Configure and work with warehouse management in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Warehouse management in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management helps optimize and streamline warehouse processes according to your individual needs and provides the insight into your inventory and the tools to help increase customer satisfaction and reduce costs.


  • General understanding of supply chain processes.
  • The ability to use Supply Chain Management for basic processing.
  • Knowledge of warehouse procedures.

Modules in this learning path

Warehouse management in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management helps optimize and streamline warehouse processes according to your individual needs. It also provides insight into your inventory and the tools you need to help increase customer satisfaction and reduce costs.

Implementing new warehouse management applications can be a cumbersome process with several unassisted configuration steps. Now, the implementation time and cost of setting up warehouse operations within Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is more straightforward. With the help of setup wizards and streamlined configuration, your organization’s warehouse professionals can set up and use Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management without the need to consult subject matter experts.

Learn about some ways that your organization can complete your inbound warehouse operations from vendor to warehouse.

Learn how to set up and maintain outbound warehouse operations within Dynamics 365 Warehouse Management. Additionally, learn about general setup and more advanced options to optimize your warehouse operations.

Two essential components for handling inventory management and warehouse operations are cycle counting and the material handling equipment interface. These practices play a crucial role in maintaining accurate inventory records, optimizing stock levels, and ensuring efficient movement of goods within a facility.

Learn more about how to use the Warehouse Management mobile device application in Supply Chain Management. From initial parameter setup to creating mobile device menus, this module describes the basics around setting up your warehouse mobile devices to fit your business needs.