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WLK DVD Spindown Test

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Type: Automated Test


The WLK DVD Spindown Test is designed to measure whether an optical disk drive adheres to the power saving feature enabled in Windows that spins down a drive at a certain point. Because different disk drives take different lengths of time to respond and spin down, the test is self-calibrating to measure spindown against the individual drive.

The test first sends out a read command to spin up the drive. While the drive is spinning, it issues another read command and then measures how long the read took to return. Afterwards, the disk is allowed to spin down, a second read is sent out, and the length of time it takes to return is measured. The drive is sent another read command and after a short delay, a START_STOP_DISC IOCTL is sent and another read command is issued, and the length of time this read takes is recorded. The test passes if the time it takes to read from the disk after the IOCTL is sent is similar in time to the length of time it takes to read from a disk that begins spun down.

With this process, we can determine programmatically if the disk drive correctly spun down in response to having been sent the IOCTL.

This test also takes a second measurement to determine whether the START_STOP_DISC IOCTL completes in under 20 ms. Both measurements must pass in order to pass this test.


A DVD drive containing a non-protected DVD must be used when running this test. There will be a pop-up message warning if the test is run without a DVD in the drive.

Run Time: 5 minutes

Log File: DVDWLK.wtl

System Restart Required: No

Test Category: Storage

Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:

  • Windows 7

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Windows Vista

  • Windows Server 2008

  • Windows XP

  • Windows Server 2003

Program: DVDWLK.exe


Software Requirements

The test tool requires the following software:

  • Supported operating system (see list above)

  • Windows Media Player

Hardware Requirements

The test tool requires the following hardware:

  • Machine with optical drive that is capable of playing DVDs

  • Any non-CSS-encrypted DVD that contains 30+ minutes of video content. Insert this DVD into the optical drive prior to running the test. A good source of content is the Microsoft Test Annex DVD that can be ordered at the following Microsoft web site: Order the DVD Test Annex

    Note  This DVD is also required for the WLK CSS Negotiation/Region Check test.


The test tool runs on the following processor architectures:

  • x86

  • x64 (use x86 version through WoW)

  • IA64

Running the Test

To run the test, follow the syntax below. No user input is required after the initial test command is sent. At the end, the test will either pass or fail and the appropriate log file will record the error. Common sources of test job failure include not having a DVD in the optical drive and using incorrect command syntax. The test will not pass if the time that it takes to return a read command after the stop IOCTL is sent is within the range of the time it takes the disk to return a read when the drive is still spinning.

Command Syntax

Command option Description


This test has required parameters. Without any parameters entered, the test will output help text

-d [string]:

Specifies the volume of the optical disk drive (for example, D:). When run in an automated setting with WTT, the Create Storage Parameters setup task will resolve the drive letter with the parameter StorageDriveLetter.

-0 [int]:

Since the test binary contains four separate tests, this parameter specifies that test case 0 (DVD Spindown) should be run. It is necessary to also specify the number of times for the test to be run. This is set by default in the test job to 1.

-s [int]

Specifies the short time delay in ms to wait before sending out a read command. The default is 4000 ms. The value should be short enough that the disk is still spinning when the read command is sent. (Optional parameter)

-l [int]

Specifies the long time delay in ms to wait before sending out a read command. The default is 60000 ms. The value should be long enough that the disk has a chance to spin down completely before sending out another read command. (Optional parameter)

-i [int]

Specifies the time delay in ms to wait to read disk after the Spindown IOCTL is sent. The default is 4000 ms. (Optional parameter)

-r [int]

Specifies the time period in ms that IOCTL must complete in.


Code Tour

File Manifest

File Location






Build date: 9/14/2012