Query Microsoft Graph by using REST


Microsoft Graph is a RESTful web API that enables you to access Microsoft Cloud service resources. After you register your app and get authentication tokens for a user or service, you can make requests to the Microsoft Graph API.

The Microsoft Graph API defines most of its resources, methods, and enumerations in the OData namespace, microsoft.graph, in the Microsoft Graph metadata. A few API sets are defined in their subnamespaces, such as the call records API which defines resources like callRecord in microsoft.graph.callRecords.

Unless explicitly specified in the corresponding topic, assume types, methods, and enumerations are part of the microsoft.graph namespace.

Call a REST API method

To read from or write to a resource such as a user or an email message, construct a request that looks like the following sample:

{HTTP method} https://graph.microsoft.com/{version}/{resource}?{query-parameters}

The components of a request include:

  • {HTTP method} - The HTTP method used on the request to Microsoft Graph.
  • {version} - The version of the Microsoft Graph API your application is using.
  • {resource} - The resource in Microsoft Graph that you're referencing.
  • {query-parameters} - Optional OData query options or REST method parameters that customize the response.

After you make a request, a response is returned that includes:

  • Status code - An HTTP status code that indicates success or failure.
  • Response message - The data that you requested or the result of the operation. The response message can be empty for some operations.
  • nextLink - If your request returns numerous data, you need to page through it by using the URL returned in @odata.nextLink.

HTTP methods

Microsoft Graph uses the HTTP method on your request to determine what your request is doing. The API supports the following methods.

Method Description
GET Read data from a resource.
POST Create a new resource, or perform an action.
PATCH Update a resource with new values.
PUT Replace a resource with a new one.
DELETE Remove a resource.
  • For the CRUD methods GET and DELETE, no request body is required.
  • The POST, PATCH, and PUT methods require a request body specified in JSON format that contains additional information. Such as the values for properties of the resource.


Microsoft Graph currently supports two versions: v1.0 and beta.

  • v1.0 includes generally available APIs. Use the v1.0 version for all production apps.
  • beta includes APIs that are currently in preview. Because we might introduce breaking changes to our beta APIs, we recommend that you use the beta version only to test apps that are in development; don't use beta APIs in your production apps.


A resource can be an entity or complex type, commonly defined with properties. Entities differ from complex types by always including an id property.

Your URL includes the resource you're interacting with in the request, such as me, user, group, drive, and site. Often, top-level resources also include relationships, which you can use to access other resources, like me/messages or me/drive. You can also interact with resources using methods; for example, to send an email, use me/sendMail.

Each resource might require different permissions to access it. You often need a higher level of permissions to create or update a resource than to read it. For details about required permissions, see the method reference topic.

Query parameters

Query parameters can be OData system query options, or other strings that a method accepts to customize its response.

You can use optional OData system query options to include more or fewer properties than the default response. You can filter the response for items that match a custom query, or provide another parameters for a method.

For example, adding the following filter parameter restricts the messages returned with the emailAddress property of jon@contoso.com.

GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages?filter=emailAddress eq 'jon@contoso.com'

Other resources

Following are links to some tools you can use to build and test requests using Microsoft Graph APIs.