Serial port

To develop a serial port driver the version 2.0 of this header is used.

For the programming guide, see Serial port.

Previous versions of Windows

These headers were used with previous versions of Windows.

Callback functions

Title Description
EVT_SERCX2_APPLY_CONFIG callback function The EvtSerCx2ApplyConfig event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to supply the serial controller driver with a list of device-specific configuration settings to apply to the serial controller hardware.
EVT_SERCX2_CONTROL callback function The EvtSerCx2Control event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to handle a serial I/O control request.
EVT_SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_TRANSACTION_CLEANUP callback function The EvtSerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionCleanup event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller's hardware state after a custom-receive transaction ends.
EVT_SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_TRANSACTION_INITIALIZE callback function The EvtSerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionInitialize event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller hardware to perform a new custom-receive transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_TRANSACTION_START callback function The EvtSerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionStart event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to start a custom-receive transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_CUSTOM_TRANSMIT_TRANSACTION_CLEANUP callback function The EvtSerCx2CustomTransmitTransactionCleanup event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller's hardware state after a custom-transmit transaction ends.
EVT_SERCX2_CUSTOM_TRANSMIT_TRANSACTION_INITIALIZE callback function The EvtSerCx2CustomTransmitTransactionInitialize event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller driver to perform a custom-transmit transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_CUSTOM_TRANSMIT_TRANSACTION_START callback function The EvtSerCx2CustomTransmitTransactionStart event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to start a custom-transmit transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_FILECLOSE callback function The EvtSerCx2FileClose event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to notify the serial controller driver that the client released the file object that represents the logical connection to the serial controller device.
EVT_SERCX2_FILEOPEN callback function The EvtSerCx2FileOpen event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to notify the serial controller driver that a client opened a logical connection to the serial controller device and that a file object has been created to represent this connection.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_RECEIVE_CANCEL_READY_NOTIFICATION callback function The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveCancelReadyNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a ready notification that SerCx2 enabled in a previous call to the EvtSerCx2PioReceiveEnableReadyNotification event callback function.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_RECEIVE_CLEANUP_TRANSACTION callback function The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveCleanupTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller's hardware state after a PIO-receive transaction ends.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_RECEIVE_ENABLE_READY_NOTIFICATION callback function The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveEnableReadyNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to enable the serial controller driver to notify SerCx2 when the serial controller receives new data.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_RECEIVE_INITIALIZE_TRANSACTION callback function The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveInitializeTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller to perform a PIO-receive transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_RECEIVE_READ_BUFFER callback function The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveReadBuffer event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to use programmed I/O (PIO) to transfer data from the receive FIFO in the serial controller to a read buffer.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_TRANSMIT_CANCEL_DRAIN_FIFO callback function The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitCancelDrainFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a previous request to drain the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_TRANSMIT_CANCEL_READY_NOTIFICATION callback function The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitCancelReadyNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a ready notification that SerCx2 enabled in a previous call to the EvtSerCx2PioTransmitEnableReadyNotification event callback function.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_TRANSMIT_CLEANUP_TRANSACTION callback function The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitCleanupTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller state after a PIO-transmit transaction ends.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_TRANSMIT_DRAIN_FIFO callback function The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitDrainFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to drain the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_TRANSMIT_ENABLE_READY_NOTIFICATION callback function The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitEnableReadyNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to enable the serial controller driver to notify SerCx2 when the transmit FIFO in the serial controller is ready to accept more data.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_TRANSMIT_INITIALIZE_TRANSACTION callback function The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitInitializeTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller driver to perform a PIO-transmit transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_TRANSMIT_PURGE_FIFO callback function The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitPurgeFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to discard any bytes of unsent data that remain in the transmit FIFO in the serial controller.
