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TransformSmoothParameters Members

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

The following table(s) list the members exposed by the TransformSmoothParameters type.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Correction Gets or sets the amount of correction. The range is [0.0, 1.0] and the default value is 0.5 meters. A higher value corrects toward the raw data more quickly; a lower value corrects more slowly and appears smoother.
Public Property JitterRadius Gets or sets the jitter-reduction radius (in meters), which determines how aggressively to remove jitter from the raw data. The jitter radius is >= 0 and the default value is 0.05 meters. Any jitter beyond this radius is clamped to the jitter reduction radius.
Public Property MaxDeviationRadius Gets or sets the maximum radius (in meters) that a filtered position can deviate from raw data. The maximum deviation value is >= 0 and the default value is 0.04 meters. A filtered value that exceeds this radius is clamped at the maximum radius in the direction of the filtered value.
Public Property Prediction Gets or sets the number of frames to predict into the future. The number is >= 0 and the default value is 0.0. A value greater than 0.5 will likely lead to overshoot when the data changes quickly; dampen the overshoot effect by using a smaller value of fMaxDeviationRadius.
Public Property Smoothing Gets or sets the smoothing value. The range is [0.0, 1.0] and the default value is 0.5 meters. A higher value corresponds to more smoothing; passing 0 causes the raw data to be returned. As the smoothing value is increased, responsiveness to the raw data decreases; therefore, increased smoothing leads to increased latency.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Equals Overloaded. Compares two TransformSmoothParameters objects to see if they contain the same data.
Public Method GetHashCode Gets the hash code for a TransformSmoothParameters object.
Public Method Static op_Equality Compares two TransformSmoothParameters objects for equality (using the TransformSmoothParameters type).
Public Method Static op_Inequality Compares two TransformSmoothParameters objects for inequality (using the TransformSmoothParameters type).

See Also


TransformSmoothParameters Structure
Microsoft.Kinect Namespace