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Using a Logical Machine Set in a Job

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

If you have a test that requires more than one computer, and the computers play different roles in the test, you can add Logical Machine Sets (LMSes) to your job to specify the required computers. Each LMS defines constraints that restrict the computers to be used in each role and specifies the number of required computers. For example, if your test requires one computer to run the server-side component of the test, and three computers to run the client-side component of the test, you would create a job with two LMSes. The first LMS would include constraints that the computer in the server role must meet. The second LMS would include constraints that the computers in the client role must meet. In addition, the second context would specify that three computers that match the constraints in this context are required.

When you define an LMS, you supply a name for each context in the LMS. To continue the previous example, you might name the context for the server computer "server", and you might name the context for the client computers "client". When you add tasks to the job, you specify which context's computers to run the task on. In this example, you would assign the task that runs the server-side component of the test to the server context. You would assign the task that runs the client-side component of the test to the client context.

DTM automatically defines variables with the same names as the LMSes. These variables are useful when the computers in different roles of the same job need to know the names of the computers in other roles of the job. Continuing the previous example, if each client needed to know the name of its server, in the command line of the task that runs the client-side part of the test, you would pass the DTM variable [server] as a command-line parameter. If there is more than one computer in the same role, the variable for that context evaluates to a comma-delimited list of the names of the computers, with no spaces between the list items. To continue the example, if DTM assigned the computers test01, test04, and test17 to be part of the client context, [client] would evaluate to the string "test01,test04,test17".

For more information about LMSes and additional ways to restrict the client computers that a job can execute on, see Specifying Which Computers a Job Can Run On. To specify complex dependencies between the tasks, see Executing Tasks in a Custom Order.

To specify an LMS for a job

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

  1. Create or edit a job.

  2. On the LMS tab in the bottom pane of the New Job window, select Multi Machine Job--Job requires multiple machines to execute , and then click Add.

  3. In the Add Job LMS Details dialog box, type a name for the LMS. DTM will create a variable with this name, so choose a name that is meaningful.

  4. If you need more than one client computer in this LMS, enter the minimum and maximum number of computers in the Minimum and Maximum fields. If this LMS should contain just one computer, type "1" for both Minimum and Maximum.

  5. If you want the computers in this LMS to use your constraints and the constraints that you specified for the job as a whole, if any, then select Inherit constraints from Job. If you do not want the constraints from the job as a whole to apply to this LMS, clear the Inherit constraints from Job check box. If this is the primary LMS, it must inherit constraints from the job.

  6. If you want the client computer or computers in this LMS to have specific characteristics, complete the following procedure to add constraints to the LMS:

    1. In the LMS Constraints area, move the cursor to the Dimension cell in the first empty row, and then select the dimension that you want to compare from the drop-down list.

    2. In the Operator column, select the operator that you want to use to compare the dimension to its value. The list of operators might vary depending on the dimension that you selected:

      • Equals: The value of the dimension is equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Not Equals: The value of the dimension is not equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Less Than: The value of the dimension is less than the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Greater Than: The value of the dimension is greater than the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Less Than or Equal To: The value of the dimension is less than or equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Greater Than or Equal To: The value of the dimension is greater than or equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Contains: The value of the dimension contains the string that you specify in the constraint.

      • Not Contains: The value of the dimension does not contain the string that you specify in the constraint.

      • Within: The value of the dimension is one of the values that you specify in the constraint.

      • Not Within: The value of the dimension is not one of the values that you specify in the constraint.

      • Exists: The dimension is defined on the client computer.

      • Not Exists: The dimension is not defined on the client computer.

    3. In the Value column, enter the value to compare the dimension to.

      Note   If the operator is Within or Not Within, you must select the value from a list. If the operator is Exists or Not Exists, then do not enter a value.

    4. Repeat steps a through d to add additional constraints.

  7. If you selected Inherit constraints from Job, click Show Conflicts to display a report of any conflicts between this LMS and the job as a whole.

  8. Click OK.



Build date: 9/14/2012