Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics 365 queues


Customers expect that their requests or issues will be handled in an organized and timely manner. Imagine that you're waiting for a cab at a hotel, and there's a long line of other people who are also waiting for cabs. If everyone is competing for the same cab, the result will be chaos. Therefore, to better manage lines of cab riders, hotels often use a queue system, where an organized line is formed. As a resource (cab) becomes available, a rider or group of riders gets a cab and leaves for its destination in a timely manner.

Diagram example of a queue system with cabs and airport travelers.

The same concept can be applied to customer issues, questions, and requests. Many customer support centers use queues to manage the routing of cases that come in.

For example, a customer who has bought a gold support contract is typically entitled to a different level of service than a customer who hasn't bought a support contract. To help guarantee that gold customers get the level of service that they're paying for, you can use routing rules to direct cases that those customers submit to a gold service queue. That queue might be staffed by senior support representatives who focus solely on gold customer support. All other customers can be sent to a standard support queue that has a larger volume of cases in it. Both types of customers are still being supported, but gold customers probably get support faster, because they're in the higher-priority gold queue.

Diagram of Routing rules with customer cases and support contract level.

In Dynamics 365 Customer Service, there are two different types of Queues:

  • Basic: Used to support basic case routing functionality. Cases are routed to a queue based on different criteria, and once in the queue, a representative picks the case from the queue to work on it.

  • Advanced: Used as part of unified routing. Provides intelligent routing and assignment capabilities.

The focus of this module is on basic queue routing capabilities.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 uses basic queues to manage work items like cases, activities, or other record types.

Several types of queues are available in Dynamics 365:

  • Public: These queues are visible to the whole organization.

  • Private: The queues are visible only to users who have been designated as queue members.

  • Personal: These queues are associated with a specific user or team, and are visible only to that user or team.

Public and private queues are created to support an organization's needs. By default, personal queues are automatically created when a new user or team is defined. They route important activities and records that are assigned to a specific user or team. Other queues can also be used to support service management in a team-based collaborative environment.

Cases can be routed to queues in several ways. For example, a representative can manually put a case into a specific queue. But an organization that's taking in hundreds or thousands of cases a day might find that process too labor-intensive. Therefore, in most instances, cases are routed to queues as part of an automated service management process. This process is covered in a later unit.

The following image shows a typical example of how basic queues can be used in Dynamics 365.

Diagram example of how queues are used in Dynamics 365.

  1. A gold customer opens a new case by calling in to support.

  2. The case is routed to a gold queue.

    • Records in the gold queue are visible only to members of that queue.
  3. A representative picks the item from the queue to work on it.

  4. The item is put into the representative's personal queue.

  5. After the representative resolves the case, it's removed from the representative's personal queue. If the representative can't finish the work on the queue item, they can release the item. It's then put back into the gold queue, so that another representative can work on it.

Over the remaining units, you'll examine, in more detail, the role that queues play in case management. For example, you'll learn how to create queues, work with the items in them, and create automation rules that route cases to them.