View all rules and monitors running on an agent-managed computer

Administrators for System Center Operations Manager sometimes want to know which rules and monitors are running on a computer. This is simple to do with the Show Running Rules and Monitors for this Health Service task.

View all rules and monitors running on a computer

  1. Open the Operations console and select Monitoring.

  2. For an agent-managed computer, navigate to the Operations Manager\Agent Details\Agent Health State view. For a management server, navigate to Operations Manager\Management Server\Management Servers State view.

  3. Select the agent you want to see rules and monitors for.

  4. In the Tasks pane, select the task Show Running Rules and Monitors for this Health Service.

  5. The Run Task - Show Running Rules and Monitors for this Health Service dialog appears. Select Run.

  6. The Task Status dialog appears. When the task is completed, you can select Copy Text or Copy HTML and paste the task output in the appropriate tool for further review.

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