Create an SSH key pair
To access your Microsoft Viva Glint Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) account, create a Secure Shell (SSH) key pair, which includes a public and private key.
These instructions are for individual users that connect to Viva Glint SFTP. Your organization may have an HR information system (HRIS) vendor connect directly to SFTP to send employee data. Work with your HRIS team to have an SSH key pair generated for the HRIS vendor to connect.
Understand SSH key pair requirements
To connect to your Viva Glint SFTP account, ensure that the SSH key pair:
- Has a key length of as least 2,048, but ideally 4,096 bits
- Is type RSA in OpenSSH format
If your organization or HRIS vendor can't generate a key pair in OpenSSH format, convert the public SSH key to OpenSSH format before adding to Viva Glint.
Passphrases are optional for key files. To omit, leave blank when prompted.
Create an SSH key pair on Microsoft Windows
To create a key pair on Microsoft Windows operating systems:
- Download PuTTy Key Generator PuTTygen.exe file and run it.
- In the Key menu, select SSH-2 RSA Key.
- In Parameters, select the RSA option.
- In Number of bits in generated key field, enter at least 2,048, but ideally 4,096.
- In Actions, select Generate.
- A progress bar appears. In the blank area under the bar, move your pointer in a random pattern to complete key pair generation.
- When generation completes, copy the contents of the Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file field and past into a text editor application (like Notepad).
Copy the full text of the public key, including
, into the SSH Public Key field when you set up SFTP in General Settings. - Save your file as
- Key passphrase and Confirm passphrase fields aren't required. Leave blank for no passphrase.
- Select Save private key to save the private key file. This key lets you connect to SFTP in a dedicated FTP application.
Create an SSH key pair on Macintosh or Linux
To create a key pair on Macintosh or Linux operating systems:
- Open a Terminal window. in Macintosh operating systems, find Terminal in the Dock or in the Utilities folder.
- Enter the following command:
ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -C "your_username" -f filename
.- The length, determined by
, should be at least 2,048, but ideally 4,096. - Update your_username and filename values.
- Example:
ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -C "jsmith" -f vivaglint-yyyymmdd
- The length, determined by
- Select enter and follow prompts.
- A passphrase isn't required. Supply a passphrase or leave blank and select enter to continue.
- When successfully generated, you see these messages:
Your identification has been saved in **filename**.
Your public key has been saved in ****.
- Search for the public and private key files in Finder.
- The two key files are named based on what was specified in the Terminal command.
- Example: vivaglint-yyyymmdd and
- With no specified file name, the key files appear as: id_rsa and
- The two key files are named based on what was specified in the Terminal command.
- Open the .pub file (the SSH public key) in a text editor (like TextEdit) and copy the contents.
Copy the full text of the public key, including
, into the SSH Public Key field when you set up SFTP in General Settings.