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HandPointer Interface

Kinect for Windows 1.8

Represents a pointer that tracks the position of a user's hand in the UI.


var uiAdapter = KinectUI.createAdapter(kinectSensor);
for (var i = 0; i < uiAdapter.handPointers.length; ++i) {
    var handPointer = uiAdapter.handPointers[i];


HandPointer has the following members.


Name Description
HandPointer.capture Function Sets the specified DOM element to capture all events triggered by this hand pointer, or returns to normal event routing behavior.
HandPointer.getEnteredElements Function Retrieves all of the DOM elements that this hand pointer has entered.
HandPointer.getIsOver Function Determines whether this hand pointer is currently hovering over the specified DOM element.
HandPointer.getIsPrimaryHandOfPrimaryUser Function Determines whether this hand pointer corresponds to the primary hand of the primary user.
HandPointer.update Function Updates the properties of this hand pointer from the specified hand pointer received from the interaction stream.


Name Description
HandPointer.captured Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether all events triggered by this hand pointer are currently being captured by a DOM element.
HandPointer.handEventType Property Gets the name of the most recent event triggered by this hand pointer.
HandPointer.handType Property Gets the hand type of this hand pointer.
HandPointer.isActive Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently active.
HandPointer.isInGripInteraction Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently in a grip interaction.
HandPointer.isInteractive Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently interactive.
HandPointer.isPressed Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently in a press interaction.
HandPointer.isPrimaryHandOfUser Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer corresponds to the primary hand of the user.
HandPointer.isPrimaryUser Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer corresponds to the primary user.
HandPointer.isTracked Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer is currently tracking a user's hand.
HandPointer.originalHandPointer Property Gets the original hand pointer.
HandPointer.playerIndex Property Gets the player index of the user that corresponds to this hand pointer.
HandPointer.pressExtent Property Gets a floating-point value that indicates how hard this hand pointer is pressing a button.
HandPointer.rawX Property Gets the raw position of this hand pointer on the x-axis.
HandPointer.rawY Property Gets the raw position of this hand pointer on the y-axis.
HandPointer.rawZ Property Gets the raw position of this hand pointer on the z-axis.
HandPointer.timestampOfLastUpdate Property Gets the timestamp of the last update to this hand pointer.
HandPointer.trackingId Property Gets the skeleton tracking ID of the user that corresponds to this hand pointer.
HandPointer.updated Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this hand pointer has been updated by a call to the update function.
HandPointer.x Property Gets the position of this hand pointer on the x-axis.
HandPointer.y Property Gets the position of this hand pointer on the y-axis.


Library: Kinect-1.8.0.js

See Also


UI Components