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LensBlurEffect Members

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The LensBlurEffect type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method LensBlurEffect()

Creates and initializes a new LensBlurEffect.

Public method LensBlurEffect(IImageProvider)

Creates and initializes a new LensBlurEffect with a source and default values.

Public method LensBlurEffect(IImageProvider, ILensBlurKernel)

Creates and initializes a new LensBlurEffect with the specified source and kernel.

Public method LensBlurEffect(IImageProvider, IImageProvider)

Creates and initializes a new LensBlurEffect with the specified source, kernel map and default values.

Public method LensBlurEffect(IImageProvider, IImageProvider, ILensBlurKernel)

Creates and initializes a new LensBlurEffect with the specified source, kernel map and kernel.

Public method LensBlurEffect(IImageProvider, IImageProvider, IVectorView)
Initializes a new instance of the LensBlurEffect class
Public method LensBlurEffect(IImageProvider, IImageProvider, IReadOnlyList<ILensBlurKernel>)
Initializes a new instance of the LensBlurEffect class


  Name Description
Public method Clone
Clone the image provider.
Public method Close
Public method CreateImageWorker
Create a worker that can perform image processing.
Public method GetBitmapAsync(Void, Bitmap)
Public method GetBitmapAsync(Bitmap, OutputOption)
Creates a Bitmap from the contents of the image provider.
Public method GetInfoAsync
This method is no longer supported and should not be called. See remarks.
Public method GetSources
Public method Lock
This method is no longer supported and should not be called. See remarks.
Public method PreloadAsync
This method is no longer supported and should not be called. See remarks.
Public method SetSource
Set a source by index.

Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method AsAnimationFrame
Returns an AnimationFrame with the specified IImageProvider as its source and the specified frame duration.
(Defined by ImageProviderExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetBitmapAsync
Creates a WriteableBitmap with the contents of the image provider.
(Defined by ImageProviderExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Then<TImageConsumer>
Enables a fluid way of chaining multiple IImageProvider objects and IImageConsumer objects.
(Defined by ImageProviderExtensions.)


  Name Description
Public property BlendKernelWidth

The width of the band between out of focus areas blurred with different kernels that gets blended, thus providing a smooth transition.

Range [0, 255].

Public property FocusAreaEdgeMirroring

Determines whether pixels in the focus area should be sampled when applying blur. If mirroring is on, then samples that would be located inside the focus area are instead taken from a mirrored location outside it.

Default value is On.

Public property FocusEdgeSoftening

Determines if and how much of the edge of the focus area will be softened.

The default value is Medium.

Public property KernelMap

An image source representing a kernel map, specifying which kernel should be used on each pixel.

Each pixel either gets blurred with one of the kernels, or is not blurred and considered to be a part of the focus area.

Kernels are referenced via zero-based indices, e.g. the area that is to be blurred with the first kernel should be referred to by 0, the second kernel by the value of 1 and so forth. Pixels in the focus area should be marked with the value 255.

The maximum number of kernels is 250.

Public property KernelMapType

Determines how the kernel map values should be interpreted.

The default value is ForegroundMask.

Public property Kernels

Kernels used to blur the out of focus areas of the source image.

Public property PointLightStrength
The strength with which a point of light is rendererd. Range [1, 10].
Public property PropertyDescriptions
Public property Quality

Quality of the result.

Changing quality of the effect affects time and memory consumption of the effect by adjusting the working size. The working size of the effect is dependent on the Source's size, so a lower Quality value might be necessary to avoid an OutOfMemoryException.

Range [0.0, 1.0]. Default value is 1.

Public property Source
The IImageProvider that will be used as source.
Public property SourceCount
The number of sources that can be set.
Public property SupportedRenderOptions
Supported rendering options.

See Also

LensBlurEffect Class

Lumia.Imaging.Adjustments Namespace