Kinect Properties
Kinect for Windows 1.8
Kinect has the following properties.
Name | Description |
Kinect.BACKGROUNDREMOVAL_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the Background Removal stream. |
Kinect.DEFAULT_BASE_PATH Property | Gets the default base path. |
Kinect.DEFAULT_HOST_PORT Property | Gets the default host port. |
Kinect.DEFAULT_HOST_URI Property | Gets the default host URI. |
Kinect.DEFAULT_SENSOR_NAME Property | Gets the name of the default Kinect sensor. |
Kinect.INTERACTION_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the Interaction stream. |
Kinect.PRIMARYUSERCHANGED_EVENT_TYPE Property | Gets the name of the Primary User Changed event type. |
Kinect.SENSORSTATUS_EVENT_CATEGORY Property | Gets the name of the Sensor Status event category. |
Kinect.SENSORSTATUS_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the Sensor Status stream. |
Kinect.SENSORSTATUSCHANGED_EVENT_TYPE Property | Gets the name of the Sensor Status Changed event type. |
Kinect.SKELETON_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the Skeleton stream. |
Kinect.USERSTATE_EVENT_CATEGORY Property | Gets the name of the User State event category. |
Kinect.USERSTATESCHANGED_EVENT_TYPE Property | Gets the name of the User States Changed event type. |
Kinect.USERVIEWER_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the User Viewer stream. |
Library: Kinect-1.8.0.js
See Also