

As you can see, by enabling and using Dynamics 365 queues, organizations can ensure that cases are always being routed and worked on by representatives who are most qualified to do so. Queues can be used for more than just cases. They can be used to support a wide variety of business scenarios.

We looked at several key features and components of using queues including:

  • How to enable more tables such as leads, opportunities, and custom tables for use with queues to support other business scenarios such as sale or custom scenarios.

  • Examined the process for creating and defining queues and controlling queue membership with public and private queues.

  • Reviewed how queue members can see which items need attention in which queues, and how to claim responsibility for specific items in those queues.

  • Explored the ability to define custom logic with routing rules that can be used to ensure that queue items are routed to the best queue based on predefined business criteria.

The next steps from here would be to gain a deeper understanding of how Dynamics 365 can be used to define and manage service KPIs for organizations, and how to use maintenance contracts for their customers.