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ReframingFilter Members

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The ReframingFilter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ReframingFilter()
Creates and initializes a new ReframingFilter with default values.
Public method ReframingFilter(Rect, Double)
Creates and initializes a new ReframingFilter with a default pivot point and specified reframing area and angle of rotation.
Public method ReframingFilter(Rect, Double, Point)
Creates and initializes a new ReframingFilter with specified reframing area, angle of rotation, and pivot point.


  Name Description
Public method Apply
Internal framework method.
Public method Lock
Internal framework method.
Public method PrepareAsync
Internal framework method.


  Name Description
Public property Angle
Rotation of the reframing area clockwise around its top-left corner in degrees.


Default is 0.

Public property PivotPoint
The point around which rotation is done. Expressed in the unit coordinate space of the reframing area, i.e., the top left corner of the reframing area is at (0.0), and the bottom right corner is at (1, 1).

Default is (0.5, 0.5), the center of the reframing area.

Public property ReframingArea
Rectangle describing the position and size of the reframing area.

The coordinates are relative to the current coordinate system, which may be affected by preceding filters.

See Also

ReframingFilter Class

Lumia.Imaging.Transforms Namespace