EVT_SERCX2_PIO_TRANSMIT_WRITE_BUFFER callback function The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitWriteBuffer event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to use programmed I/O (PIO) to transfer the contents of a write buffer to the transmit FIFO in the serial controller.
EVT_SERCX2_PURGE_FIFOS callback function The EvtSerCx2PurgeFifos event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to purge the FIFO buffers in the serial controller hardware.
EVT_SERCX2_SELECT_NEXT_RECEIVE_TRANSACTION_TYPE callback function The EvtSerCx2SelectNextReceiveTransactionType event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to determine which data-transfer mechanism to use for the next read operation.
EVT_SERCX2_SELECT_NEXT_TRANSMIT_TRANSACTION_TYPE callback function The EvtSerCx2SelectNextTransmitTransactionType event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to determine which data-transfer mechanism to use for the next write operation.
EVT_SERCX2_SET_WAIT_MASK callback function The EvtSerCx2SetWaitMask event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to configure the serial controller to monitor a set of hardware events that are specified by a wait mask.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CANCEL_NEW_DATA_NOTIFICATION callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCancelNewDataNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a new-data notification that SerCx2 enabled in a previous call to the EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveEnableNewDataNotification event callback function.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CLEANUP_TRANSACTION callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCleanupTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller state after a system-DMA-receive transaction ends.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CONFIGURE_DMA_CHANNEL callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveConfigureDmaChannel event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to let the serial controller driver do any custom configuration of the DMA adapter that might be required before the start of each transfer in a system-DMA-receive transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_ENABLE_NEW_DATA_NOTIFICATION callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveEnableNewDataNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to enable the serial controller driver to notify SerCx2 when the serial controller receives new data.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_INITIALIZE_TRANSACTION callback function The EvtSerCx2EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveInitializeTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller driver to perform a system-DMA-receive transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_TRANSMIT_CANCEL_DRAIN_FIFO callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitCancelDrainFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a previous request to drain the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_TRANSMIT_CLEANUP_TRANSACTION callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitCleanupTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller state after a system-DMA-transmit transaction ends.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_TRANSMIT_CONFIGURE_DMA_CHANNEL callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitConfigureDmaChannel event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to let the serial controller driver do any custom configuration of the DMA adapter that might be required before the start of each DMA transfer in a system-DMA-transmit transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_TRANSMIT_DRAIN_FIFO callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitDrainFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to drain the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_TRANSMIT_INITIALIZE_TRANSACTION callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitInitializeTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller driver to perform a system-DMA-transmit transaction.
EVT_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_TRANSMIT_PURGE_FIFO callback function The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitPurgeFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to discard any bytes of unsent data that remain in the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.
EVT_SERCX_APPLY_CONFIG callback function The EvtSerCxApplyConfig event callback function instructs the serial controller driver to apply a list of configuration settings to the serial controller hardware.
EVT_SERCX_CONTROL callback function The EvtSerCxControl event callback function handles an I/O control request that has an I/O control code (IOCTL) that the serial framework extension (SerCx) supports.
EVT_SERCX_FILECLEANUP callback function The EvtSerCxFileCleanup event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that a client has closed the last handle to the file object that represents the serial controller device.
EVT_SERCX_FILECLOSE callback function The EvtSerCxFileClose event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that the file object that represents the serial controller device has been released.
EVT_SERCX_FILEOPEN callback function The EvtSerCxFileOpen event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that a client opened a file handle on the serial controller device and that a file object has been created to represent the device.
EVT_SERCX_PURGE callback function The EvtSerCxPurge event callback function is called by the serial framework extension (SerCx) to purge the serial controller's hardware buffers.
EVT_SERCX_RECEIVE callback function The EvtSerCxReceive event callback function prepares the serial controller device (UART) to do a read (receive) operation.
EVT_SERCX_RECEIVE_CANCEL callback function The EvtSerCxReceiveCancel event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that the pending receive request is canceled.
EVT_SERCX_TRANSMIT callback function The EvtSerCxTransmit event callback function prepares the serial controller device (UART) to do a write (transmit) operation.
EVT_SERCX_TRANSMIT_CANCEL callback function The EvtSerCxTransmitCancel event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that the pending transmit request is canceled.
EVT_SERCX_WAITMASK callback function The EvtSerCxWaitmask event callback function configures the serial controller to monitor the events in a wait mask, which is a bitmask value that specifies a set of hardware events.



