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INotificationSubscriber Interface


Represents the operations that are used to receive notifications from the Notifications Provider.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Common.ProviderFramework.Notifications
Assembly:  CoreProviders (in CoreProviders.dll)


public interface INotificationSubscriber
public interface class INotificationSubscriber
Public Interface INotificationSubscriber


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod OnNotificationCleared(Notification)

Informs the subscriber that a persistent Notification object has been cleared.

System_CAPS_pubmethod OnNotificationRaised(Notification)

Informs the subscriber of a new Notification object.


You can use the following ways to subscribe to receive Notification objects:

If you use ReadOnlyObservableNotificationCollection to subscribe to Notifications, you only receive persistent Notification objects, because one-shot notifications should not be added to the collection. One-shot notifications do not have a lifetime, and would therefore never be removed from the collection.


The methods of INotificationSubscriber may be called on any thread. If you implement this interface, you must synchronize your code appropriately.

See Also

Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Common.ProviderFramework.Notifications Namespace

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