Color Viewer Window [Kinect Studio]
Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8
The Color Viewer window shows recorded or live color data from a Kinect.
Figure 1. The Kinect Studio Color Viewer window
Zooming and Panning
The Color Viewer window supports the following zoom factors:
- Percentage: Zooms relative to the original stream size.
- Zoom to Fit: Zooms to always fill the window, even as you resize it.
To zoom, do one of the following:
- Select the zoom factor from the combo box.
- Type a numerical value into the combo box, and then press ENTER.
- Use the zoom tools on the toolbar.
- When the viewer has the input focus, rotate the mouse wheel forward or backward.
To pan, do one of the following:
- Drag within the viewer.
- Use the scroll bars (when displayed).
To reset zoom and pan
- Select Zoom to Fit from the combo box.
- Click the Zoom to Fit button on the toolbar.
Selecting a Frame
You can change which color frame is displayed in the viewer without using the timeline.
To display the previous frame in the color stream
- Press the LEFT ARROW key.
To display the next frame in the color stream
- Press the RIGHT ARROW key.
Saving Color Frames
You can save the currently displayed color frame to a bitmap file.
To save the current color frame as a bitmap
- Right-click within the color viewer, and then click Save Image As.
- In the Save As dialog box, choose a file name and location for the bitmap, and then click Save.
Status Bar
The status bar displays the following information.
Information | Description |
Frame Number | Frame number of the frame that is displayed currently. |
Position | x- and y-coordinates of the pixel at the current position of the cursor. The top left corner of the viewer is (0, 0); the bottom right corner is (640, 480). |
Color | RGB and YUV values for the pixel at the current position of the cursor. |