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INuiFusionCameraPoseFinder::ProcessFrame Method

Adds the specified camera frame to the camera pose finder database if the frame differs enough from poses that already exist in the database.


HRESULT ProcessFrame(
         const NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_FRAME *pDepthFloatFrame,
         const NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_FRAME *pColorFrame,
         const Matrix4 *pWorldToCameraTransform,
         FLOAT minimumDistanceThreshold,
         BOOL *pAddedPose,
         BOOL *pHistoryTrimmed


  • pDepthFloatFrame
    The depth float frame to be processed. This frame must have valid camera parameters and have a minimum size of 80×60. Also, this frame must be the same size and have been captured at the same time as the colorFrame parameter.
  • pColorFrame
    The color frame to be processed. This frame must have valid camera parameters and have a minimum size of 80×60. Also, this frame must be the same size and have been captured at the same time as the depthFloatFrame parameter.
  • pWorldToCameraTransform
    Type: Matrix4
    The current camera pose. This is usually the camera pose result from the most recent call to the AlignPointClouds or AlignDepthFloatToReconstruction method.
  • minimumDistanceThreshold
    Type: FLOAT
    Threshold in the range [0.0f, 1.0f] that specifies how different the worldToCameraTransform pose must be from the poses that are already stored in the database. Input frames that have a minimum distance equal to or above this threshold when compared to existing poses will be added to the database. Set this value to 0.0f to always add the pose to the database when this function is called. Note that setting this value to 0.0f can lead to many duplicated poses unless your application implements its own test.
  • pAddedPose
    Type: BOOL
    A value indicating whether a new frame was added to the camera pose data.
  • pHistoryTrimmed
    Type: BOOL
    A value indicating wether the camera pose finder removed frames from the frame history for performance reasons.

Return value

S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns a failure code.


Header: nuikinectfusioncameraposefinder.h

Library: TBD