Tutorial: Update an existing vcpkg dependency

This tutorial guides you on updating the version of an existing vcpkg dependency. We recommend that you read the tutorial on publishing a library before proceeding.

In this tutorial, you will learn to:


1 - Create an overlay port

The first step is to create an overlay port of the package you want to modify.

Create a directory to hold your overlay ports

The overlay ports directory can be created in any filesystem location of your choosing. In any step of this tutorial, replace $OVERLAY_LOCATION with your chosen location.


Copy the contents of the port into your overlay ports directory

For this tutorial, you'll update the vcpkg-sample-library port in the publishing a package tutorial to a version that has dynamic library support.

Copy-Item -Path <path/to/vcpkg-sample-library> -Destination "$OVERLAY_LOCATION" -Recurse
xcopy <path/to/vcpkg-sample-library> "$OVERLAY_LOCATION" /E
cp -R <path/to/vcpkg-sample-library> "$OVERLAY_LOCATION"

2 - Modify the ports version

Change the version in vcpkg.json to 1.0.1.


  "name": "vcpkg-sample-library",
  "version": "1.0.1",
  "homepage": "https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg-docs/tree/cmake-sample-lib",
  "description": "A sample C++ library designed to serve as a foundational example for a tutorial on packaging libraries with vcpkg.",
  "license": "MIT",
  "dependencies": [
      "name" : "vcpkg-cmake",
      "host" : true
      "name" : "vcpkg-cmake-config",
      "host" : true

3 - Modify portfile.cmake

Update the source reference

Sources are typically fetched with vcpkg_from_... maintainer functions. The desired source version is identified by options like REF or URLS. If the option value isn't derived using ${VERSION} (i.e. the value from the manifest), update the option value with actual git tag, git commit, or download URL.

Obtain the package SHA512

Run vcpkg install --overlay-ports=$OVERLAY_LOCATION vcpkg-sample-library, you will get an error about the SHA512 of the package. Copy the value of the actual hash in your portfile.

Example output:

Expected hash: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Actual hash: 1290bdba0f55fcdd702a3292ce00798b173fdffa0c0cc005e15dc88c6d2e7a1143c16f29fde0647b8bddd01a7c97299cc845f7dff22811a3326cf7c69f5957f3

Modify portfile.cmake

Update the package's SHA512 with the correct value and make sure to remove the ONLY_STATIC_LIBRARY limitation, since the new version of vcpkg-sample-library adds support for building it as a dynamic library.

Your portfile.cmake file should look similar to:


    REPO Microsoft/vcpkg-docs
    REF e5c3f12d5e6ac6450f43aee898f7697a06280521
    SHA512 1290bdba0f55fcdd702a3292ce00798b173fdffa0c0cc005e15dc88c6d2e7a1143c16f29fde0647b8bddd01a7c97299cc845f7dff22811a3326cf7c69f5957f3
    HEAD_REF cmake-sample-lib
vcpkg_cmake_config_fixup(PACKAGE_NAME "my_sample_lib")
configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/usage" "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/${PORT}/usage" COPYONLY)

4 - Install your overlay port

To verify that your port works, run the following command:

vcpkg install "--overlay-ports=$OVERLAY_LOCATION" vcpkg-sample-library

5 - Update the built-in registry port

Replace the contents of the port

Replace the contents of vcpkg-sample-library in the ports directory with your updated files. Then commit your changes by running the following commands in your local clone of the vpckg repository:

git checkout -b vcpkg-sample-library-1.0.1
git add ports/vcpkg-sample-library
git commit -m "Update vcpkg-sample-library to version 1.0.1"

Update the versions database

Run the [vcpkg x-add-version] command to update the versions database files.

vcpkg x-add-version vcpkg-sample-library

Push your changes to a fork

Run the following commands to update the versions database and push your changes to your fork of https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.

git add versions/.
git commit -m "Update vcpkg-sample-library to version 1.0.1" --amend
git push --set-upstream <fork remote> vcpkg-sample-library-1.0.1

6 - Open a Pull Request

  1. Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub.
  2. Click the "Compare & pull request" button.
    1. Verify your changes
    2. Add a descriptive title and comments
    3. Fill out the PR review checklist
  3. Click "Create pull request."

That's it! You've successfully updated a port in the vcpkg's curated registry.

See also

For more information, see: