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Wireless Router Logo Program Testing

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The following documentation outlines procedures specific to the Wireless Router Logo program. This should be viewed as supplementary documentation to the standard Driver Test Manager (DTM) setup documentation.


Persons attempting to create a Wireless Router Logo submission should have the following setup and configured using the standard DTM setup documentation.

  • DTM Controller

  • DTM Studio running on a computer on the same network as the DTM controller

  • 4 DTM Client machines (specific configuration and system requirements will be described in detail in the following section).

  • A minimum of 2 100 megabit switches. More may be needed depending on the number of available Ethernet ports on the device under test.

The rest of this documentation makes the assumption that the controller, studio, and clients are properly configured. This means that the controller has the proper permissions set, the studio is able to connect to and execute jobs on the controller, and that the clients are added to a machine pool, and all clients are heart beating in the ready state.

Machine Requirements and Configuration

Among the 4 DTM client machines, there are 3 individual configurations. Therefore, two of the client machines will be setup identically. These machines will be designated as LAN1, LAN2, WAN, and SERVER. All system requirements are in addition to minimum system requirements for Windows Vista or Windows 7 and the DTM test suite. The following network schematic illustrates how each is connected in the network:

NOTE: a "Y" above the computer designates it is wirelessly connected to the router.

Wireless Router

The wireless router should have its DHCP server enabled. You will need to set the WAN port to this static IP address: The wireless router should be in a controlled environment with its wireless network open (no security enabled). UPnP framework should be enabled, even if not by default.

Machines LAN1 and LAN2

System Requirements

  • Windows Vista Client x86 for Vista Logos or Windows 7 x86 Client for Windows 7 Logos

  • Three 10/100 Ethernet Cards

    • At least one of the three MUST support QOS 802.1p
  • One wireless adapter supporting 802.11a/b/g

    • Wireless adapter MUST use NDIS 6.0 compliant Native Wi-Fi Driver with support of WMM
  • Support for QueryPerformanceFrequency and QueryPerformanceCounter APIs. This is needed for the Wifi performance test.

Both of these machines, LAN1 and LAN2, have an identical setup procedure. Please replicate the following steps for each machine:

  1. Connect two of the Ethernet cards to the LAN side of the Wireless router via Ethernet cable. One of these two must be QOS 802.1p capable.

  2. Connect the third Ethernet card to the DTM network.

  3. Open the network connections folder. This can be done by clicking Manage Network Connections in the Network Center in the Control Panel.

  4. Rename the network connections such that:

    1. The connection to the DTM network is named DTM.
    2. The connection to the LAN side of the router with the QOS capable interface is named LAN_P.
    3. The non QOS capable interface connected to the LAN side is named LAN.
    4. The wireless connection is named Wireless.
  5. Make sure all of the connections are marked Private in the Network Sharing Center.

  6. Enable QOS 802.1p on the LAN_P connection (consult individual interface card manual).

  7. The wireless connection needs be associated with the router's wireless network.

  8. Run configuration Jobs: "Setup Machine LAN1" and "Setup Machine LAN2" for Machine Lan1 and Machine2 respectively. These jobs will set Static IP addresses and setup machine dimensions for each machine as follow:

    Interface LAN1 LAN2





    IP Address assigned by DHCP

    IP Address assigned by DHCP


  9. For each machine, run ipconfig at a command prompt to verify that each interface has correctly assigned IP address.

  10. To ensure IP connectivity on all interfaces try to ping other addresses. If firewall is enabled, then open the ping exception via: netsh firewall set icmpsettings 8

  11. Make sure that all network connections are set to Private in the Network Center in the Control Panel.

    In order to ensure that your test network remains set to Private, you can set a policy to do this automatically by running gpedit.msc (as an Administrator) and modifying the settings for "Unidentified Networks":

Machine WAN1

System Requirements

  • Windows Vista Client x86 for Vista Logos or Windows 7 x86 Client for Windows 7 Logos

  • Two 10/100 Ethernet Cards

  • One wireless adapter that supports 802.11b/g

    • Adapter MUST use NDIS 6.0 compliant Native Wi-Fi Driver with support of WMM

The WAN machine should be setup using the following steps:

  1. Connect one Ethernet card to the WAN side of the wireless router. Because most routers only have one port for the WAN interface, a switch may be used (as shown in the diagram).

  2. Connect the other Ethernet card to the DTM network.

  3. Open the network connections folder (this can be done by clicking Manage Network Connections in the Network Center in the Control Panel.

  4. Rename network connections such that:

    1. The connection to the DTM network is named DTM.
    2. The connection to the WAN side of the router is named WAN
    3. The wireless connection is named Wireless
  5. The wireless connection needs be associated with the router's wireless network.

  6. Run configuration Job: Setup Machine WAN1. These jobs will set Static IP addresses and setup machine dimensions as follow:

    Interface WAN1




    IP Address assigned by DHCP


  7. Run ipconfig at a command prompt to verify that each interface has correctly assigned IP address.

  8. Ensure IP connectivity on all interfaces. If firewall is enabled, then open the ping exception via: netsh firewall set icmpsettings 8

  9. Ensure that all network connections are set to Private in the Network Center in the Control Panel.

Machine WAN2

System Requirements

  • Windows Vista Client x86

  • Three 10/100 Ethernet Cards

The WAN2 machine should be setup using the following steps:

  1. Connect two of the Ethernet cards to the WAN side of the router. A switch may be used to accomplish this.

  2. Connect the remaining Ethernet card to the DTM network.

  3. Open the network connections folder. This can be done by clicking Manage Network Connections in the Network Center in the Control Panel.

  4. Rename network connections such that

    1. The connection to the DTM network is named DTM.
    2. The connections to the WAN side of the router are named WAN1 and WAN2
  5. Run configuration Job: Setup Machine WAN2. These jobs will set Static IP addresses and setup machine dimensions as follow:

    Interface WAN2




    IP Address assigned by DHCP


  6. Run ipconfig at a command prompt to verify that each interface has correctly assigned IP address.

  7. Ensure IP connectivity on all interfaces. If firewall is enabled, then open the ping exception via: netsh firewall set icmpsettings 8

  8. Ensure that all network connections are set to Private in the Network Center in the Control Panel.

Machine Pool Configuration

Proper setup of the machine pool is vital. When the machine pool is not properly configured, scheduled jobs will stay in the status "Scheduler". Configuration of the machine pool allows the DTM controller to assign each individual task to the correct machine. For each of the four machines in the pool, a configuration job will have to be run. This job will set "Dimensions" on that machine which will describe its role in the network.

To run the configurations job, do the following on each machine in the pool:

  1. Open up DTM Studio.

  2. Click Explorers and then choose Job Monitor.

  3. On the left hand side, select the proper machine pool.

  4. Right click the machine and select Schedule.

  5. Select Browse, and then select the job Setup MachineXYZ found under WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\Configuration. (Where XYZ correspond to LAN1, LAN2, WAN1 and WAN2)

  6. For LAN1 and LAN2: Enter the MAC address of the LAN side interface of the Wireless Router in the Value field for the IGD_Mac parameter

  7. Click Start.

Creating a Submission

In order to receive a logo for the Wireless Router Logo Program, you will need to create a submission which contains all of the run tests. There are 3 steps to doing this: creating a new submission, running the tests, creating a submission package to send to Microsoft.

In order to create a new submission, you will once again need to use the DTM studio.

  1. Click Explorers and then choose Device Console.

  2. Select New Submission.

  3. When the submission wizard pops up, select Windows Vista Client or Windows 7 Client.

  4. Select Device Submission and click Next.

  5. Select Network > Wireless Router and click Next.

  6. Choose Basic or Premium based on desired logo (only one logo is available for Windows 7).

  7. Select the pool that you have previously configured to run these tests.

  8. Enter a name for the submission (preferably the device name) and click Next.

Next we will need to run each test individually. Once you have created a new submission, you will notice that the right hand pane will be filled with many test names with check boxes beside them. You may select one or more tests and hit "Add Selected". After selecting a test, you may need to edit a parameter in order for the test to run properly. To do this, right-click the job and select "Edit Parameters". More information on editing parameters can be found in the individual instructions for each category of tests below. Once you have done so, click "Schedule Jobs". Go to the job monitor and wait for the job to finish. Once it has, you may run the next test. Some of the tests must have special requirements that must be fulfilled before they can be run. Below is a list of those requirements for each specific test or test category. Please pay close attention as failure to do so may result in unexpected failures.

LLTD Responder Verification Tests

All LLTD tests start with the prefix "LLD2". In order to schedule more than one of these tests at a time you will need to put one of the LAN machines into manual mode. Failure to do so will cause test failures! When you are done running the LLTD tests, ensure that you reset the machine state back to ready mode so that the other test sets may use both LAN machines. Another thing that should be noted is that the test "LLD2 Verification Tests - Performance and Reliability" may take up to 24 hours to complete. Therefore, you will want to schedule this test accordingly.

