Review the solution to the improve code readability challenge activity
The following code is one possible solution for the challenge from the previous unit.
This code reverses a message, counts the number of times
a particular character appears, then prints the results
to the console window.
string originalMessage = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
char[] message = originalMessage.ToCharArray();
int letterCount = 0;
foreach (char letter in message)
if (letter == 'o')
string newMessage = new String(message);
Console.WriteLine($"'o' appears {letterCount} times.");
This code is merely "one possible solution". You may have come up with some different variable names and different vertical spacing and tab indentation. Here's a list of changes that were made.
- The code includes a higher-level description of what the entire code listing is attempting to accomplish in a multi-line comment at the top. You could argue that this is a small improvement over the original code comments, however, given the challenge's description of the code, there wasn't much more context available.
- The individual comments were removed because they weren't providing any real insight into the code's purpose or function.
- Several blank lines were added to improve the phrasing of the code listing. Keep code lines together when they appear similar, or when they work with each other to accomplish a small task.
- Line feeds and tabs were added to improve the appearance of the
statement and theif
statement. - Local variable naming conventions were applied to better convey the purpose of each value.
If you identified the same issues and addressed them in a similar way, congratulations! Continue on to the knowledge check in the next unit.
If you had trouble completing this challenge, maybe you should review the previous units before you continue on.