Microsoft Teams meeting integration in Dynamics 365
The Microsoft Teams meeting integration feature allows your Dynamics 365 Customer Service representatives to quickly access and update records in Microsoft Teams before, during, and after meeting with their customers. After the feature has been enabled, service representatives and supervisors in your organization are provided with a cohesive, seamless experience between Dynamics 365 and Teams. Service representatives can use the meetings functionality to meet their customers' needs more efficiently.
You can enable meeting integration in the Customer Service admin center. Select Collaboration under the Agent experience group and then select Manage next to Meeting integration using Teams. Set the toggle to On.
To ensure that the feature works correctly, you'll need to set up the following functionality:
Sync calendars - This optional setting ensures that the meetings that are created in Dynamics 365 are added to Microsoft Outlook and Teams and that they appear on agent calendars. For more information, see Set up server-side synchronization of email, appointments, contacts, and tasks.
Add and join meetings - This required setting ensures that a service representative can create and join Microsoft Teams meetings directly from Dynamics 365. For more information, see Manage feature settings.
Use Microsoft Teams meeting integration in Customer Service
The Teams meeting integration feature provides a unified meeting experience that helps you, as service representative, reduce your administrative workload and increase productivity. Dynamics 365 records are accessible while you're conducting a meeting over Microsoft Teams. You can reference these records to have contextually relevant conversations with your customers. Additionally, you can take notes to help save time, be more productive, and use better data within your organization.
As a service representative, you can:
Create and join Microsoft Teams meetings directly from Dynamics 365.
Access and update Dynamics 365 records seamlessly within the context of a Microsoft Teams meeting.
Capture notes and tasks seamlessly during a Microsoft Teams meeting, and have these notes and tasks automatically sync to records in Dynamics 365.
Meeting life cycle
You can divide the life cycle of a meeting into the following stages, with each stage catering to specific tasks:
Pre-meeting - In this stage, you'll need to perform the following tasks:
In-meeting - In this stage, you'll need to perform the following tasks:
Use the side panel to view and update record information.
Post-meeting - In this stage, you need to use the Dynamics 365 app to view and update record information.
Create a Teams meeting
You can create a Teams meeting from Dynamics 365 or Microsoft Outlook. While creating a Teams meeting, ensure that a Dynamics 365 record is linked to the meeting. Linking a record to the meeting enables you to view record details before the meeting, in a side panel during the meeting, and after the meeting.
You can link a Dynamics 365 record by selecting a regarding record. When a record is linked prior to the meeting, the Dynamics 365 app is added automatically to the meeting, and you can view the details of the linked record in the side panel. If a record isn't linked to the meeting, you won't be able to view the details of the linked record. In such a case, you should add the Dynamics 365 app to the meeting before it has been started so that you have a better experience.
Create Teams meetings in Dynamics 365
You can create a Teams meeting from the timeline of a record or from the activities page. For step-by-step instructions, see Create a Teams Meeting.
Create Teams meetings in Microsoft Outlook
You can create a Teams meeting in Microsoft Outlook, but the meeting won't be linked to a Dynamics 365 record automatically. You must install Dynamics 365 App for Outlook to link the meeting to a Dynamics 365 record. After installing the app, open it and search for the record in the Set Regarding field.
For more information on creating a Teams meeting in Microsoft Outlook, see Schedule a Teams meeting from Outlook.
For more information on using Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, see Basic navigation in App for Outlook (Dynamics 365 apps).
Add the Dynamics 365 app to a Teams meeting
You can add the Dynamics 365 app in one of two ways:
Automatically add the app - If you link a Dynamics 365 record to a meeting while creating it in Dynamics 365 or Microsoft Outlook, the Dynamics 365 app is added automatically to the meeting. This approach allows you to view record details before, during, and after a meeting.
Manually add the app - If you don't link a Dynamics 365 record to a meeting while creating it in Dynamics 365 or Microsoft Outlook, then we recommend that you add the app to the meeting before joining the Teams meeting for a better experience.
To add an app before a meeting, first send the meeting invite and then open the meeting in Teams. Select Add a tab, search for the Dynamics 365 app, and then add it.
To add an app during a meeting, after the meeting has started, select Add an app in the meeting controls in the upper-right area of the screen, search for the Dynamics 365 app, and then add it.
Work with the Dynamics 365 app
The Dynamics 365 app enables you to view information of a record that is linked with a meeting. You can view the record details before the meeting, in a side panel during the meeting, and after the meeting. Open the meeting in Teams and then select the Dynamics 365 tab. You can perform all actions on the linked record as you would in Dynamics 365 Customer Service.
To view record details during a meeting, select the Dynamics 365 app icon in the meeting toolbar in the upper-right area of the screen. The record details will be displayed in a side panel. You can view and update information such as notes and tasks.
While in Teams, if you want to access a record directly in your Dynamics 365 app, you can open the record by selecting the pop-out icon in the side panel.
Join a Teams meeting
You can join a Teams meeting from Dynamics 365, Microsoft Outlook, or Microsoft Teams.
Join a Teams meeting from Dynamics 365
To join a Teams meeting from Dynamics 365, follow these steps:
Open the meeting record from the Timeline or from the Activities page.
Perform one of the following actions:
On the command bar at the top, select Join Teams Meeting.
In the Teams meeting field, select Join Teams Meeting.
Go to the Description area, hold the Ctrl key, and then select Click here to join the meeting.
Join a Teams meeting from Microsoft Outlook
To join a Teams meeting from Microsoft Outlook, follow these steps:
Open the calendar event.
Perform one of the following actions:
On the Meeting tab in the ribbon, select Join Teams Meeting.
In the message body, select Click here to join the meeting.