The IOCTL_INTERNAL_SERENUM_REMOVE_SELF request invalidates the bus relations of the filter DO that are associated with a target PDO. (Physically, this request invalidates the bus relations of the RS-232 port to which the target device is attached.).

The IOCTL_SERENUM_GET_PORT_NAME request returns the value of the PortName (or Identifier) entry value for the RS-232 port -- see Registry Settings for a Plug and Play Serial Device.

The IOCTL_SERENUM_PORT_DESC request returns a description of the RS-232 port associated with a filter DO.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_APPLY_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION control code configures the serial port to use the default hardware settings for the serial controller device.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_CLEAR_STATS request clears the performance statistics for a serial device.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_CLR_DTR request clears the data terminal ready (DTR) control signal.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_CLR_RTS request clears the request to send (RTS) control signal.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_CONFIG_SIZE request returns information about configuration size.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_BAUD_RATE request returns the baud rate at which the serial port is currently configured to transmit and receive data.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_CHARS request retrieves the special characters that the serial controller driver uses with handshake flow control. The special characters are described by a SERIAL_CHARS structure.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS request returns information about the communication status of a serial device. For more information about the status information that is retrieved by this request, see SERIAL_STATUS.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_DTRRTS request returns information about the data terminal ready (DTR) control signal and the request to send (RTS) control signal.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_HANDFLOW request returns information about the configuration of the handshake flow control set for a serial device.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_LINE_CONTROL request returns information about the line control set for a serial device. The line control parameters include the number of stop bits, the number of data bits, and the parity.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_MODEM_CONTROL request returns the value of the modem control register in the serial controller.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_MODEMSTATUS request updates the modem status, and returns the value of the modem status register before the update.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_PROPERTIES request returns information about the capabilities of a serial controller. The capabilities information is returned in a SERIAL_COMMPROP structure.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_STATS request returns information about the performance of a serial controller.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_TIMEOUTS request returns the time-out values that the serial controller driver uses with read and write requests.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_WAIT_MASK request returns the event wait mask that is currently set for the serial controller.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR request causes a specified character to be transmitted as soon as possible.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_INTERNAL_BASIC_SETTINGS request sets a serial device to a basic operating mode.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_INTERNAL_CANCEL_WAIT_WAKE request disables the wait/wake operation of a serial device.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_INTERNAL_DO_WAIT_WAKE request enables the wait/wake operation of a serial device.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_INTERNAL_RESTORE_SETTINGS request restores the specified operating mode of a serial device.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT request enables or disables the insertion of information about line status and modem status in the receive data stream.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_PURGE request cancels the specified requests and deletes data from the specified buffers.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_RESET_DEVICE request resets a serial device.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_BAUD_RATE request sets the baud rate on a serial controller device. The serial controller driver verifies the specified baud rate.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_BREAK_OFF request sets the line control break signal inactive.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_BREAK_ON request sets the line control break signal active.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_CHARS request sets the special characters that the serial controller driver uses for handshake flow control. This driver verifies the specified special characters.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_DTR request sets DTR (data terminal ready).

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_FIFO_CONTROL request sets the FIFO control register (FCR). Serial does not verify the specified FIFO control information.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_HANDFLOW request sets the configuration of handshake flow control. The serial controller driver verifies the specified handshake flow control information.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_LINE_CONTROL request sets the line control register (LCR). The line control register controls the data size, the number of stop bits, and the parity.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_MODEM_CONTROL request sets the modem control register (MCR) in the UART. No parameter checking is done on the client-supplied register settings.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_QUEUE_SIZE request sets the size of the internal receive buffer. If the requested size is greater than the current receive buffer size, a new receive buffer is created. Otherwise, the receive buffer is not changed.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_RTS request sets RTS (request to send).

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_TIMEOUTS request sets the time-out values that the serial controller driver uses for read and write requests.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK request configures the serial controller driver to notify a client after the occurrence of any one of a specified set of wait events.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_XOFF request emulates the reception of an XOFF (transmit off) character.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_XON request emulates the reception of a XON (transmit on) character, which restarts reception of data.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK request is used to wait for the occurrence of any wait event specified by using an IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK request.

The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER request sets an XOFF counter. An XOFF counter request supports clients that use software to emulate hardware handshake flow control.



The SERCX_STATUS enumeration indicates the status of a serial receive or transmit operation.

The SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_TRANSACTION_PROGRESS enumeration defines constants that indicate whether process is being made toward completing a custom-receive transaction.

The SERCX2_TRANSACTION_TYPE enumeration defines constants that indicate the type of data-transfer mechanism to use to perform an I/O transaction.



The EvtSerCxApplyConfig event callback function instructs the serial controller driver to apply a list of configuration settings to the serial controller hardware.

The EvtSerCxControl event callback function handles an I/O control request that has an I/O control code (IOCTL) that the serial framework extension (SerCx) supports.

The EvtSerCxFileCleanup event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that a client has closed the last handle to the file object that represents the serial controller device.

