Workflow dynamic content


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You can use dynamic content inside Microsoft Purview workflows to associate certain variables in the workflow or add other expressions to process these values.

When you add dynamic content to your workflows, you're building expressions from provided building blocks that reference and process information in your workflow so you can get the values you need in real-time.

In the dynamic content menu, the currently available options are:

  • Built-in variables - variables that represent values coming to the workflow from the items that triggered it
  • Expressions - formulas built from functions and variables that can process values in-workflow.

Built-in variables

Currently, the following variables are available for a workflow connector in Microsoft Purview:

Prerequisite connector Built-in variable Functionality Type Possible values
When data access request is submitted
When asset update request is submitted
Workflow.Requestor The ID of the requestor of the workflow string
Asset.Name The name of the asset string
Asset.Description The description of the asset string or null
Asset.Type The type of the asset string
Asset.Fully Qualified Name The fully qualified name of the asset string
Asset.Owner The IDs of the data owners of the asset array of strings
Asset.Classification The display names of classifications of the asset array of strings
Asset.Schema.Classification The display names of classifications applied to a column in the asset schema array of strings
Asset.Is Certified The indicator of whether the asset meets your organization's quality standards and can be regarded as reliable boolean true or false
When data access request is submitted Workflow.Request Recipient The ID of the request recipient of the workflow string
Start and wait for an approval Approval.Outcome The outcome of the approval string 'Approved' or 'Rejected'
Approval.Assigned To The IDs of the approvers array of strings
Approval.Comments The names of the approvers and their comments string
Check data source registration for data use governance Data Use Governance The result of the data use governance check boolean true or false
When term creation request is submitted Workflow.Requestor The ID of the requestor of the workflow string
Term.Name The name of the term string
Term.Formal Name The formal name of the term string
Term.Definition The definition of the term string
Term.Experts The IDs of the experts of the term array of strings
Term.Stewards The IDs of the stewards of the term array of strings
Term.Parent.Name The name of parent term if exists string
Term.Parent.Formal Name The formal name of parent term if exists string
When term update request is submitted
When term deletion request is submitted
Workflow.Requestor The requestor of the workflow string
Term.Name The name of the term string
Term.Formal Name The formal name of the term string
Term.Definition The definition of the term string or null
Term.Experts The IDs of the experts of the term array of strings
Term.Stewards The IDs of the stewards of the term array of strings
Term.Parent.Name The name of parent term if exists string
Term.Parent.Formal Name The formal name of parent term if exists string
Term.Created By The ID of the creator of the term string
Term.Last Updated By The ID of the last updater of the term string
When term import request is submitted Workflow.Requestor The ID of the requestor of the workflow string
Import File.Name The name of the file to import string
Http Http.Body HTTP response body object or string
Http.Headers HTTP response headers object
Http.Status Code HTTP status code string
Apply to each Item The current item of Apply to Each action Any
Until Index The current iteration index of Until action integer
Create record
Delete record
Get record
Update record
Result The result of ServiceNow action object
Get record types
List records
Result The result of ServiceNow action array of objects


Workflow definitions in Microsoft Purview allow you to use functions in your expressions to process values in your workflows.

To find functions based on their general purpose, review the following tables. Or, for detailed information about each function, see the alphabetical list.

When you're building a workflow and want to add a function to your expressions, follow these steps:

  1. Select the value you're going to edit.
  2. Select the Add dynamic content button that appears underneath the textbox.
  3. Select the Expressions tab in the dynamic content window and scroll to select your value.
  4. Update your expression and select OK to add it.

Screenshot showing a workflow text field with Use dynamic content highlighted and the expressions tab shown.


  • Function parameters are evaluated from left to right.

  • Functions that appear inline with plain text require enclosing curly braces ({}) to use the expression's interpolated format instead. This format helps avoid parsing problems. If your function expression doesn't appear inline with plain text, no curly braces are necessary.

    The following example shows the correct and incorrect syntax:

    Correct: "<text>/@{<function-name>('<parameter-name>')}/<text>"

    Incorrect: "<text>/@<function-name>('<parameter-name>')/<text>"

  • Functions may have overloads, which are multiple versions of a function with the same name but different ways of doing a task, depending on the input you give them.

The following sections organize functions based on their general purpose, or you can browse these functions in alphabetical order.

String functions

To work with strings, you can use these string functions and also some collection functions. String functions work only on strings.

String function Task
endsWith Check whether a string ends with the specified substring.
startsWith Check whether a string starts with a specific substring.