These tests rely on the IGD's MAC address to be properly set in the setup job for each machine. A common mistake, especially if testing more than one device, is to not have the proper MAC address set for the either LAN1 or LAN2.

WCN Tests

All WCN tests start with prefix "WCN". The automated tests can be run at any order; the only requirement is that they should be scheduled one at a time.

Before running the tests, make sure the device is plugged in and it is in 'configurable state'. All of the tests try to configure the device. If the device does not support being configured when it is already configured, then the router will need to be reset to a 'configurable state' before running a test.

The WCN Tests uses the UPnP protocol as the underlying transport to configure the device, so make sure the firewall doesn't block UPnP traffic (firewall can be disabled from "Control Panel") and SSDP service is not disabled (or stopped).

All the jobs require the routers BSSID and WPS PIN. The wireless network BSSID is usually the MAC address of the Wireless Interface. Available wireless network BSSIDs can be viewed by executing the netsh command "netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid" on the LAN1 machine. Static WPS pins should be 8 digits and Dynamic WPS pins should be 8 or 4 digits.

There should be no wireless profiles on the LAN machines and the machines should not be associated with any wireless networks, before starting the WCN Wireless Tests. You may see a pop-up on the machine saying the computer could not connect to a particular network. This is expected, so please ignore the pop-up.

WCN Display WPS Pin Test:

The following test verifies that a Wireless AP Properly displays the WPS Pin. When the test is executed you will see the window below on one of the LAN computers. Select Pass or Fail accordingly.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN

  • WCN UPnP Verify the router is able to display the WPS Pin

WCN UPnP PIN Based Configuration and Connect Tests:

The following tests verifies that a Wireless AP is able to be configured using WPS over UPnP framework, accept a wireless connection, and queried for wireless settings using WPS over EAP. The test acting as the registrar will initiate an UPnP WPS configuration session with the AP using PIN for authentication. The test will comply with the WPS Protocol and confirm the AP is also using all required attributes in its messages. During the configuration session, the test will configure the AP to use a specific set of wireless settings. After completing the UPnP WPS configuration session, the test will wait up to 60 seconds for the AP to reboot and apply settings. The test will ensure the AP is properly advertising its state as 'Configured'. The test will confirm the AP is properly implementing the wireless settings, by using the configuration settings to connect to the AP, verify connectivity, and disconnect from the AP. The test will then initiate a Wireless EAP WPS query session with the AP using PIN authentication. The test queries the AP by acting as a WPS Registrar, starting a WPS Session, and sending a NACK after receiving the M7 message from the AP. The test will validate the M7 settings to make sure they are the same settings that were used to configure the router.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WPA PSK TKIP NetworkKey using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WPA PSK TKIP PassPhrase using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WPA PSK AES NetworkKey using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WPA PSK AES PassPhrase using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WPA2 PSK TKIP NetworkKey using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WPA2 PSK TKIP PassPhrase using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WPA2 PSK AES NetworkKey using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WPA2 PSK AES PassPhrase using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with Open None using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WEP 5 ASCII using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WEP 13 ASCII using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WEP 10 HEX using PIN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WEP 26 HEX using PIN

WCN UPnP PIN Based Configuration and Connect Test over Wireless (Preview for 1.5)

The following test verifies that a Wireless AP is able to be configured using WPS over UPnP framework via a wireless connection, accept a wireless connection, and be queried for wireless settings using WPS over EAP. The test acting as the registrar gets the current wireless settings from the AP and connects to the AP with these settings. It then initiates an UPnP WPS configuration session with the AP using PIN for authentication. The test complies with the WPS Protocol and confirms that the AP is also using all required attributes in its messages. During the configuration session, the test configures the AP to use a specific set of wireless settings. After completing the UPnP WPS configuration session, the test waits up to 60 seconds for the AP to reboot and apply settings. The test ensures the AP is properly advertising its state as "Configured." The test confirms the AP is properly implementing the wireless settings by using the new configuration settings to connect to the AP, verify connectivity, and disconnect from the AP. The test then initiates a Wireless EAP WPS query session with the AP using PIN authentication. The test queries the AP by acting as a WPS Registrar, starting a WPS Session, and sending a NACK after receiving the M7 message from the AP. The test validates the M7 settings to make sure they are the same settings that were used to configure the router.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN

