EnvironmentCredential Class

A credential configured by environment variables.

This credential is capable of authenticating as a service principal using a client secret or a certificate, or as a user with a username and password. Configuration is attempted in this order, using these environment variables:

Service principal with secret:

  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: ID of the service principal's tenant. Also called its 'directory' ID.

  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: the service principal's client ID

  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: one of the service principal's client secrets

  • AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST: authority of a Microsoft Entra endpoint, for example "login.microsoftonline.com", the authority for Azure Public Cloud, which is the default when no value is given.

Service principal with certificate:

  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: ID of the service principal's tenant. Also called its 'directory' ID.

  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: the service principal's client ID

  • AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH: path to a PEM or PKCS12 certificate file including the private key.

  • AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD: (optional) password of the certificate file, if any.

  • AZURE_CLIENT_SEND_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN: (optional) If True, the credential will send the public certificate chain in the x5c header of each token request's JWT. This is required for Subject Name/Issuer (SNI) authentication. Defaults to False.

  • AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST: authority of a Microsoft Entra endpoint, for example "login.microsoftonline.com", the authority for Azure Public Cloud, which is the default when no value is given.

User with username and password: Deprecated: Username and password authentication doesn't support multifactor authentication (MFA). For more details on Microsoft Entra MFA enforcement, see https://aka.ms/azsdk/identity/mfa.

  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: the application's client ID

  • AZURE_USERNAME: a username (usually an email address)

  • AZURE_PASSWORD: that user's password

  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: (optional) ID of the service principal's tenant. Also called its 'directory' ID. If not provided, defaults to the 'organizations' tenant, which supports only Microsoft Entra work or school accounts.

  • AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST: authority of a Microsoft Entra endpoint, for example "login.microsoftonline.com", the authority for Azure Public Cloud, which is the default when no value is given.


EnvironmentCredential(**kwargs: Any)


Create an EnvironmentCredential.

   from azure.identity import EnvironmentCredential

   credential = EnvironmentCredential()



Close the credential's transport session.


Request an access token for scopes.

This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients.


Request an access token for scopes.

This is an alternative to get_token to enable certain scenarios that require additional properties on the token. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients.


Close the credential's transport session.

close() -> None


Request an access token for scopes.

This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients.

get_token(*scopes: str, claims: str | None = None, tenant_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> AccessToken


Name Description

desired scopes for the access token. This method requires at least one scope. For more information about scopes, see https://learn.microsoft.com/entra/identity-platform/scopes-oidc.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

additional claims required in the token, such as those returned in a resource provider's claims challenge following an authorization failure.


optional tenant to include in the token request.


Type Description

An access token with the desired scopes.


Type Description

environment variable configuration is incomplete


Request an access token for scopes.

This is an alternative to get_token to enable certain scenarios that require additional properties on the token. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients.

get_token_info(*scopes: str, options: TokenRequestOptions | None = None) -> AccessTokenInfo


Name Description

desired scope for the access token. This method requires at least one scope. For more information about scopes, see https://learn.microsoft.com/entra/identity-platform/scopes-oidc.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

A dictionary of options for the token request. Unknown options will be ignored. Optional.


Type Description

An AccessTokenInfo instance containing information about the token.


Type Description

environment variable configuration is incomplete.