The EvtSerCxFileClose event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that the file object that represents the serial controller device has been released.

The EvtSerCxFileOpen event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that a client opened a file handle on the serial controller device and that a file object has been created to represent the device.

The EvtSerCxPurge event callback function is called by the serial framework extension (SerCx) to purge the serial controller's hardware buffers.

The EvtSerCxReceive event callback function prepares the serial controller device (UART) to do a read (receive) operation.

The EvtSerCxReceiveCancel event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that the pending receive request is canceled.

The EvtSerCxTransmit event callback function prepares the serial controller device (UART) to do a write (transmit) operation.

The EvtSerCxTransmitCancel event callback function notifies the serial controller driver that the pending transmit request is canceled.

The EvtSerCxWaitmask event callback function configures the serial controller to monitor the events in a wait mask, which is a bitmask value that specifies a set of hardware events.

The EvtSerCx2ApplyConfig event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to supply the serial controller driver with a list of device-specific configuration settings to apply to the serial controller hardware.

The EvtSerCx2Control event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to handle a serial I/O control request.

The EvtSerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionCleanup event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller's hardware state after a custom-receive transaction ends.

The EvtSerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionInitialize event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller hardware to perform a new custom-receive transaction.

The EvtSerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionStart event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to start a custom-receive transaction.

The EvtSerCx2CustomTransmitTransactionCleanup event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller's hardware state after a custom-transmit transaction ends.

The EvtSerCx2CustomTransmitTransactionInitialize event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller driver to perform a custom-transmit transaction.

The EvtSerCx2CustomTransmitTransactionStart event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to start a custom-transmit transaction.

The EvtSerCx2FileClose event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to notify the serial controller driver that the client released the file object that represents the logical connection to the serial controller device.

The EvtSerCx2FileOpen event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to notify the serial controller driver that a client opened a logical connection to the serial controller device and that a file object has been created to represent this connection.

The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveCancelReadyNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a ready notification that SerCx2 enabled in a previous call to the EvtSerCx2PioReceiveEnableReadyNotification event callback function.

The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveCleanupTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller's hardware state after a PIO-receive transaction ends.

The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveEnableReadyNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to enable the serial controller driver to notify SerCx2 when the serial controller receives new data.

The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveInitializeTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller to perform a PIO-receive transaction.

The EvtSerCx2PioReceiveReadBuffer event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to use programmed I/O (PIO) to transfer data from the receive FIFO in the serial controller to a read buffer.

The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitCancelDrainFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a previous request to drain the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitCancelReadyNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a ready notification that SerCx2 enabled in a previous call to the EvtSerCx2PioTransmitEnableReadyNotification event callback function.

The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitCleanupTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller state after a PIO-transmit transaction ends.

The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitDrainFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to drain the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitEnableReadyNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to enable the serial controller driver to notify SerCx2 when the transmit FIFO in the serial controller is ready to accept more data.

The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitInitializeTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller driver to perform a PIO-transmit transaction.

The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitPurgeFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to discard any bytes of unsent data that remain in the transmit FIFO in the serial controller.

The EvtSerCx2PioTransmitWriteBuffer event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to use programmed I/O (PIO) to transfer the contents of a write buffer to the transmit FIFO in the serial controller.

The EvtSerCx2PurgeFifos event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to purge the FIFO buffers in the serial controller hardware.

The EvtSerCx2SelectNextReceiveTransactionType event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to determine which data-transfer mechanism to use for the next read operation.

The EvtSerCx2SelectNextTransmitTransactionType event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to determine which data-transfer mechanism to use for the next write operation.

The EvtSerCx2SetWaitMask event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to configure the serial controller to monitor a set of hardware events that are specified by a wait mask.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCancelNewDataNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a new-data notification that SerCx2 enabled in a previous call to the EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveEnableNewDataNotification event callback function.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCleanupTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller state after a system-DMA-receive transaction ends.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveConfigureDmaChannel event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to let the serial controller driver do any custom configuration of the DMA adapter that might be required before the start of each transfer in a system-DMA-receive transaction.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveEnableNewDataNotification event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to enable the serial controller driver to notify SerCx2 when the serial controller receives new data.

