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Troubleshooting Mobile Broadband Testing

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The following list describes some common troubleshooting tips for Mobile Broadband testing:

Changes that were made to devices on DTM client computers are not reflected in DTM Studio. For example, the machine is expected to be in the Ready state but it is not.

  1. Open a command prompt window on the client computer, and then run net stop wttsvc.

  2. Run net start wttsvc. This command updates the C:\wtt\JobsWorkingDir\AssetCfg\Log\ directory.

  3. Refresh the Device Console window in DTM Studio. It may take several minutes for the DTM Controller to poll the client computer for changes in its device list.

Computers have not been discovered for the machine pool.

  1. Open the Job Monitor window in DTM Studio.

  2. Click the Show Query Builder button at the top of the screen.

  3. Click the Machine Query tab.

  4. Define search parameters for the targeted computers. Typically, set a single rule such as "DataStore equals 'Controller Name'".

  5. Right-click the rule that was just defined, and then click Execute. An extensive list of computers populates the Machines list below the query fields.

  6. Drag any machines in the Machines list into new machine pool that was created.

Computers do not seem to run jobs that are scheduled for them.

  1. Open the Job Monitor window in DTM Studio.

  2. In the Machine Pool tab, select the machine pool that is expected to be running jobs.

  3. For each computer in that pool, verify that its status is Ready.

  4. If a computer's status is not Ready, right-click the computer, point to Change Status, and then click Reset.

  5. After a few minutes, refresh the screen and the status changes to Ready.

  6. Schedule and start the jobs again.



Build date: 9/14/2012