Microsoft Learn Educator Center

Microsoft Educator program

About the Microsoft Educator programs

Investing in teacher effectiveness is key to improving student learning. The impact of teacher quality outweighs any other school education program or policy. In fact, teacher effectiveness is the largest factor influencing student outcomes, outside of family background.

The ability and capacity of ALL teachers, leaders, and staff to continually transform their methods, adopt new technologies, and to continue as life-long learners are critical elements of education transformation. Microsoft developed many resources for education leaders, educators, and staff.

The professional growth pathway is designed to help teachers and school leaders everywhere become proficient in Microsoft technologies and learn more innovative classroom skills with fun, guided, hands-on content that's specific to their role and goals.

Microsoft Educator

If an educator or school leader is new to Microsoft tools in teaching and learning, we have curated a learning path to help get you started. Focused on best practice and some basics for facilitating a blended or hybrid learning environment, this is the first step in a professional. Successfully completing this online through the Learn Educator Center, or through one of our training partners in an instructor-led setting unlocks this badge.

Microsoft Educator program badge

Microsoft Educator Trainer

The Microsoft Educator Trainer Academy is designed for teacher trainers and people responsible for training educators on the integration of technology in the classroom. This course gives an overview of the Microsoft Educator Trainer program, program details, and the steps for becoming a Microsoft Educator Trainer or Microsoft Educator Master trainer.

Microsoft Educator Trainer badge
Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert badge.

Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE)

Are you an educator (an educator can be a classroom teacher, a school leader a professional learning specialist/trainer, an instructional aide, a curriculum specialist, or anyone who impacts teaching and learning in their role), striving to find new ways to engage your students and colleagues? If you'd like to connect with a global, professional learning community of other educators just like yourself who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what a classroom looks and feels like, we would love to have you as a part of our Microsoft Innovative Expert community! MIE Experts will be selected by the regional Microsoft representative based on the quality of the responses to the self-nomination form, the level of innovation and use of Microsoft tools described in the learning activity and the level of detail in how becoming a part of the program impacts both teaching and student learning.