Collection functions

To work with collections, generally arrays, strings, and sometimes, dictionaries, you can use these collection functions.

Collection function Task
contains Check whether a collection has a specific item.
length Return the number of items in a collection, or the length of a string.

Logical comparison functions

To work with conditions, compare values and expression results, or evaluate various kinds of logic, you can use these logical comparison functions. For the full reference about each function, see the alphabetical list.

Logical comparison function Task
not Check whether an expression is false. Return true when the expression is false, or return false when true.
and Check whether all expressions are true. Return true when all expressions are true, or return false when at least one expression is false.
or Check whether at least one expression is true. Return true when at least one expression is true, or return false when all are false.
equals Check whether both values are equivalent.
greater Check whether the first value is greater than the second value.
greaterOrEquals Check whether the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.
less Check whether the first value is less than the second value.
lessOrEquals Check whether the first value is less than or equal to the second value.

User functions

To work with users, their relationships with other users and groups, and the resources they access for example their mails, calendars, files, administrative roles, group memberships. For the full reference about each function, see the alphabetical list.

User function Task
getUserName Get the name of the user.
getManager Get the ID of the user's manager.
memberOfGroup Check whether the user is a member of the group.

Conversion functions

To change a value's type or format, you can use these conversion functions. For the full reference about each function, see the alphabetical list.

Conversion function Task
createArray Return an array from any number of inputs.
createObject Return an empty object.
string Return the string version for a value.
int Try to convert the input value into an integer number.
float Try to convert the input value into a float number..
bool Try to convert the input value into a boolean value.
object Try to convert the input value into an object.
array Try to convert the input value into an array.
nullOrElse Give a default value to a nullable value.

All functions - alphabetical list


Check whether all expressions are true. Return true when all expressions are true, or return false when at least one expression is false.

Parameter Type Description
value boolean The first expression to check
values... boolean The rest expressions to check
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when all expressions are true. Return false when at least one expression is false.


These examples check whether the specified expressions are false:

and(equals(1, 1), equals(2, 2))
and(equals(1, 1), equals(1, 2))
and(equals(1, 2))

And returns these results:

  • First example: Both expressions are true, so returns true.
  • Second example: One expression is false, so returns false.
  • Third example: The expression is false, so returns false.


This function tries to convert the input value into an array. It is used to cast the value from a broader type to array. To create an array from items, see createArray.

Parameter Type Description
value Any The value to convert
Return value type Description
array The converted array value


This example asserts Item of an "Apply to each" action to be of array type:

array(items('Appy to each'))


This function tries to convert the input value into a boolean value. It is used to cast the value from a broader type to boolean.

Parameter Type Description
value Any The value to convert
Return value type Description
boolean The converted boolean value


This example asserts Item of an "Apply to each" action to be of boolean type:

bool(items('Appy to each'))


Check whether a collection has a specific item. Return true when the item is found, or return false when not found.

Overload 1: A string to find a substring

This overload is case-sensitive.

Parameter Type Description
collection string The string to check
value string The substring to find
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the substring is found. Return false when not found.

Overload 2: A array to find a value

Parameter Type Description
collection array The collection to check
value Any The item to find
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the item is found. Return false when not found.

Example 1

This example checks the string "hello world" for the substring "world" and returns true:

contains('hello world', 'world')

Example 2

This example checks the variable Asset.Owner for the item equal to the variable Workflow.Requestor:

contains(runInput()['asset']['dataOwner'], runInput()['requestor'])


Return an array from any number of inputs. This function doesn't require the input values to be of a same type.

Parameter Type Description
values... Any Values to create the array.
Return value type Description
array The array created from all the input items


These examples create an array from inputs:

createArray('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o')
createArray(true, null)


Return an empty object.

Return value type Description
object An empty object


This example creates an array from inputs, and returns {}.



Check whether a string ends with a specific substring. Return true when the substring is found, or return false when not found. This function is case-sensitive.

Parameter Type Description
text string The string to check
searchText string The ending substring to find
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the ending substring is found. Return false when not found.

Example 1

This example checks whether the "hello world" string ends with the "world" string:

endsWith('hello world', 'world')

And returns this result: true

Example 2

This example checks whether the "hello world" string ends with the "universe" string:

endsWith('hello world', 'universe')

And returns this result: false


Check whether both values, expressions, or objects are equivalent. Return true when both are equivalent, or return false when they're not equivalent.

