KinectUI Interface
Kinect for Windows 1.8
Controls press targets, grip targets, and the primary hand cursor.
var pressableElement = document.getElementById("button1");
KinectUI.setIsPressTarget(pressableElement, true);
KinectUI has the following members.
Name | Description |
KinectUI.createAdapter Function | Creates a new KinectUIAdapter interface, optionally associated with a Kinect sensor. |
KinectUI.getIsGripTarget Function | Determines whether the specified DOM element has been designated as a grip target. |
KinectUI.getIsPressTarget Function | Determines whether the specified DOM element has been designated as a press target. |
KinectUI.getIsPrimaryHandPointerOver Function | Determines whether the primary hand cursor is currently hovering over the specified DOM element. |
KinectUI.setIsGripTarget Function | Specifies whether the specified DOM element should be designated as a grip target. |
KinectUI.setIsPressTarget Function | Specifies whether the specified DOM element should be designated as a press target. |
KinectUI.setIsPrimaryHandPointerOver Function | Specifies whether the primary hand cursor should hover over the specified DOM element. |
Name | Description |
KinectUI.BUTTON_CLASS Property | Gets the class name that is used to identify Kinect button elements. |
KinectUI.BUTTON_HOVER_CLASS Property | Gets the class name that is used to identify Kinect button elements that are currently under a hovering hand pointer. |
KinectUI.BUTTON_PRESSED_CLASS Property | Gets the class name that is used to identify Kinect button elements that are currently being pressed. |
KinectUI.BUTTON_TEXT_CLASS Property | Gets the class name that is used to identify Kinect button text elements. |
KinectUI.CURSOR_ID Property | Gets the ID that is used to identify the DOM element that represents the Kinect cursor. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTER_ENTER Property | Gets the name of the DOM event that is triggered when a hand pointer starts hovering over a DOM element. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTER_GOTCAPTURE Property | Gets the name of the DOM event that is triggered when a hand pointer starts being captured by a DOM element. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTER_GRIP Property | Gets the name of the DOM event that is triggered when a hand pointer enters a "gripped" state while over a DOM element. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTER_GRIPRELEASE Property | Gets the name of the DOM event that is triggered when a hand pointer leaves a "gripped" state while over a DOM element. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTER_LEAVE Property | Gets the name of the DOM event that is triggered when a hand pointer stops hovering over a DOM element. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTER_LOSTCAPTURE Property | Gets the name of the DOM event that is triggered when a hand pointer stops being captured by a DOM element. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTER_MOVE Property | Gets the name of the DOM event that is triggered when a hand pointer moves over a DOM element. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTER_PRESS Property | Gets the name of the DOM event that is triggered when a hand pointer enters a "pressed" state while over a DOM element. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTER_PRESSRELEASE Property | Gets the name of the DOM event that is triggered when a hand pointer leaves a "pressed" state while over a DOM element. |
KinectUI.HANDPOINTERS_UPDATED Property | Gets the name of the global UI event that is triggered when a change occurs in the set of tracked hand pointers. |
Library: Kinect-1.8.0.js