  • WCN UPnP Configure And Connect to AP with WPA2 PSK AES PassPhrase using PIN over Wireless

WCN Default AP Configuration Test (Preview for 1.5)

The following test verifies that the default configuration of the AP is set to either Secure/Configured or Unsecured/Not Configured. The purpose of this is to ensure a good user experience with Windows and the AP out-of-the-box. The test requires that the AP be reset to the factory defaults. The test waits for the AP to become visible from the scan list to determine the current security settings. The test then performs a discovery connect to obtain the probe response to determine the configuration state. With this information, the test determines whether the correct attributes are set.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN

  • WCN Default AP Configuration

WCN UPnP Invalid PIN Configuration Tests:

The following tests will try to configure the AP with an incorrect pin. When the first half of the pin is invalid, the test expects to receive a NACK after sending a M4 message. When the second half of the pin is invalid, the test expects to receive a NACK after sending a M6 message. The error in the NACK should be properly set to Password Auth Failure 0x12.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN

  • WCN UPnP Configure with first half of the PIN incorrect

  • WCN UPnP Configure with second half of the PIN incorrect

WCN Wireless Tests

All WCN tests start with prefix "WCN Wireless". The automated tests can be run at any order; the only requirement is that they should be scheduled one at a time.

Before running the tests, make sure the device is plugged in and it is in 'configurable state'. All of the tests try to configure the device. If the device does not support being configured when it is already configured, then the router will need to be reset to a 'configurable state' before running a test.

The WCN Tests uses the UPnP protocol as the underlying transport to configure the device, so make sure the firewall doesn't block UPnP traffic (firewall can be disabled from "Control Panel") and SSDP service is not disabled (or stopped).

All the jobs require the routers BSSID and WPS PIN. The wireless network BSSID is usually the MAC address of the Wireless Interface. Available wireless network BSSIDs can be viewed by executing the netsh command "netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid" on the LAN1 machine. Static WPS pins should be 8 digits and Dynamic WPS pins should be 8 or 4 digits.

There should be no wireless profiles on the LAN machines and the machines should not be associated with any wireless networks, before starting the WCN Wireless Tests. You may see a pop-up on the machine saying the computer could not connect to a particular network. This is expected, so please ignore the pop-up.

WCN Verify Router has a WPS Pushbutton Test:

The following test verifies that the Wireless AP has a WPS Pushbutton physically on the machine. When the test is executed you will see the window below on one of the LAN computers. Select Pass or Fail accordingly.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN

  • WCN Wireless Verify the router has a WPS Pushbutton

PIN Based Registrar Configuration and Query Tests:

The following tests verify that a Wireless AP is compatible with the way Microsoft's WCN component configures and queries an AP's Wireless Settings using the WPS protocol. The test acting as the registrar will initiate a Wireless EAP WPS configuration session with the AP under test using PIN for authentication. The test will comply with the WPS Protocol and confirm the AP is also using all required attributes in its messages. During the configuration session, the test will configure the AP under test to use a specific set of wireless settings. After completing the Wireless EAP in-band WPS configuration session, the test will wait up to 60 seconds for the AP under test to reboot and apply settings. To confirm the AP under test is properly implementing the wireless settings, the test will use a wireless profile to connect to the AP under test, verify connectivity, and disconnect from the AP under test. The test will then initiate a Wireless EAP WPS query session with the AP under test using a PIN for authentication. After the test receives the M7 message from the AP under Test, the test will reply with a NACK message to terminate the WPS session. The test will analyze the settings contained in the M7 message to confirm the AP is properly configured from the first WPS configuration session and is properly advertising it's settings through the WPS protocol.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN Wireless

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WPA PSK TKIP NetworkKey using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WPA PSK TKIP PassPhrase using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WPA PSK AES NetworkKey using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WPA PSK AES PassPhrase using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WPA2 PSK TKIP NetworkKey using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WPA2 PSK TKIP PassPhrase using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WPA2 PSK AES NetworkKey using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WPA2 PSK AES PassPhrase using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with Open None using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WEP 5 ASCII using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WEP 13 ASCII using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WEP 10 HEX using PIN

  • WCN Wireless Configure And Connect to AP with WEP 26 HEX using PIN

Missing Attribute Tests:

The following tests verify that a Wireless AP correctly handles receiving a Wireless EAP WPS message that is missing a required attribute. The test expects the Wireless AP to fail the WPS session and respond with a NACK message upon receiving the message with a missing required attribute.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN Wireless

