
The Std.ResourceEstimation namespace contains the following items:

Name Description
AccountForEstimates Account for the resource estimates of an unimplemented operation, which were obtained separately. This operation is only available when using resource estimator execution target.
AuxQubitCount Returns a tuple that can be passed to the AccountForEstimates operation to specify that the number of auxiliary qubits is equal to the amount.
BeginEstimateCaching Informs the resource estimator of the start of the code fragment for which estimates caching can be done. This function is only available when using resource estimator execution target.
BeginRepeatEstimates Instructs the resource estimator to assume that the resources from the call of this operation until a call to EndRepeatEstimates are accounted for count times, without the need to execute the code that many times. Calls to BeginRepeatEstimates and EndRepeatEstimates can be nested. A helper operation RepeatEstimates allows to call the two functions in a within block.
CczCount Returns a tuple that can be passed to the AccountForEstimates operation to specify that the number of the CCZ gates is equal to the amount.
EndEstimateCaching Instructs the resource estimator to stop estimates caching because the code fragment in consideration is over. This function is only available when using resource estimator execution target.
EndRepeatEstimates Companion operation to BeginRepeatEstimates.
MeasurementCount Returns a tuple that can be passed to the AccountForEstimates operation to specify that the number Measurements is equal to the amount.
PSSPCLayout Pass the value returned by the function to the AccountForEstimates operation to indicate Parallel Synthesis Sequential Pauli Computation (PSSPC) layout. See for details.
RepeatEstimates Instructs the resource estimator to assume that the resources from the call of this operation until a call to Adjoint RepeatEstimates are accounted for count times, without the need to execute the code that many times.
RotationCount Returns a tuple that can be passed to the AccountForEstimates operation to specify that the number of rotations is equal to the amount.
RotationDepth Returns a tuple that can be passed to the AccountForEstimates operation to specify that the rotation depth is equal to the amount.
SingleVariant Used to specify that there's only one execution variant in BeginEstimateCaching function
TCount Returns a tuple that can be passed to the AccountForEstimates operation to specify that the number of the T gates is equal to the amount.