The EvtSerCx2EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveInitializeTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller driver to perform a system-DMA-receive transaction.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitCancelDrainFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to cancel a previous request to drain the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitCleanupTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to clean up the serial controller state after a system-DMA-transmit transaction ends.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitConfigureDmaChannel event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to let the serial controller driver do any custom configuration of the DMA adapter that might be required before the start of each DMA transfer in a system-DMA-transmit transaction.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitDrainFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to drain the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitInitializeTransaction event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to prepare the serial controller driver to perform a system-DMA-transmit transaction.

The EvtSerCx2SystemDmaTransmitPurgeFifo event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to discard any bytes of unsent data that remain in the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The SERCX_ACTIVITY_INIT function initializes a SERCX_ACTIVITY structure.


The SERCX_CONFIG_INIT function initializes a SERCX_CONFIG structure.

The SERCX2_CONFIG_INIT function initializes a SERCX2_CONFIG structure.





The SERCX2_PIO_RECEIVE_CONFIG_INIT function initializes a SERCX2_PIO_RECEIVE_CONFIG structure.





The SerCx2CompleteWait method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that an event in the current wait mask has occurred.

The SerCx2CustomReceiveCreate method creates a custom-receive object, which version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to read receive data from the serial controller by means of a custom data-transfer mechanism.

The SerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionCleanupComplete method informs version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished cleaning up the serial controller's hardware state after a custom-receive transaction.

The SerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionCreate method creates a custom-receive-transaction object, which version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to perform custom-receive transactions.

The SerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionInitializeComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished initializing the serial controller and associated hardware in preparation for a new custom-receive transaction.

The SerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionNewDataNotification method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that data is available to be read from the receive FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The SerCx2CustomReceiveTransactionReportProgress method reports whether progress is being made toward completing the current custom-receive transaction.

The SerCx2CustomTransmitCreate method creates a custom-transmit object, which version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to write transmit data to the serial controller by means of a custom data-transfer mechanism.

The SerCx2CustomTransmitTransactionCleanupComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished cleaning up the serial controller's hardware state after a custom-transmit transaction.

The SerCx2CustomTransmitTransactionCreate method creates a custom-transmit-transaction object, which version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to perform custom-transmit transactions.

The SerCx2CustomTransmitTransactionInitializeComplete method informs version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial driver has finished initializing the serial controller and associated hardware in preparation for a new custom-transmit transaction.

The SerCx2InitializeDevice method finishes initializing the framework device object for the serial controller.

The SerCx2InitializeDeviceInit method enables version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to register extension-specific properties with the driver framework during the creation of the framework device object for the serial controller.

The SerCx2PioReceiveCleanupTransactionComplete method informs version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished cleaning up the serial controller's hardware state after a PIO-receive transaction.

The SerCx2PioReceiveCreate method creates a PIO-receive object, which version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to perform PIO-receive transactions.

The SerCx2PioReceiveInitializeTransactionComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial driver has finished initializing the serial controller hardware in preparation for a new PIO-receive transaction.

The SerCx2PioReceiveReady method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that data is available to be read from the receive FIFO in the serial controller.

The SerCx2PioTransmitCleanupTransactionComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that serial controller driver has finished cleaning up the serial controller's hardware state after a PIO-transmit transaction.

The SerCx2PioTransmitCreate method creates a PIO-transmit object, which version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to perform PIO-transmit transactions.

The SerCx2PioTransmitDrainFifoComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished draining the data from the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The SerCx2PioTransmitInitializeTransactionComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished initializing the serial controller hardware in preparation for a new PIO-transmit transaction.

The SerCx2PioTransmitPurgeFifoComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished purging the data from the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The SerCx2PioTransmitReady method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware is ready to accept more data.

The SerCx2SaveReceiveFifoOnD0Exit method informs version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the receive FIFO of the serial controller hardware contains data that should be saved before the serial controller enters a device low-power state.

The SerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCleanupTransactionComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished cleaning up the serial controller's hardware state after a system-DMA-receive transaction.

The SerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCreate method creates a SerCx2 system-DMA-receive object, which version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to perform system-DMA-receive transactions.

The SerCx2SystemDmaReceiveGetDmaEnabler method gets the DMA enabler for the system DMA controller that is used for system-DMA-receive transactions.

The SerCx2SystemDmaReceiveInitializeTransactionComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial driver has finished initializing the serial controller hardware in preparation for a new system-DMA-receive transaction.

The SerCx2SystemDmaReceiveNewDataNotification method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that data is available to be read from the receive FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The SerCx2SystemDmaTransmitCleanupTransactionComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished cleaning up the serial controller's hardware state after a system-DMA-transmit transaction.

