Opt into Viva Glint external benchmarks
Viva Glint admins can opt into - give consent to use - external benchmarks. After doing so, they can select one or more of these benchmarks for managers to use when viewing reports.
Why use the external benchmark?
For an initial survey, when no historical data exists, most organizations are interested in seeing how their scores compare to an external benchmark, to begin orienting themselves to their results. The external benchmark is useful for company admins to provide a meaningful reference point in assessing an organization's overall scores.
External benchmarks are helpful initially, but as you begin to survey more frequently, trends and internal comparisons become more useful for making incremental improvements.
Use Viva Glint's global benchmark offerings and methodology for external benchmarking comparisons.
Give consent to external benchmarks so managers can use them to view reports
If consent is Off, external benchmark selection is not possible. If consent is On, there needs to be at least one ext benchmark selected to be able to save the setting.
There can't be a scenario where consent toggle is Off and an external benchmark is selected, or a scenario where consent toggle is saved as On and no external benchmarks were selected.
Selecting external benchmarks after admin consent
After the consent toggle is changed to On, admins can select one or more external benchmarks for managers to use when viewing reports. The benchmark categories are:
- Global
- Industry
- Regional
- Country
- Nursing Excellence (Magnet)
- Specialty
The consent to use external benchmarks agreement reads: "By agreeing to use external benchmarks, you authorize Microsoft to process your organization's Viva Glint survey content - including data collected through your use of Microsoft Viva Glint - for the purpose of providing aggregated survey benchmarks to participating Viva Glint customers, including your organization."