Review employee data with Viva Glint checklists
Confirm that your employee data file, attributes, and attribute values align with Microsoft Viva Glint requirements with these checklists.
Review file level items
Item | Check that... |
File name | There aren't special characters (like @ or %) in the name. |
File format | The file is .xlsx (one sheet with no password or formulas) or .csv (comma delimited and UTF-8 encoded). |
File encoding | The .csv file is UTF-8 or UTF-8 with BOM encoded. |
File encryption | If you opt for PGP encryption, the file extension reflects the encryption (for example: filename.csv.pgp). |
File sensitivity label - .xlsx files | The Microsoft Excel sensitivity label isn't "Confidential" or "Highly Confidential," which cause an immediate upload error. Change the label to "General" to upload data. Learn more about applying new sensitivity labels. |
Review attribute level items
Item | Check that... |
Required attributes | There are columns for Viva Glint required attributes: First name, Last name, Email address, Employee ID, and Status. |
Truncation | Attribute labels in the header row don't exceed 64 characters. |
Naming convention | Attribute labels in the header row are free of typos and in a user friendly format. These become report filters. |
Hidden columns and rows | There aren't any hidden columns or rows (remove). |
Blank columns and rows | There aren't any columns or rows with data removed that still show in the file (remove). |
Manager hierarchy fields | There's a Manager ID field (along with Employee ID) to create a manager hierarchy. |
Hierarchy fields | There are attributes for each reporting hierarchy (for example: Region, Country, and City). |
Derived attributes | Attributes that Viva Glint derives (Age Group and Tenure) aren't included in the file. Learn more. |
Time zone | Time zone is included as a column in the file. Learn more. |
Language codes | Survey and/or dashboard language columns are included as columns in the file. Learn more. |
Review attribute value level items
Item | Check that... |
Truncation | Attribute values in the file don't exceed 64 characters. |
Required field: First name | All records are populated with a value. |
Required field: Last name | All records are populated with a value. If no last name information is available, populate with a period (.) or a dash (-). |
Required field: Email address | All records are populated with a unique value. For users with no email address, populate with Employee ID + '' |
Required field: Employee ID | All records are populated with a unique value. |
Required field: Status | All records are populated with ACTIVE or INACTIVE, in all caps. |
Date format | All date attributes follow the same format and don't contain a dash (-). Viva Glint preferred format: yyyy/mm/dd. |
Inactive employees | Inactive users are only included if they're 1) termed, 2) on leave, or 3) are needed to complete a manager hierarchy. |
Manager ID | All users except the CEO have a Manager ID value populated. |
Manager ID | Users don't report to their own employee ID or create reporting loops with other users. |
Time zone | Time zone values are populated correctly for all users. See the Employee Attribute Template for correct time zone values. |
Language codes* | Survey and/or dashboard language values are populated correctly for all users. See the Employee Attribute Template for correct language values. |
Consistency | Values have a consistent spelling and naming convention. For example, department value of 'Sales,' 'SALES,' and 'sales' all appear as different values in reporting. |
*See Upcoming language changes for changes to supported languages and codes effective April 10, 2025.
Next step
After confirming that your data follows Viva Glint requirements and best practices with checklists, set up attributes in Viva Glint to create a mapping of your employee attributes.