Use Microsoft Teams for Viva Glint notifications

Bring survey notifications (invites, reminders, results notifications) and Nudges into the flow of work by integrating Microsoft Viva Glint and Microsoft Teams. Use the information in this article to have a Microsoft 365 admin install Viva Glint for Teams users in your organization and to enable Teams in the Viva Glint application.


Glint survey notifications and Nudges in Teams don't currently support:

Install Microsoft Viva Glint for your organization in Teams

In the Microsoft Teams admin center, your Microsoft 365 admin can install the Glint application for users in your organization. To install Glint for your organization:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Teams admin center and select Teams Apps and then Setup Policies.

  2. Set up a policy (or modify an existing policy) to include the Viva Glint app for all users in your organization or a select group of users: Manage app setup policies in Microsoft Teams.

  3. When the Glint app is installed for users, they receive a welcome message in Microsoft Teams.

    Screenshot of the Teams message that users receive when Viva Glint is installed to Microsoft Teams.

Install Microsoft Viva Glint in Teams as an individual

Users who have Microsoft Teams licenses can access Viva Glint in Teams. To install the Glint app as a nonadmin user for your own instance of Microsoft Teams:

  1. Go to + Apps and search for Viva Glint.
  2. In the search results, select Add next to the Viva Glint app.
  3. To pin Viva Glint in the left side of Teams, select the ellipses (...) to view all unpinned apps.
  4. Right click Viva Glint and select Pin. Learn more about managing pinned apps.

Enable Microsoft Teams in Viva Glint

In the Viva Glint application, admins enable Microsoft Teams as a communication method in three places:

  • In General Settings, to have Teams as a notification option overall for your organization.
  • In the Communications tab for each survey that should include Teams notifications.
  • In Recipient Groups for Nudges that should include Teams notifications.
    • For organizations that don’t use Nudges, admins can skip this step.

General Settings

To enable Microsoft Teams as a Viva Glint admin:

  1. Select the Configuration symbol and in the Service Configuration section, choose General Settings.

  2. In the Communications section, switch the Microsoft Teams toggle to Yes.

  3. Select Save Changes in the top right of the General Settings page.

    Screenshot of the Microsoft Teams toggle switched to Yes in General Settings.

Survey and Nudges settings

When Viva Glint admins enable Microsoft Teams in General Settings, admins can enable or disable Microsoft Teams as a communication channel in survey programs and Nudges.


Always-On surveys don’t include a Communications section or any notifications. Emails and Microsoft Teams messages aren’t available for this survey type.

Survey programs

To enable Microsoft Teams at the survey program level:

  1. Select the Configuration symbol and in the Surveys section choose Survey Programs.

  2. Select a survey and go to the Communications section.

  3. In the Channels section, switch the Microsoft Teams toggle to On.

  4. Select Save Changes in the top right of the Communications page.

    Screenshot of the Microsoft Teams toggle switched to On in the Communications section of a Glint survey.


To enable Microsoft Teams for Nudges:

  1. Select the Configuration symbol and in the Notifications section, choose Nudges.

  2. Select Edit Details for the Recipient Group that should be updated.

  3. In the Channels section, switch the Microsoft Teams toggle to On.

  4. Select Save Changes in the top left of the Recipient Group Setup page.

    Screenshot of the Microsoft Teams toggle switched to On in the Recipient Group Setup section for a Nudges recipient group.