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DepthImagePixel Members

Kinect for Windows 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

The following table(s) list the members exposed by the DepthImagePixel type.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Depth Gets or sets the pixel depth (in millimeters).
Public Property IsKnownDepth Tests a pixel to see if it has a known depth.
Public Property PlayerIndex Gets or sets the player index for the pixel.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Equals Overloaded. Compares two DepthImagePixel objects to see if they contain the same data.
Public Method GetHashCode Gets the hash code for a DepthImagePixel.
Public Method Static op_Equality Compares two DepthImagePixel objects for equality.
Public Method Static op_Inequality Compares two DepthImagePixel objects for inequality.

See Also


DepthImagePixel Structure
Microsoft.Kinect Namespace