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Color Viewer Window [Kinect Studio]

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

The Color Viewer window shows recorded or live color data from a Kinect.

Figure 1.  The Kinect Studio Color Viewer window


Zooming and Panning

The Color Viewer window supports the following zoom factors:

  • Percentage: Zooms relative to the original stream size.
  • Zoom to Fit: Zooms to always fill the window, even as you resize it.

To zoom, do one of the following:

  • Select the zoom factor from the combo box.
  • Type a numerical value into the combo box, and then press ENTER.
  • Use the zoom tools on the toolbar.
  • When the viewer has the input focus, rotate the mouse wheel forward or backward.

To pan, do one of the following:

  • Drag within the viewer.
  • Use the scroll bars (when displayed).

To reset zoom and pan

  • Select Zoom to Fit from the combo box.
  • Click the Zoom to Fit button on the toolbar. Hh855398.xboxstudio_button_zoomtofit(en-us,IEB.10).png

Selecting a Frame

You can change which color frame is displayed in the viewer without using the timeline.

To display the previous frame in the color stream

  • Press the LEFT ARROW key.

To display the next frame in the color stream

  • Press the RIGHT ARROW key.

Saving Color Frames

You can save the currently displayed color frame to a bitmap file.

To save the current color frame as a bitmap

  1. Right-click within the color viewer, and then click Save Image As.
  2. In the Save As dialog box, choose a file name and location for the bitmap, and then click Save.

Status Bar

The status bar displays the following information.

Information Description
Frame Number Frame number of the frame that is displayed currently.
Position x- and y-coordinates of the pixel at the current position of the cursor. The top left corner of the viewer is (0, 0); the bottom right corner is (640, 480).
Color RGB and YUV values for the pixel at the current position of the cursor.