Parameter Type Description
value Any The values, expressions, or objects to compare
compareTo Any The comparison values, expressions, or objects
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when both are equivalent. Return false when not equivalent.


These examples check whether the specified inputs are equivalent.

equals(true, 1)
equals('abc', 'abcd')

And returns these results:

  • First example: Both values are equivalent, so the function returns true.
  • Second example: Both values aren't equivalent, so the function returns false.


This function tries to convert the input value into a float number. It is used to cast the value from a broader type to float.

Parameter Type Description
value Any The value to convert
Return value type Description
float The converted float value


This example asserts Item of an "Apply to each" action to be of float type:

float(items('Appy to each'))


Get the ID of the user's manager in Microsoft Entra ID.

Overload 1: Get for a single user

Parameter Type Description
userId string The ID of the input user
Return value type Description
string or null The ID of the input user's manager or null if not exist

Overload 2: Get for multiple users

Parameter Type Description
userId array The IDs of the input users
Return value type Description
array The union of IDs of the input users' managers


These examples get the manager(s) of the input user(s):

  • First example: The input parameter is a string, so returns the ID of the manager of Workflow.Requestor
  • Second example: the input parameter is an array, so returns the union set of IDs of managers of Term.Stewards.


Get the name of the user in Microsoft Entra ID.

Overload 1: Get for a single user

Parameter Type Description
userId string The ID of the input user
Return value type Description
string The name of the input user

Overload 2: Get for multiple users

Parameter Type Description
userId array The IDs of the input users
Return value type Description
array The names of the input users


These examples get the name(s) of the input user(s):

  • First example: The input parameter is a string, so returns the name of Workflow.Requestor
  • Second example: The input parameter is an array, so returns an array of names of Term.Stewards.


Check whether the first value is greater than the second value. Return true when the first value is more, or return false when less.

Overload 1: Compare numbers

Parameter Type Description
value integer or float The first value to check whether greater than the second value
compareTo integer or float The comparison value
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the first value is greater than the second value. Return false when the first value is equal to or less than the second value.

Overload 2: Compare strings

Parameter Type Description
value string The first value to check whether greater than the second value
compareTo string The comparison value
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the first value is greater than the second value. Return false when the first value is equal to or less than the second value.


These examples check whether the first value is greater than the second value:

greater(10, 5)
greater('apple', 'banana')

And return these results:

  • First example: true
  • Second example: false


Check whether the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. Return true when the first value is greater or equal, or return false when the first value is less.

Overload 1: Compare numbers

Parameter Type Description
value integer or float The first value to check whether greater than or equal to the second value
compareTo integer or float The comparison value
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. Return false when the first value is less than the second value.

Overload 2: Compare strings

Parameter Type Description
value string The first value to check whether greater than or equal to the second value
compareTo string The comparison value
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. Return false when the first value is less than the second value.


These examples check whether the first value is greater or equal than the second value:

greaterOrEquals(5, 5)
greaterOrEquals('apple', 'banana')

And return these results:

  • First example: true
  • Second example: false


This function tries to convert the input value into an integer number. It is used to cast the value from a broader type to integer.

Parameter Type Description
value Any The value to convert
Return value type Description
integer The converted integer value


This example asserts Item of an "Apply to each" action to be of integer type:

int(items('Appy to each'))


Return the number of items in a collection, or the length of a string.

Parameter Type Description
value string or array The string or the collection with the items to count
Return value type Description
boolean The number of items in the collection or the length of the string


These examples count the number of items in these collections:

length(createArray(0, 1, 2, 3))

And both return this result: 4


Check whether the first value is less than the second value. Return true when the first value is less, or return false when the first value is more.

Overload 1: Compare numbers

Parameter Type Description
value integer or float The first value to check whether less than the second value
compareTo integer or float The comparison value
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the first value is less than the second value. Return false when the first value is equal to or greater than the second value.

Overload 2: Compare strings

Parameter Type Description
value string The first value to check whether greater than the second value
compareTo string The comparison value
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the first value is less than the second value. Return false when the first value is equal to or greater than the second value.


These examples check whether the first value is less than the second value.

less(5, 10)
less('banana', 'apple')

And return these results:

  • First example: true
  • Second example: false


Check whether the first value is less than or equal to the second value. Return true when the first value is less than or equal, or return false when the first value is more.

Overload 1: Compare numbers

Parameter Type Description
value integer or float The first value to check whether less than or equal to the second value
compareTo integer or float The comparison value
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the first value is less than or equal to the second value. Return false when the first value is greater than the second value.

