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Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Controls Namespace

Kinect for Windows 1.7, 1.8

Contains the classes for KinectInteraction controls, including the hand pointer, gesture-interactive button controls, and the gesture-active KinectRegion.


Name Description
Public Class ContentStateToVisibilityConverter Used to provide a visual effect for KinectTileButton and KinectCircleButton.
Public Class DoubleToThicknessConverter Class to convert a double value to a border thickness for KinectInteraction Controls.
Public Class HandPointer This class manages a hand pointer. A hand pointer tracks a given user's recognized hand, and contains properties that detail the current semantics of the hand's activity, such as pressing and gripping.
Public Class HandPointerEventArgs The event arguments for hand pointer events.
Public Class KinectButtonBase Provides a base class for Kinect-enabled buttons.
Public Class KinectCircleButton Provides an interactive circular KinectButton.
Public Class KinectCursorVisualizer A class that is used to render the Kinect cursor on the display.
Public Class KinectItemsControl Provides a Kinect version of the ItemsControl class.
Public Class KinectRegion The primary class to add KinectInteraction experiences to an application.
Public Class KinectScrollViewer A Kinect version of the System.Windows.Controls.ScrollViewer. Does not add any public functionality.
Public Class KinectTileButton Provides a modern-style rectangular Kinect-enabled button.
Public Class KinectUserViewer Provides the KinectUserViewer control. This control shows an image of the user taken from the depth stream.
Public Class QueryInteractionStatusEventArgs Event arguments for the QueryInteractionStatusEvent.
Public Class UserTrackingIdChangedEventArgs Arguments to the UserTrackingIDChanged event.


Name Description
Public Delegate QueryPrimaryUserTrackingIdCallback Handler for KinectRegion.QueryPrimaryUserTrackingIdCallback delegate. Chooses who the primary user should be. Returns the tracking Id of chosen primary user. A return value of 0 means that no user should be considered primary.


Name Description
Public Enumeration HandEventType Enumerates the possible hand event types.
Public Enumeration HandType Enumerates the type of hand.
Public Enumeration KinectCircleButtonLabelPosition Enumerates the possible positions of the KinectCircleButton label.
Public Enumeration UserColoringMode Coloring modes that indicate how the appropriate color for each user in scene will be determined by the KinectUserViewer control.