The SerCx2SystemDmaTransmitCreate method creates a SerCx2 system-DMA-transmit object, which version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to perform system-DMA-transmit transactions.

The SerCx2SystemDmaTransmitDrainFifoComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished draining the data from the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The SerCx2SystemDmaTransmitGetDmaEnabler method gets the DMA enabler for the system DMA controller that is used for system-DMA-transmit transactions.

The SerCx2SystemDmaTransmitInitializeTransactionComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished initializing the serial controller hardware in preparation for a new system-DMA-transmit transaction.

The SerCx2SystemDmaTransmitPurgeFifoComplete method notifies version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) that the serial controller driver has finished purging the data from the transmit FIFO in the serial controller hardware.

The SerCxCompleteWait method notifies the serial framework extension (SerCx) that an event in the current wait mask has occurred.

The SerCxDeviceInitConfig method is called by the serial controller driver to attach the serial framework extension (SerCx) to the I/O pipeline for a framework device object (FDO or PDO) that it is creating.

SERCXFUNC is used to create the external SERCX function interfaces.

The SerCxGetActivity method retrieves the status of pending work for the serial controller driver.

The SerCxGetConnectionParameters method retrieves the connection parameters for the associated peripheral device.

The SerCxGetReadIntervalTimeout method returns the interval time-out value for a read (receive) operation.

The SerCxGetRingBufferUtilization method enables the serial controller driver to determine how much of the type-ahead ring buffer is currently filled by data received from the serial port.

The SerCxGetWaitMask method returns the event wait mask for the wait operation that is currently pending.

The SerCxInitialize method completes the initialization of the serial framework extension (SerCx) after this driver creates the associated device object.

The SerCxProgressReceive method reports the progress of the current read (receive) operation.

The SerCxProgressTransmit method reports the progress of the current write (transmit) operation.

The SerCxRetrieveReceiveBuffer method obtains an input buffer into which data received from the serial port can be loaded.

The SerCxRetrieveReceiveMdl method retrieves the MDL that describes the buffer to use to receive the next block of input data.

The SerCxRetrieveTransmitBuffer method obtains an output buffer that contains data that is ready to be transmitted to the serial port.

The SerCxRetrieveTransmitMdl method retrieves the MDL that describes the buffer that contains the next block of output data to be transmitted.

SERFUNC is used to create the SERCX function interfaces.



The SERCX_ACTIVITY structure contains a summary of work items that are ready for the serial controller driver to process.

The SERCX_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR structure describes a data buffer for a receive operation or transmit operation.

The SERCX_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for the serial framework extension (SerCx).

The SERCX2_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2).

The SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_CONFIG structure contains information that version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to configure a new custom-receive object.

The SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_TRANSACTION_CONFIG structure contains information that version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to configure a new custom-receive-transaction object.

The SERCX2_CUSTOM_TRANSMIT_CONFIG structure contains information that version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to configure a new custom-transmit object.

The SERCX2_CUSTOM_TRANSMIT_TRANSACTION_CONFIG structure contains information that version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to configure a new custom-transmit-transaction object.

The SERCX2_PIO_RECEIVE_CONFIG structure contains information that version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to configure a new PIO-receive object.

The SERCX2_PIO_TRANSMIT_CONFIG structure contains information that version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to configure a new PIO-transmit object.

The SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CONFIG structure contains information that version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to configure a new system-DMA-receive object.

The SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_TRANSMIT_CONFIG structure contains information that version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to configure a new system-DMA-transmit object.

The SERIAL_BAUD_RATE structure specifies the baud rate at which a serial port is currently configured to transmit and receive data.

The SERIAL_CHARS structure specifies the special characters that the serial controller driver uses for handshake flow control.

The SERIAL_COMMPROP structure specifies the properties of a serial port.

The SERIAL_HANDFLOW structure specifies the handshake and flow control settings for a serial port.

The SERIAL_LINE_CONTROL structure describes the control settings for the serial line.

The SERIAL_QUEUE_SIZE structure is used to resize the input buffer that the serial controller driver uses for serial receive operations.

The SERIAL_STATUS structure contains status information about the serial port.

The SERIAL_TIMEOUTS structure specifies the time-out parameters for read and write operations by the serial port.

The SERIALPERF_STATS structure contains performance statistics for a serial port.