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DepthImageStream Members

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

The following table(s) list the members exposed by the DepthImageStream type.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Format Gets the format of the depth data, which includes the data type, resolution, and frame rate.
Public Property MaxDepth Gets the maximum depth value (in millimeters) for the depth sensor range.
Public Property MinDepth Gets the minimum depth value (in millimeters) for the depth sensor range.
Public Property NominalDiagonalFieldOfView Gets the nominal, diagonal field of view of the depth image (in degrees).
Public Property NominalFocalLengthInPixels Gets the nominal focal length of the depth image (in pixels).
Public Property NominalHorizontalFieldOfView Gets the nominal, horizontal field of view of the depth image (in degrees).
Public Property NominalInverseFocalLengthInPixels Gets the inverse of the nominal focal length in pixels, or 1/NominalFocalLengthInPixels, of the depth image.
Public Property NominalVerticalFieldOfView Gets the nominal, vertical field of view of the depth image (in degrees).
Public Property Range Gets or sets the range for depth data, which determines how close or far away from the Kinect you can be and still be tracked.
Public Property TooFarDepth Gets the depth value (in millimeters) that indictates a person is too far beyond the range of the sensor.
Public Property TooNearDepth Gets the depth value (in millimeters) that indictates a person is too close to the sensor to track.
Public Property UnknownDepth Gets the depth value for depth data that is unknown because a person is outside of a depth sensor range that can be tracked.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Enable Overloaded. Methods for enabling a sensor to stream out depth data.
Public Method OpenNextFrame Gets the next frame of depth data from the sensor.

See Also


DepthImageStream Class
Microsoft.Kinect Namespace