  • WCN Wireless Missing Attribute M2 Registrar Nonce

  • WCN Wireless Missing Attribute M4 MessageType

  • WCN Wireless Missing Attribute M6 EncryptedSettings

  • WCN Wireless Missing Attribute M8 Authenticator

Optional Attribute Test:

The following test verifies that a Wireless AP correctly handles receiving a Wireless EAP WPS message that contains an optional attribute. The test expects the Wireless AP to correctly process the optional attribute and continue the WPS session. When running the tests where the test acts as an enrollee, the test will ask you to push the WPS Button on the AP and press 'Enter' to continue.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN Wireless

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M2 Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M4 Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M4 Encrypted Settings Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M6 Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M6 Encrypted Settings Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M8 Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M8 Encrypted Settings Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M1 Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M3 Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M5 Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M5 Encrypted Settings Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M7 Vendor Extension

  • WCN Wireless Optional Attribute M7 Encrypted Settings Vendor Extension

Proxy Test:

The following test verifies that a Wireless AP is capable of proxying Wireless EAP WPS messages to Ethernet UPnP framework and vice versa. A router with this functionality allows a Microsoft WCN capable computer connected to the Wireless AP via Ethernet to act as a WPS registrar. The test will act as a WPS registrar on the Ethernet side of the router and a WPS enrollee on the Wireless EAP side of the router. The test will send a WPS M1 message to the AP under test over wireless EAP. The test expects to receive the same WPS M1 message via Ethernet UPnP framework through the AP under test. The test will then send a WPS M2D message over Ethernet UPnP framework to the AP under test. The test expects to receive the same WPS M2D message via Wireless EAP through the AP under test.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN Wireless

  • WCN Wireless M1-M2D Proxy Functionality

Push Button Auth Tests:

The following logo tests verify that a Wireless AP is capable of using push button authentication in a Wireless EAP WPS session. The logo test will act as an enrollee and prompt the user to push the 'WPS Button'. After the user unblocks the logo test by pushing any key, the logo test will establish a Wireless EAP WPS session with the Wireless AP under test using Push Button Authentication (AKA PBC).

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN Wireless

  • WCN Wireless Push Button Auth

Registrar Discovery Test:

The following logo test verifies that a Wireless AP is capable of being discovered through an EAP WPS M1-M2D message exchange. The logo test will act as a registrar and respond to the Wireless AP's M1 request message with a M2D response message. The logo test expects the Wireless AP to respond to the M2D response message with a NACK request message. The logo test will then respond with a NACK response. The Wireless AP should end the EAP session with an EAP-Fail message.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN Wireless

  • WCN Wireless Registrar Discovery

Compare Probe Response and M1 message Test:

The following test will verify that the Probe Response and M1 message are identical.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN Wireless

  • WCN Wireless Compare Probe Response and M1 messages

Selected Registrar Test:

The following test will verify that when SetSelectedRegistrar is invoked on the AP, the ap will have the SetSelectedRegistrar attribute set to 1 in its beacon and probe response message.

Feature Path: $\WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\WCN Wireless

WCN Wireless Selected Registrar Flag

IGD Data Tests

The IGD Data tests verify the routers ability to route UDP and TCP traffic across the WLAN and LAN networks.

Test: IGD Data Connection Test (Verify UPnP IGD is enabled)

Test adds port mapping to router using UPnP interface and then verifies port mapping by sending traffic from WAN machine to LAN machine. Test fails if router does not properly implement UPnP port mapping interface.

Test: IGD Data Connection Test (Verify IGD type is cone or restricted)

Test determines router's NAT Type. Test passes if NAT type is cone or restricted. Test fails if NAT type is symmetric.

Test: IGD Data Connection Test (Verify ECN does not trigger router reboot)

Test establishes TCP connection through router with Explicit Congestion Notification enabled (ECN). Test fails if connection is not established.

Test: IGD Data Transmission Test Udp Test

Test streams UDP data through the router for 8 minutes. Test fails if more than 4 packets are dropped.

Test: IGD Data Transmission Test for Windows Scaling

Test performs TCP Windows Scaling checks between a LAN machine and WAN machine. The test sets the LAN machine's scaling factor to 8, sets the WAN machine's scaling factor to 3, and restricts auto-tuning. The test fails if TCP connections and data transfers are not properly executed between the two machines.

