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DepthImageFrame Members

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

The following table(s) list the members exposed by the DepthImageFrame type.

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field PlayerIndexBitmask A bitmask for extracting the player index bit field from the depth data; the player index is stored in the lowest order bits.
Public Field PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth The width (number of bits) in the player index bitmask. This is the number of low-order bits in the depth data that store the player index.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property DepthFilter Reserved for future use.
Public Property Format Gets the format for the depth data which includes the data type, the resolution, and the frame rate.
Public Property MaxDepth Gets the maximum depth value (in millimeters) for the depth sensor range setting used to capture this frame.
Public Property MinDepth Gets the minimum depth value (in millimeters) for the depth sensor range setting used to capture this frame.
Public Property PixelDataLength Gets the total length of the pixel data buffer.
Public Property Range Gets the depth sensor range for this frame.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method CopyDepthImagePixelDataTo Overloaded. Methods for copying per-pixel depth data to a pre-allocated array.
Public Method CopyPixelDataTo Overloaded. Methods for copying per-pixel depth data to a pre-allocated array of bytes.
Public Method GetRawPixelData Retrieves an array of DepthImagePixel structures that contains the depth image's pixel data.
Public Method MapFromSkeletonPoint Obsolete starting with version 1.6; replaced by the CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToDepthPoint Method. In versions prior to 1.6, this method looks up the depth frame coordinates for a given skeleton point.
Public Method MapToColorImagePoint Obsolete starting with version 1.6; replaced by the CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorPoint Method. In versions prior to 1.6, this method maps a depth coordinate to a color coordinate.
Public Method MapToSkeletonPoint Obsolete starting with version 1.6; replaced by the CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToSkeletonPoint Method. In versions prior to 1.6, this method looks up the skeleton point location for a given depth point, (x,y).

See Also


DepthImageFrame Class
Microsoft.Kinect Namespace