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Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Interaction Namespace

Provides classes for using the interaction stream.


Name Description
Public Class InteractionFrame Contains an interaction frame.
Public Class InteractionFrameReadyEventArgs Provides the event arguments for the InteractionFrameReadyEvent.
Public Class InteractionHandPointer Contains the information for an InteractionHandPointer.
Public Class InteractionInfo Contains information about the current interaction.
Public Class InteractionStream Provides access to the InteractionStream. The InteractionStream delivers interaction frames.
Public Class KinectRuntimeExtensions Provides a method to extract raw depth pixel data from a depth frame.
Public Class UserInfo Contains information about the user's skeletal ID and the current location of their associated hand pointers.


Name Description
Public Interface IInteractionClient Provides an entry point for a UX client to use the Interaction features.


Name Description
Public Enumeration InteractionHandEventType Specifies the event type for hand interactions.
Public Enumeration InteractionHandType Specifies which hand type has been identified.