Test: IGD Data Transmission Test for ECN streaming

Test sends and receives data over TCP through router with Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) enabled. Test fails if data is not properly transmitted and received.

IPv6 Tests

The IPv6 tests verify whether the router supports the IPv6 protocol.

Test: IPv6 Logo Test (Verify 6to4 data transmission)

Test verifies whether the TCP connection can be established from a v6 address assigned by a 6to4 router. Test fails if connection cannot be established.

Test: IPv6 Logo Test (Verify 6to4 is supported)

Test verifies a 6to4 address can be obtained from the router. Test fails if address cannot be obtained.

Test: IPv6 Logo Test (Verify IGD loopback is supported)

Test sends a UDP packet from one internal IP address to another internal IP address and verifies whether the loopback traffic is forwarded back. This feature is needed for Teredo to function in a double NAT scenario.

Test: IPv6 Logo Test (DHCPv6 Support)

Test verifies router supports DHCPv6 by examining the local configuration of a client.

QOS Test

The QOS test name is QOSRouterLogo (LMS), select that test and right click to show edit parameters and update the REMOTEPCADDRESS to the IP address of the DTM interface of the WAN machine. And follow the rest of the instructions above.

IGD byte counters tests

These tests can be identified by the presence of "TotalBytesSent" or "TotalBytesReceived" in their names. The tests should be run one at a time. Although the sequence is not important it is recommended that the Basic logo tests are ran first.

Important manual steps to perform before running the tests: Before running the tests, please perform the following on each LAN-side machine. This is required to make sure that the LAN-side machines can resolve the correct IP address of the WAN machine.

Necessary conditions to run the tests: Please make sure the following conditions are met before running the IGD byte counter tests:

  1. The user logged on to the console of the machines has administrator privileges

  2. UPnP framework is enabled on the IGD

WiFi performance test

Before running a particular WiFi performance job with a specific wireless configuration (SSID, PHY setting, security settings) one has to setup the tested device properly before the test is started. Because the tests cover different wireless settings it's not possible to schedule all WiFi performance jobs at once. It is possible though to group these jobs based on the given wireless configuration.

It's generally good idea to validate connectivity for a given wireless configuration before the test is started. It means applying a given wireless profile at a machine (L1 or L2) and try if you're able to connect using this profile. The used wireless profiles are stored in \\<your DTM controller>\Tests\x86fre\nttest\NetTest\wireless\apcert\profiles. In order to simplify settings the following tables summarize the expected wireless configuration and respective profiles for every test.

Test Case SSID PHY Wireless Security Security Key


















































































For the Windows 7 Logo, there are only two available wireless performance tests. Both use the SSID WIN7_LOGO and the pass phrase "Nativewifi". It should also be noted that the Windows 7 wireless performance tests MUST be conducted over open air and not in a shielded room. Details are in the following table.

Test Case SSID PHY Wireless Security Security Key

Sustained Throughput-802.11G_WPA2-PSK





Sustained Throughput-802.11N_WPA2-PSK






Test case and Wireless Profile mapping table

Test Case SSID

































Sustained Throughput-802.11G_WPA2-PSK


Sustained Throughput-802.11N_WPA2-PSK



Appendix A - Troubleshooting logo test issues

This tip will help you in testing the ability of machine sending higher bit rates using Ethernet connection (i.e. validates the machine)

Ethernet Test:

  1. Setup the hardware as shown below with only Ethernet connection

  2. Assign the IP address to Machine S.

    For Example:

  3. Assign the IP address to Machine C.

    For Example:

  4. Open a command prompt and run Stats tool on Machine C with following parameters:

    stats.exe -z DISCARD -i 20 -x 50 -y 30 -r 20000000 -c 3600 -l -h -u

  5. Open the MS command prompt and run Stats tool at the Machine S with following parameters:

    stats.exe -d -r 20000000 -c 4200 -l -h -u

  6. Observe the output of Step 4 and Step 5.


If the output of either Step 4 or Step 5 shows any failures then your machines cannot make bit rates using wireless adapters.

Appendix B - How to add wireless profile manually

Wireless profile can be added using following command:

netsh wlan add profile filename=<xmlfilename> i=*

For Example: To add the 802_11a_wpa-psk.xml wireless profile:

  1. Click Start, click Run, and enter cmd.exe.

  2. Type netsh wlan add profile filename=802_11a_wpa-psk.xml i=*

  3. Click OK.


Make sure that Wireless Profile XML file exists in the current directory or specify the full path.



Build date: 9/14/2012