Backup Protectable Items - List
Provides a pageable list of protectable objects within your subscription according to the query filter and the pagination parameters.
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present. |
path | True |
string |
The subscription Id. |
path | True |
string |
The name of the recovery services vault. |
query | True |
string |
Client Api Version. |
query |
string |
OData filter options. |
query |
string |
skipToken Filter. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK |
Other Status Codes |
Error response describing why the operation failed. |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account. |
List protectable items with backupManagementType filter as AzureIaasVm
Sample request
GET$filter=backupManagementType eq 'AzureIaasVM'
Sample response
"value": [
"id": "/Subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/SwaggerTestRg/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/NetSDKTestRsVault/protectionContainers/IaasVMContainer;iaasvmcontainer;iaasvm-rg;iaasvm-1/protectableItems/VM;iaasvmcontainer;iaasvm-rg;iaasvm-1",
"name": "VM;iaasvmcontainer;iaasvm-rg;iaasvm-1",
"type": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectableItems",
"properties": {
"friendlyName": "iaasvm-1",
"virtualMachineId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/providers/Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/iaasvm-1",
"protectionState": "NotProtected",
"protectableItemType": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines",
"backupManagementType": "AzureIaasVM",
"workloadType": "VM"
Name | Description |
Azure |
Protectable item for Azure Fileshare workloads. |
Azure |
File Share type XSync or XSMB. |
Azure |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Classic Compute VM. |
Azure |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Azure Resource Manager VM. |
Azure |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item. |
Azure |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP ASE System. |
Azure |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP HANA Database. |
Azure |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP HANA Dbinstance. |
Azure |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing HANA HSR. |
Azure |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP HANA System. |
Azure |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SQL Availability Group. |
Azure |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SQL Database. |
Azure |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SQL Instance. |
Cloud |
An error response from the Container Instance service. |
Cloud |
An error response from the Container Instance service. |
Distributed |
This is used to represent the various nodes of the distributed container. |
Error |
The resource management error additional info. |
Error |
Error Detail class which encapsulates Code, Message and Recommendations. |
Iaa |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item. |
Inquiry |
Status of protectable item, i.e. InProgress,Succeeded,Failed |
Pre |
Pre-backup validation for Azure VM Workload provider. |
Protection |
State of the back up item. |
Workload |
Base class for backup item. Workload-specific backup items are derived from this class. |
Workload |
List of WorkloadProtectableItem resources |
Protectable item for Azure Fileshare workloads.
Name | Type | Description |
azureFileShareType |
File Share type XSync or XSMB. |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
parentContainerFabricId |
string |
Full Fabric ID of container to which this protectable item belongs. For example, ARM ID. |
parentContainerFriendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of container to which this protectable item belongs. |
protectableItemType |
Azure |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
File Share type XSync or XSMB.
Value | Description |
Invalid | |
XSMB | |
XSync |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Classic Compute VM.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
protectableItemType |
Microsoft. |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
resourceGroup |
string |
Resource group name of Recovery Services Vault. |
virtualMachineId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine. |
virtualMachineVersion |
string |
Specifies whether the container represents a Classic or an Azure Resource Manager VM. |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Azure Resource Manager VM.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
protectableItemType |
Microsoft. |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
resourceGroup |
string |
Resource group name of Recovery Services Vault. |
virtualMachineId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine. |
virtualMachineVersion |
string |
Specifies whether the container represents a Classic or an Azure Resource Manager VM. |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
isAutoProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protectable |
isAutoProtected |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protected |
isProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if item is protectable |
parentName |
string |
Name for instance or AG |
parentUniqueName |
string |
Parent Unique Name is added to provide the service formatted URI Name of the Parent Only Applicable for data bases where the parent would be either Instance or a SQL AG. |
prebackupvalidation |
Pre-backup validation for protectable objects |
protectableItemType | string: |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
serverName |
string |
Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG |
subinquireditemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's present |
subprotectableitemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's to be protected |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP ASE System.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
isAutoProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protectable |
isAutoProtected |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protected |
isProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if item is protectable |
parentName |
string |
Name for instance or AG |
parentUniqueName |
string |
Parent Unique Name is added to provide the service formatted URI Name of the Parent Only Applicable for data bases where the parent would be either Instance or a SQL AG. |
prebackupvalidation |
Pre-backup validation for protectable objects |
protectableItemType |
SAPAse |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
serverName |
string |
Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG |
subinquireditemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's present |
subprotectableitemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's to be protected |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP HANA Database.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
isAutoProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protectable |
isAutoProtected |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protected |
isProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if item is protectable |
parentName |
string |
Name for instance or AG |
parentUniqueName |
string |
Parent Unique Name is added to provide the service formatted URI Name of the Parent Only Applicable for data bases where the parent would be either Instance or a SQL AG. |
prebackupvalidation |
Pre-backup validation for protectable objects |
protectableItemType |
SAPHana |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
serverName |
string |
Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG |
subinquireditemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's present |
subprotectableitemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's to be protected |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP HANA Dbinstance.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
isAutoProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protectable |
isAutoProtected |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protected |
isProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if item is protectable |
parentName |
string |
Name for instance or AG |
parentUniqueName |
string |
Parent Unique Name is added to provide the service formatted URI Name of the Parent Only Applicable for data bases where the parent would be either Instance or a SQL AG. |
prebackupvalidation |
Pre-backup validation for protectable objects |
protectableItemType |
SAPHana |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
serverName |
string |
Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG |
subinquireditemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's present |
subprotectableitemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's to be protected |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing HANA HSR.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
isAutoProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protectable |
isAutoProtected |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protected |
isProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if item is protectable |
parentName |
string |
Name for instance or AG |
parentUniqueName |
string |
Parent Unique Name is added to provide the service formatted URI Name of the Parent Only Applicable for data bases where the parent would be either Instance or a SQL AG. |
prebackupvalidation |
Pre-backup validation for protectable objects |
protectableItemType |
Hana |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
serverName |
string |
Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG |
subinquireditemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's present |
subprotectableitemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's to be protected |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP HANA System.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
isAutoProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protectable |
isAutoProtected |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protected |
isProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if item is protectable |
parentName |
string |
Name for instance or AG |
parentUniqueName |
string |
Parent Unique Name is added to provide the service formatted URI Name of the Parent Only Applicable for data bases where the parent would be either Instance or a SQL AG. |
prebackupvalidation |
Pre-backup validation for protectable objects |
protectableItemType |
SAPHana |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
serverName |
string |
Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG |
subinquireditemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's present |
subprotectableitemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's to be protected |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SQL Availability Group.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
isAutoProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protectable |
isAutoProtected |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protected |
isProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if item is protectable |
nodesList |
List of the nodes in case of distributed container. |
parentName |
string |
Name for instance or AG |
parentUniqueName |
string |
Parent Unique Name is added to provide the service formatted URI Name of the Parent Only Applicable for data bases where the parent would be either Instance or a SQL AG. |
prebackupvalidation |
Pre-backup validation for protectable objects |
protectableItemType |
SQLAvailability |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
serverName |
string |
Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG |
subinquireditemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's present |
subprotectableitemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's to be protected |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SQL Database.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
isAutoProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protectable |
isAutoProtected |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protected |
isProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if item is protectable |
parentName |
string |
Name for instance or AG |
parentUniqueName |
string |
Parent Unique Name is added to provide the service formatted URI Name of the Parent Only Applicable for data bases where the parent would be either Instance or a SQL AG. |
prebackupvalidation |
Pre-backup validation for protectable objects |
protectableItemType |
SQLData |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
serverName |
string |
Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG |
subinquireditemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's present |
subprotectableitemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's to be protected |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SQL Instance.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
isAutoProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protectable |
isAutoProtected |
boolean |
Indicates if protectable item is auto-protected |
isProtectable |
boolean |
Indicates if item is protectable |
parentName |
string |
Name for instance or AG |
parentUniqueName |
string |
Parent Unique Name is added to provide the service formatted URI Name of the Parent Only Applicable for data bases where the parent would be either Instance or a SQL AG. |
prebackupvalidation |
Pre-backup validation for protectable objects |
protectableItemType |
SQLInstance |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
serverName |
string |
Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG |
subinquireditemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's present |
subprotectableitemcount |
integer |
For instance or AG, indicates number of DB's to be protected |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
An error response from the Container Instance service.
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The error object. |
An error response from the Container Instance service.
Name | Type | Description |
additionalInfo |
The error additional info. |
code |
string |
An identifier for the error. Codes are invariant and are intended to be consumed programmatically. |
details |
A list of additional details about the error. |
message |
string |
A message describing the error, intended to be suitable for display in a user interface. |
target |
string |
The target of the particular error. For example, the name of the property in error. |
This is used to represent the various nodes of the distributed container.
Name | Type | Description |
errorDetail |
Error Details if the Status is non-success. |
nodeName |
string |
Name of the node under a distributed container. |
sourceResourceId |
string |
ARM resource id of the node |
status |
string |
Status of this Node. Failed | Succeeded |
The resource management error additional info.
Name | Type | Description |
info |
object |
The additional info. |
type |
string |
The additional info type. |
Error Detail class which encapsulates Code, Message and Recommendations.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Error code. |
message |
string |
Error Message related to the Code. |
recommendations |
string[] |
List of recommendation strings. |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item.
Name | Type | Description |
backupManagementType |
string |
Type of backup management to backup an item. |
friendlyName |
string |
Friendly name of the backup item. |
protectableItemType | string: |
Type of the backup item. |
protectionState |
State of the back up item. |
resourceGroup |
string |
Resource group name of Recovery Services Vault. |
virtualMachineId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine. |
virtualMachineVersion |
string |
Specifies whether the container represents a Classic or an Azure Resource Manager VM. |
workloadType |
string |
Type of workload for the backup management |
Status of protectable item, i.e. InProgress,Succeeded,Failed
Value | Description |
Failed | |
Invalid | |
Success |
Pre-backup validation for Azure VM Workload provider.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Error code of protectable item |
message |
string |
Message corresponding to the error code for the protectable item |
status |
Status of protectable item, i.e. InProgress,Succeeded,Failed |
State of the back up item.
Value | Description |
Invalid | |
NotProtected | |
Protected | |
Protecting | |
ProtectionFailed |
Base class for backup item. Workload-specific backup items are derived from this class.
Name | Type | Description |
eTag |
string |
Optional ETag. |
id |
string |
Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource. |
location |
string |
Resource location. |
name |
string |
Resource name associated with the resource. |
properties |
WorkloadProtectableItemResource properties |
tags |
object |
Resource tags. |
type |
string |
Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/... |
List of WorkloadProtectableItem resources
Name | Type | Description |
nextLink |
string |
The URI to fetch the next page of resources, with each API call returning up to 200 resources per page. Use ListNext() to fetch the next page if the total number of resources exceeds 200. |
value |
List of resources. |