TextRecognizer.RecognizeTextFromImageAsync(Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.ImageBuffer, Microsoft.Windows.Vision.TextRecognizerOptions, Microsoft.Windows.Workloads.WorkloadPriority) method

public Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<Microsoft.Windows.Vision.RecognizedText> RecognizeTextFromImageAsync (Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.ImageBuffer imageBuffer, 
Microsoft.Windows.Vision.TextRecognizerOptions options, Microsoft.Windows.Workloads.WorkloadPriority priority);

Asynchronously recognize text in the provided image.


An uncompressed bitmap.


Options for configuring the text recognition model for the TextRecognizer.


The recognized text.

TextRecognizerOptions class

public sealed class TextRecognizerOptions

Provides options to configure the text recognition model for a TextRecognizer.

TextRecognizerOptions.MaxAnalysisSize property

public Windows.Graphics.SizeInt32 MaxAnalysisSize { get; set; }

Gets or sets the maximum image size.

Property value

The maximum image size. Default value is 1152 width and 768 height.


This size is a suggestion, and might not always be honored.

If the source image is larger than the maximum size, it will automatically be scaled down to the upper size limits.

TextRecognizerOptions.MaxLineCount property

public uint MaxLineCount { get; set; }

Gets or sets the maximum number of lines to return from the recognition operation.

Property value

The maximum number of lines to return from the recognition operation.


Defaults to MaxLineCountSupported. If specified, the maximum lines returned will be the lesser of this value and MaxLineCountSupported.

TextRecognizerOptions.OrientationDetection property

public Microsoft.Windows.Vision.OrientationDetectionOptions OrientationDetection { get; set; }

Gets or sets whether to detect the text orientation.

Property value

Whether to detect the text orientation. Default value is None.

TextRecognizerOptions.#ctor constructor

public TextRecognizerOptions ();

Initializes a new instance of the TextRecognizerOptions class.