Overload 2: Compare strings

Parameter Type Description
value string The first value to check whether less than or equal to the second value
compareTo string The comparison value
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the first value is less than or equal to the second value. Return false when the first value is greater than the second value.


These examples check whether the first value is less or equal than the second value.

lessOrEquals(10, 10)
lessOrEquals('apply', 'apple')

And return these results:

  • First example: true
  • Second example: false


Check whether the user is a member of the group in Microsoft Entra ID. Group ID can be found on Microsoft Entra group management page.

Parameter Type Description
userId string The ID of the input user
groupId string The ID of the group to check
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the user is a member of the group. Return false when the user is not a member of the group or the group doesn't exist.


This example check whether Workflow.Requestor is a member of the specified group:

memberOfGroup(runInput()['requestor'], '00000000-0000-0000-0000-111111111111')


Check whether an expression is false. Return true when the expression is false, or return false when true.

Parameter Type Description
value boolean The expression to check
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the expression is false. Return false when the expression is true.


These examples check whether the specified expressions are false:

not(equals(1, 2))
not(equals(1, 1))

And return these results:

  • First example: The expression is false, so the function returns true.
  • Second example: The expression is true, so the function returns false.


Give a default value to a nullable value. Return a non-nullable value.

Overload 1: String version

Parameter Type Description
value string or null The nullable value
defaultValue string The fallback value
Return value type Description
string Return the input value if it is not null. Return the default value if the input value is null.

Overload 2: Integer version

Parameter Type Description
value integer or null The nullable value
defaultValue integer The fallback value
Return value type Description
integer Return the input value if it is not null. Return the default value if the input value is null.

Overload 3: Float version

Parameter Type Description
value float or null The nullable value
defaultValue float The fallback value
Return value type Description
float Return the input value if it is not null. Return the default value if the input value is null.

Overload 4: Boolean version

Parameter Type Description
value boolean or null The nullable value
defaultValue boolean The fallback value
Return value type Description
boolean Return the input value if it is not null. Return the default value if the input value is null.

Overload 5: Array version

Parameter Type Description
value array or null The nullable value
defaultValue array The fallback value
Return value type Description
array Return the input value if it is not null. Return the default value if the input value is null.

Overload 6: Object version

Parameter Type Description
value object or null The nullable value
defaultValue object The fallback value
Return value type Description
object Return the input value if it is not null. Return the default value if the input value is null.


This example gives the nullable variable Term.Definition a default value 'Empty':

nullOrElse(runInput()['term']['definition'], 'Empty')


This function tries to convert the input value into an object value. It is used to cast the value from a broader type to object.

Parameter Type Description
value Any The value to convert
Return value type Description
boolean The converted object value


This example asserts Item of an "Apply to each" action to be of object type:

object(items('Appy to each'))


Check whether at least one expression is true. Return true when at least one expression is true, or return false when all are false.

Parameter Type Description
value boolean The first expression to check
values... boolean The rest expressions to check
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when at least one expression is true. Return false when all expressions are false.


These examples check whether at least one expression is true:

or(equals(1, 1), equals(1, 2))
or(equals(1, 2), equals(1, 3))
or(equals(1, 2))

And return these results:

  • First example: At least one expression is true, so the function returns true.
  • Second example: Both expressions are false, so the function returns false.
  • Third example: The expression is false, so the function returns false.


Check whether a string starts with a specific substring. Return true when the substring is found, or return false when not found. This function is case-sensitive.

Parameter Type Description
text string The string to check
searchText string The starting substring to find
Return value type Description
boolean Return true when the starting substring is found. Return false when not found.

Example 1

This example checks whether the "hello world" string starts with the "hello" substring:

startsWith('hello world', 'hello')

And returns this result: true

Example 2

This example checks whether the "hello world" string starts with the "greetings" substring:

startsWith('hello world', 'greetings')

And returns this result: false


This function returns the string version of the value.

Parameter Type Description
value Any The value to convert
Return value type Description
string The string version for the specified value. If the value parameter is null, this value is returned as an empty string ("") value.


These examples convert the input value into a string:


And return these results:

  • First example: The input value is a string, so returns an identity value 'abc'.
  • Second example: String version of boolean values are capitalized, so the function returns 'True'.
  • Third example: Arrays or objects are converted to JSON form, so the function returns '[]'.

Next steps

For more information about workflows, see these articles: