Kinect Interface
Kinect for Windows 1.8
Encapsulates the core functionality that web client applications use to communicate with the Kinect for Windows SDK Toolkit web server.
console.log("Connecting to sensor at URI: " + Kinect.DEFAULT_HOST_URI + ":" + Kinect.DEFAULT_HOST_PORT + "/" + Kinect.DEFAULT_BASE_PATH + "/" + Kinect.DEFAULT_SENSOR_NAME);
var sensor = Kinect.sensor();
Kinect has the following members.
Name | Description |
Kinect.async Function | Specifies whether server requests to REST endpoints should be asynchronous. |
Kinect.connect Function | Connects to the specified host that is serving Kinect data. |
Kinect.disconnect Function | Disconnects from a host. |
Kinect.sensor Function | Retrieves a KinectSensor interface for the Kinect sensor with the specified name. |
Name | Description |
Kinect.BACKGROUNDREMOVAL_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the Background Removal stream. |
Kinect.DEFAULT_BASE_PATH Property | Gets the default base path. |
Kinect.DEFAULT_HOST_PORT Property | Gets the default host port. |
Kinect.DEFAULT_HOST_URI Property | Gets the default host URI. |
Kinect.DEFAULT_SENSOR_NAME Property | Gets the name of the default Kinect sensor. |
Kinect.INTERACTION_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the Interaction stream. |
Kinect.PRIMARYUSERCHANGED_EVENT_TYPE Property | Gets the name of the Primary User Changed event type. |
Kinect.SENSORSTATUS_EVENT_CATEGORY Property | Gets the name of the Sensor Status event category. |
Kinect.SENSORSTATUS_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the Sensor Status stream. |
Kinect.SENSORSTATUSCHANGED_EVENT_TYPE Property | Gets the name of the Sensor Status Changed event type. |
Kinect.SKELETON_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the Skeleton stream. |
Kinect.USERSTATE_EVENT_CATEGORY Property | Gets the name of the User State event category. |
Kinect.USERSTATESCHANGED_EVENT_TYPE Property | Gets the name of the User States Changed event type. |
Kinect.USERVIEWER_STREAM_NAME Property | Gets the name of the User Viewer stream. |
Library: Kinect-1.8.0.js