HandPointer Interface
Kinect for Windows 1.8
Represents a pointer that tracks the position of a user's hand in the UI.
var uiAdapter = KinectUI.createAdapter(kinectSensor);
for (var i = 0; i < uiAdapter.handPointers.length; ++i) {
var handPointer = uiAdapter.handPointers[i];
HandPointer has the following members.
Name | Description |
HandPointer.capture Function | Sets the specified DOM element to capture all events triggered by this hand pointer, or returns to normal event routing behavior. |
HandPointer.getEnteredElements Function | Retrieves all of the DOM elements that this hand pointer has entered. |
HandPointer.getIsOver Function | Determines whether this hand pointer is currently hovering over the specified DOM element. |
HandPointer.getIsPrimaryHandOfPrimaryUser Function | Determines whether this hand pointer corresponds to the primary hand of the primary user. |
HandPointer.update Function | Updates the properties of this hand pointer from the specified hand pointer received from the interaction stream. |
Name | Description |
HandPointer.captured Property | Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether all events triggered by this hand pointer are currently being captured by a DOM element. |
HandPointer.handEventType Property | Gets the name of the most recent event triggered by this hand pointer. |
HandPointer.handType Property | Gets the hand type of this hand pointer. |
HandPointer.isActive Property | Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently active. |
HandPointer.isInGripInteraction Property | Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently in a grip interaction. |
HandPointer.isInteractive Property | Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently interactive. |
HandPointer.isPressed Property | Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently in a press interaction. |
HandPointer.isPrimaryHandOfUser Property | Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer corresponds to the primary hand of the user. |
HandPointer.isPrimaryUser Property | Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer corresponds to the primary user. |
HandPointer.isTracked Property | Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently tracking a user's hand. |
HandPointer.originalHandPointer Property | Gets the original hand pointer. |
HandPointer.playerIndex Property | Gets the player index of the user that corresponds to this hand pointer. |
HandPointer.pressExtent Property | Gets a floating-point value that indicates how hard this hand pointer is pressing a button. |
HandPointer.rawX Property | Gets the raw position of this hand pointer on the x-axis. |
HandPointer.rawY Property | Gets the raw position of this hand pointer on the y-axis. |
HandPointer.rawZ Property | Gets the raw position of this hand pointer on the z-axis. |
HandPointer.timestampOfLastUpdate Property | Gets the timestamp of the last update to this hand pointer. |
HandPointer.trackingId Property | Gets the skeleton tracking ID of the user that corresponds to this hand pointer. |
HandPointer.updated Property | Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer has been updated by a call to the update function. |
HandPointer.x Property | Gets the position of this hand pointer on the x-axis. |
HandPointer.y Property | Gets the position of this hand pointer on the y-axis. |
Library: Kinect-1.8.0.js